The lower half of Voidwalker Kassadin, compared to the upper half and head of Voidwalker Kassadin, actually doesn't have much bright spots.

To put it simply, it is very simple, not very complicated.

The electronic pen in hand is constantly moving on the electronic hand-painting board.

In Luo Hao's mind, this is the image of Void Kassadin, which is being drawn with little perfection.

The lower half of Void Walker Kassadin is like a "skirt" as a whole

like clothing.

Of course, it's just a lot like a skirt.

But not a skirt.

Because its entire material is all made of metal.

There are mouth-shaped patterns on it, and the overall color is purple.

Then it was surrounded by silver stripes.

Although the whole looks very simple, it is also very beautiful! Because the overall dressing feeling of the lower half has a strong echo with the dressing feeling of the upper half! Well, the overall feeling of the upper half is like a red flower, and the lower half is like a red flower. wholeness of half

It feels like green leaves! Safflower and green leaves are indispensable! Without green leaves, the beauty of safflower will naturally not show! So the existence of this lower half is ordinary and not simple! Luo Hao thinks, it is also a void walker A finishing touch to Kassadin's overall image! No, indeed, there is nothing wrong with what Luo Hao thinks now! When the lower half of Void Walker Kassadin has been drawn by Luo Hao.

When players have seen the lower half of Void Walker Kassadin.

They didn't look disappointed, and they didn't look ugly at all.

On the contrary, they are still all excited, and they are still getting more and more excited! Because with the appearance of the lower half of Void Walker Kassadin, the image of the entire Void Walker Kassadin has been improved to a higher level! Greenleaf, the overall image of Void Walker Kassadin, officially appeared in front of the players.

Luo Hao's live broadcast room is once again! Thorough! A sensation! Especially when the overall image of Void Walker Kassadin has officially appeared.

Originally, there were many players who were not interested in the image of Void Walker Kassadin.

The more they looked at it, the more they felt that this new hero is still very good! Yes, radishes and vegetables have their own love! Luo Hao has long known about this kind of thing! The image of a hero is naturally impossible to make [-]% All the players like it! At least [-]%% of the players will be unhappy with the image of this hero.

This is normal! Even immortals can't satisfy everyone's appetite at one time. For this, Luo Hao doesn't care, as long as most players like this... hero is fine! But now It's different! Here, the image of Voidwalker Kassadin is fully revealed! In addition, many players who are not interested in Voidwalker Kassadin have also begun to join the shouting lineup! Because they look at it like this, they can't help but feel , The new hero is really good! At this moment, Luo Hao still doesn't know.

Voidwalker Kassadin, this... new hero, his appearance is already called 999% of the players, and he likes it! "Father of heroes Luo Hao Da Shen Niu Beer! Ask for the name of the new hero. , I have already asked [-]+!"

"It really deserves to be my God Luo Hao. Now this hero is designed so handsomely that I can't help but want to shout!"

"Road to fan! Lu to fan! Just now, I really have no interest in this hero, but now with Luo Hao finished painting, I realize that I was wrong!"

"Explosive hero! The new hero of God Luo Hao, I think it must be a proper explosive hero!"

"The hostility of the guardian of time, Kieran, I have to say, it's really interesting. I don't know what it will be."

After the image of Voidwalker Kassadin was released, the discussion among players couldn't stop! Now for this... new hero Voidwalker Kassadin, they were praising his image.

Inevitably, they are also curious about a few other things!

1309 Draw a new hero image, the final touch!

1310 It's too hard, I'm really too hard!

The drawing action is still smooth and smooth! Luo Hao, who has superb drawing skills, does not procrastinate at all! It can be seen that Luo Hao is now immersed in his own creation! Exclusive lines, after they have been written.

Next, Luo Hao immediately.

