They know that they are busy today! Of course, the person who is most worthy of relief at the moment is the owner of this live broadcast platform company! Yes, sitting in the office, this name is really unbearable. Breath! Although I have prepared enough, but fortunately I have just rented a lot of servers! Well, according to the current situation, as the employees of the entire live broadcast platform company thought.

If it goes on like this,

It is very likely that even if he had already prepared, it would not be enough! In this way, this will be hard work, this name knows that the work he has just been busy with is all correct! At the same time, now he is finally at ease. After all, he just spent all his blood and rented all the servers he could rent! Now, let alone Luo Hao's live broadcast room popularity is [-] million, even if it is [-] billion, he can still support it Stop it! There is no way! As far as the popularity of Luo Hao is concerned, as for the hot existence of Luo Hao, if the current name is not paid for.

It is very likely that his live broadcast platform will collapse! The popularity is still growing! The popularity is still soaring! In just a short while, the popularity of Luo Hao's live broadcast room is now [-] million! Then , the number was still beating continuously, and it became [-] million in the blink of an eye! Then, the number of [-] million did not show any signs of stopping! [-] million!!! Now, Luo Hao has been live broadcast since he started. So far, it's only an hour's work.

His popularity in the live broadcast room has officially exceeded [-] million! How terrifying this is, how shocking this is! Invisibly, today's Luo Hao has created a miracle again! In less than an hour When the broadcast started, it actually gained [-] million popular traffic! Well, if everyone hadn't seen this with their own eyes, no one might believe it! At this moment, countless players are screaming in shock at the Void Walker Kassadin. When... a new hero.

Countless people of them are also shocked by the popularity of Luo Hao's live broadcast room! Now this is not an exaggeration by the players! It is the popularity, but the record, which is really enough to be a sensation in the world! You know, this parallel In the world, all popular traffic is real, and there is no falsehood! There will be no popularity plug-ins, no robot hang-ups, or any other "protocol numbers"

wait wait wait.

The popularity of this parallel world is all a little bit of popularity, representing a real person! So, this means that Luo Hao's current live broadcast has a full [-] million people watching it! Less than one Within hours, Luo Hao's live broadcast alone attracted [-] million people to watch.

Well, isn't this scary! Isn't this worthy of everyone's sensation! Obviously, it's worth it! At the same time, it's worth all the players' exaggeration! Because today, in Luo Hao's live broadcast room, they once again saw with their own eyes Witnessed a historic record! This is a super popular record that has never been seen before! As they can see, it has been successfully completed again by Luo Hao today! Sigh, extremely sigh! Every player even feels that it is almost I'm so excited that I can't speak! Especially in the entire live broadcast circle at the moment, with Luo Hao's live broadcast room already reaching such popularity.

It's completely exploded!

1313 is too dreamy, the live broadcast circle is in chaos!

Seeing such a popularity record, the entire live broadcast industry is naturally in complete chaos! All ordinary netizens can know that it is very difficult to achieve such popularity.

Now they, the professional live broadcasters, naturally know more about it! No one can understand the meaning of this popularity better than them now! They are staring at Luo Hao's live broadcast room, and the popularity is as high as: five Twenty million! Well, with Luo Hao's popularity record, all the people in the live broadcast circle think.

Throughout the ages, there may be no one who can break it again! At least thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to break this record again! Yes, it is such confidence! Almost every one All the professionals in the live broadcast circle think like this! The record that Luo Hao has created so far is truly the same as ever, and no one can break it! After all, you must know that before Luo Hao appeared , the highest popularity record in the entire live broadcast industry, but more than 100 million! Yes, that's right, that is the top popularity record in the live broadcast industry, but only more than 100 million! Well, now Luo Hao's popularity in the live broadcast room is a fraction , is enough to break the original popularity record of the live broadcast industry! So the current popularity record of Luo Hao's live broadcast room is really called countless people, can't help but feel too dreamy! Value!] [Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the player's astonishing [-] points of appreciation!] Here, the voice from the system is still echoing in Luo Hao's mind.

After the image and name of Void Walker Kassadin was revealed, Luo Hao's harvest was once again very gratifying! At the same time, sitting in front of the computer, the current Luo Hao, he also saw the popularity of his live broadcast room.

Not bad! The smile on his face is getting more and more prosperous. Now Luo Hao really didn't expect the popularity of the current live broadcast room.

He didn't expect that he just drew a sketch of the image of Void Walker Kassadin.

Now, without knowing it, it has accumulated more than [-] million popularity! I have to say, this is really a surprise for the current Luo Hao! Moreover, this is really a worthy of excitement. What a surprise! As all the players thought, this is a total of more than [-] million popularity! Moreover, this is not the fake popularity of Luo Hao's previous life! Now these more than [-] million popularity, they can all be True! So, that is to say, there are now [-] million players watching their live broadcasts.

Then the appreciation value you will get, will! And, more than [-] million players have come to watch their own.

Now, even if it is Kassadin, the... new hero of Voidwalker, it is difficult for him to not be popular! Yes, now this... new hero Kassadin, witnessed by more than [-] million players, he will not be popular Difficult! Even based on the current situation, Luo Hao is already [-]% sure! The current new hero, Voidwalker Kassadin, is definitely more popular than Time Guardian Kieran! Yes, although the current Time Guardian Kieran, he is Luo Hao's most popular hero! But, now it has changed! After seeing his live broadcast room,

After actually having more than five hundred million in popularity, Luo Hao already knew.