The first to draw the weapon of Void Walker Kassadin directly! Void Walker Kassadin's weapon is actually very special! You can see that this Void Walker Kassadin's weapon is placed on Kassadin. On the arm! The overall feeling is a bit similar to the arm sword! The overall shape is very cool, and at the same time it looks very ferocious! Then, the entire arm sword is all dark purple! At the same time, the arm sword The outside of it is bright purple! Well, with Luo Hao adding the color of this arm sword.

Many players, their eyes slowly brightened.

I have to say, this arm sword weapon of Void Walker Kassadin at this moment.

It is a perfect match with the... hero of Void Walker Kassadin! It can be said that it needs to be equipped with more matching, very dark and cool style of the void! Black horn mask! Blue and green Skin! Ferocious pointed armor, and gauntlets.

Add this razor-sharp long sword intertwined with deep purple and bright purple.

Perfect! At this moment, this... Voidwalker Kassadin, wearing ferocious armor, wearing a horn mask, and holding a purple void sword.

He has successfully made all players love it! This Kassadin with various styles is really very beautiful! He still has a very different feeling from every hero created by Luo Hao! The current Void Walker Kassadin, he even has a mysterious sense of the void! Dark, deep, void, mysterious, ferocious, sharp! After the Void Walker Kassadin's Void Sword has appeared, all players.

For the Void Walker Kassadin...the new hero, there are a lot of words to describe it again! Of course, there are more players now, and they can't help but cheer! After all, with the Void Walker Kassadin's After the whole appearance is truly and completely disclosed.

Players feel that they can give the image of Voidwalker Kassadin a [-]%! That's right! Full marks! Players who have the form of Voidwalker Kassadin really like it very much! Especially with this style of image The hero, he is the first ho designed out.

So, the current players are all crazy! "I'm going! The new hero with the weapon, I really like to explode!"

"God Luo Hao! I want to buy this new hero! He is so perfect!"

"The design talent of Luo Hao, the hero of the dark void and sharp wind, I really can't describe it in words!"

"The brain hole of the father of heroes, Luo Hao, I really kneeled, this hero is so cool!"

"As a student majoring in hero design, I cried, when will I be able to meet Luo Hao?


Staring at the screen in front of him, staring at Luo Hao's live broadcast room.

All the players can't help but express their feelings! The appearance of the Void Walker Kassadin's weapon, that is, the Void Sword, has added a bit of magnificence to Kassadin again! This is not an exaggeration! Although it may be possible Look, Voidwalker Kassadin just has an extra weapon! If you think so, then you are very wrong! Now the Voidwalker Kassadin's Void Sword, its appearance is undoubtedly like a The finishing touch! Now that Kassadin the Void Walker, his overall image may be ninety-nine points.

But now that there is a Voidwalker Kassadin, then Voidwalker Kassadin is a perfect one! Because the Voidwalker is also a part of Voidwalker Kassadin! So, when this Voidwalker Kassadin is missing, Now after being drawn by Luo Hao.

Then the complete Void Walker Kassadin will naturally make the players look more pleasing to the eye! Well, the appearance of all the players is not exaggerated at all! After the Void Sword was drawn by Luo Hao, they I really like Voidwalker Kassadin even more! Of course, at this moment, ordinary players are already extremely excited and are cheering the appearance of Voidwalker Kassadin.

Nowadays, many professional hero designers can't help but want to cry! Autism! Inferiority! Incomprehensible! The entire hero design circle, with the appearance of Voidwalker Kassadin, can't help but shake again! God Luo Hao, the father of this hero, is he a devil? In a short period of time, he has created a brand new hero after Kieran, the guardian of time! And, you said that you have created another hero! A brand new hero, that's fine! But it is so perfect that the creation is so perfect! And the creation is so impeccable! At the same time, many hero designers can also watch it come out.

This... brand-new hero, he has a very unique style! That is to say, this... brand-new hero, he is not a hero who was created by Luo Hao's nesting doll! Terrible! This is for countless hero designers , is undoubtedly a very scary thing! Many of them are sitting in front of the computer, staring at the image of the Void Walker Kassadin in front of them. They have studied hard for an unknown amount of time, and they have studied hard for an unknown number of months of heroes.

Now it has been created by the father of heroes, one after another, in a series of direct styles! The number of heroes created by others in just half a year may be more than the heroes they have created in a lifetime! This has to say, it really makes them I want to cry! It’s so hard! I’m so hard! Hero design, why is it so hard! Holding your head in your hands, all hero designers.

Luo Hao has been completely stimulated, and I want to vomit blood!

1311 What an amazing, cool skill!

At the same time, the players were even more frantic.

Just when all the hero designers couldn't help but cry.

Luo Hao, who had finished drawing the Sword of the Void, still did not stop the electronic pen.

The drawing of Voidwalker Kassadin is not over yet! Here, after drawing the Voidwalker Kassadin's weapon, the Void Sword.

Luo Hao's next step is to draw, the skill egg of Void Walker Kassadin! Luo Hao can't forget the drawing of this skill egg! Apart from this is the tradition of drawing heroes by himself, this is a way for players to Things to discuss,! So, the skill egg of Voidwalker Kassadin, this Luo Hao must be drawn! Electronic pen strokes! You can see that a circular shape has begun to appear around Voidwalker Kassadin's body. Light mask! This circular mask directly and perfectly covers the Voidwalker Kassadin! The entire mask that covers the Voidwalker Kassadin, its color is also very gorgeous! Its entire light The outer ring of the mask is all bright pink! Then the inner ring of the mask is dark purple! Now this bright pink and dark purple mask, it and the Voidwalker Kassadin in it, have a very different feeling. The harmony! And, with the addition of a Voidwalker Kassadin with such a mask, he has become more cool and handsome! Not only that! It's not over yet! With Luo Hao here, he will make this gorgeous After the mask was drawn, the electronic pen also swiped to the front again! Now you can see again, a sphere of 1 light has actually begun to appear in front of Kassadin the Void Walker! The color of this sphere of light matches the mask, It's exactly the same! The light shrouded in the outer ring of the sphere of light is bright pink.

And the entire body of the light sphere is deep purple! At the same time, inside this deep purple light sphere, there are actually white light spots flickering, like a mysterious starry sky.

Looking at it doesn't have a special taste! It looks very special, and it makes people feel that it has a special mood! Yes, Voidwalker Kassadin is handsome! After all are drawn.

All the players have been fascinated by the appearance of Kassadin, the Void Walker! The black special horn mask, the whole body blue-green leather, and the ferocious pointed armor on the upper body.

And that purple Void Sword is now Void Walker Kassadin, it is adding a bright pink dark purple mask, and a purple light ball that is as gorgeous as Void.

Well, this kind of feeling, has begun to be unable to describe in words! Handsome, completely handsome! This deep and dark feeling of void, combined with various other ferocious styles mixed and matched, finally designed the hero .

The image of Void Walker Kassadin is completely engraved in the hearts of every player! "The new hero is so handsome! I can't help but want to play! Long live the father of heroes, Luo Hao. ! Long live the new hero!"

"Now this mask and ball of light are the skill easter eggs of the new hero, so amazing and cool skills!"

"It doesn't matter how handsome the new hero looks, now even the new hero's skills are so handsome?"

"Yes, yes! Now this skill can be so beautiful, I'm looking forward to Luo Hao's new hero more and more!"

"The new hero of God Luo Hao is really very Void, and it fits the theme of Void Hero!"

"I was moved, I never thought that in my lifetime, I could see God Luo Hao again, creating such a cool hero!"

Yes, the current Luo Hao did not guess wrong! When the skill easter egg of Voidwalker Kassadin was drawn by him, all the players discussed more things! At the same time, with the skills of Voidwalker Kassadin Easter eggs have already started to be released by Luo Hao.

All players are more curious about the skills of Void Walker Kassadin! Now what are the skills of Void Walker Kassadin? Every player is really very curious! And, now Void Walker Kassadin's skills, what kind of effects they will have.

It is indeed worthy of players, very, very curious! This will be kung fu, and the topic of discussion from players on the whole network has begun to become more and more! Especially about the skill setting of Void Walker Kassadin, it accounts for more and more More than half of it! Many players have their brains wide open, constantly fantasizing more and more: guessing! Well, at this moment, the skill settings of Voidwalker Kassadin, players guess what There are all kinds, almost including all kinds of things! Rao is Luo Hao, and he may not help shaking his head and smiling again! The players' brains are really big enough! It's not long, as the players are still discussing, As the players are still clamoring for it.

Now Luo Hao's side, after drawing all the details of the entire Void Walker Kassadin's image, he has put down the electronic pen in his hand.

Everything! Luo Hao's new hero, Void Walker Kassadin.

His overall electronic drawing image draft has been officially completed! Just take a look at the current Void Walker Kassadin, he is still very good! He is inside a gorgeous mask, wearing a black mask on his face, holding The sword of the void, the Voidwalker Kassadin in ferocious armor.

Luo Hao felt that he could give Voidwalker Kassadin [-]%! The appearance is very cool and handsome, and Luo Hao is very satisfied! And this is a skill, when the image of Voidwalker Kassadin is finished, Luo Hao's Then he looked back at the live broadcast room in front of him.

After he glanced at the player's bullet screen, he immediately said with a smile: "Okay everyone, now I have finished drawing the appearance of the new hero!"

"This... the brand new hero I'm going to release."

"Now, I call him: Voidwalker Kassadin!"

1312 Awesome my brother!

All shake!!! When the image of Void Walker Kassadin is completely drawn.

When Void Walker Kassadin's name was completely revealed by Luo Hao.

These over [-] million players have already started screaming in an instant! "I'll go, it turns out that the new hero's name is Void Walker Kassadin, which sounds too good!"

"God Luo Hao not only designed heroes and geniuses, but the name is also very nice!"

"Amazing my brother, I've bought the new hero Voidwalker Kassadin!"

"Everyone, let me explain here that now Void Walker Kassadin is my natal hero!"

"After asking for so long, I finally know that the new hero is called Void Walker Kassadin. It's okay, I like it very much!"

All the players are very, very satisfied with Luo Hao's new hero Voidwalker Kassadin! Aiwu and Wu! Now with Luo Hao revealing the name of Voidwalker Kassadin, the players think it sounds very nice! They feel "Voidwalker Kassadin"

This name matches his current image very well! In this way, the current players are already in love with Void Walker Kassadin! At the same time, it can be seen that the popularity of Luo Hao's live broadcast room has passed through time. More and more! This time, Luo Hao just drew an image of the Void Walker Kassadin, and his popularity is as high as: more than 4 million! And the popularity traffic of these 4 million, it is still It's not the end! Yes, although Luo Hao's live broadcast room has reached 4 million people, it is not saturated at all! It can be seen that the current popularity flow is still growing wildly! Just now Still [-] million [-], now it has become [-] million [-]! And then, before blinking an eye, it has become [-] million [-]! When the image of Void Walker Kassadin was revealed ,Easy to find.

Now the popularity of Luo Hao's live broadcast room has begun to skyrocket again! Almost... In a short while, Luo Hao's live broadcast room popularity will officially exceed [-] million! Terrible! Very terrible! Luo Hao's live broadcast The popularity of the live broadcast room has completely reached a level that makes people stunned! Here, in the entire live broadcast platform company, after seeing Luo Hao's live broadcast room popularity, it has already been so high.

They couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief! Fortunately, their own boss had already prepared! Fortunately, their own boss just went to rent a lot of equipment! Otherwise, it would be with such popularity.

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