In the future, his most popular hero will be Void Walker Kassadin! This is not a fantasy, nor a delusion, but something that will definitely happen! Because so far, the number of players who are paying attention to him is too many. At the same time, the feedback from players on Void Walker Kassadin is also very, very good! You know, this is just to release the Void Walker Kassadin's appearance draft, players are like this.

In the future, if I reveal the Void Walker Kassadin's skill settings as well.

Then all the players, don't they want to go crazy in an instant? After all, the skill settings of Voidwalker Kassadin are also one of the highlights of this new hero! As a deadly assassin hero, as a late assassin king ! Now the skill settings of Kassadin, the Void Walker, are not for nothing! Whether it is the passive skill Void Stone, or the skill Void Ball, or the skill Void Blade, or the skill Energy Pulse.

Or the ultimate skill Void Walk.

Well, these are the five skills from Void Walker Kassadin, all of them are very powerful! If once their settings are made public, all players will absolutely go crazy for it! Now with the current situation, Luo Hao can already imagine the future, when Voidwalker Kassadin is updated to the game! Tsk tsk, that will definitely be quite spectacular! "Not bad!"

Staring at the live broadcast room in front of him, Luo Hao regained his senses in his thoughts.

The smile on his face did not diminish, Luo Hao nodded secretly in satisfaction.

All the current situation is perfect beyond what Luo Hao thought! If the entire release plan in the future, everything can be so smooth and perfect.

Then this... new hero Voidwalker Kassadin, he will bring himself the appreciation value.

Luo Hao felt that it might be as high as three or four 34 billion! That's right, now Luo Hao, he didn't fool around! If the entire Void Walker Kassadin's release process can go as smoothly as today! Then Voidwalker Kassadin, this new hero, he is very likely to bring himself three or four 34 billion appreciation points! Why does Luo Hao think this is very simple! Because the current Luo Hao has released the Voidwalker card from the public After Sardin's announcement.

Until now, the image and name of Void Walker Kassadin have been revealed.

Well, with just two simple steps, Luo Haoke has received almost one hundred million praises! Yes! It's just a preview message from Kassadin, the Void Walker.

Just a Voidwalker Kassadin's name and image released.

Luo Hao now, he has almost got more than one hundred million praise points! Although Luo Hao now, he has not checked his own praise points, the specific situation.


1314 Incredible hand-created!

1315 The unsurpassed legend!

Yes, now since the new hero [Voidwalker Kassadin].

His image and name have all been made public.

Then Luo Hao, naturally it's time to go to the next surprise! Now time is money, Luo Hao didn't go in a daze too much! "Okay everyone, please don't get too excited."

"Now the image of Void Walker Kassadin, I have finished revealing it."

"Next step, I'm going to the second surprise session!"

After returning to his senses, Luo Hao is now staring at the live broadcast room in front of him.

said with a smile.

All players: "!!!!!"

In the blink of an eye, when Luo Hao started to announce that he was going to the second surprise session.

All the players immediately became more excited! "I'm going! Now Luo Hao is too efficient, and the second surprise session is about to begin!"

"It's awesome! Iron juice! The second surprise session is about to start. I'm looking forward to it now!"

"Hahaha, long live God Luo Hao! I don't know what the second surprise link of Void Walker Kassadin will be."

"Don't make any guesses! Since God Luo Hao said it was a surprise part, then it must not be wrong!"

"I've got the small bench, I'll wait for God Luo Hao, the next surprise!"

The barrage from the players broke out again, constantly floating through the live broadcast room.

Yes, players are very excited and happy that Luo Hao is about to start the second surprise session! After all, as the barrage says, everyone knows that since Luo Hao said it was a surprise session.

Then you don't have to think about it, it must be a surprise! Luo Hao has launched so many times, but as long as he says, what he wants to release is the surprise part.

Then, the next part of Luo Hao's announcement is really enough to be pleasant enough to surprise the players! Not a single deceit, not a single flicker! It is because the players know that since Luo Hao said it was a surprise, it must be a surprise.

So, now Luo Hao said that he was going to do the second surprise session.

The whole live broadcast room started to explode! Following that, Luo Hao's live broadcast room popularity has skyrocketed again! As you can see, the popularity of the live broadcast room was just over [-] million, but now it has officially broken through to [-] million! No Wrong, the popularity of Luo Hao's live broadcast room has soared to more than [-] million! How terrifying this is, how unbelievable it is! The more than [-] million people's popularity just now is enough to say It is a super record that has never been seen before! And now, with the popularity of Luo Hao's live broadcast room, it has reached as high as: after [-] million.

In the entire live broadcast circle, no one speaks anymore! Silence! Very silent! Incomparable silence! Yes, now in the entire live broadcast circle, everyone is frightened! At this moment, they just exclaimed After the completion, Luo Hao's live broadcast room popularity has reached more than [-] million!

And it can be seen that this is still easy, and it has directly broken through to [-] million! Not only that, but everyone in the live broadcast circle can't help but feel astonished that Luo Hao's current popularity in the live broadcast room has broken through to [-] million. billion.

But, but this shit, it still has not reached the saturation of popularity! Yes, the popularity of more than 6 million, it is still still: soaring! It was just 6 million 6 in popularity, and now it has become [-] million [-] popularity! Then, it became [-] million [-] popularity.

Although it is not as fast as the explosion of popularity just now, it is still very terrifying! It can be seen that if this situation continues, all the people in the live broadcast circle will know.

The popularity of [-] million is still not the limit of the popularity of Luo Hao's live broadcast room!!! Hiss! It's terrible, it's terrible! The entire global live broadcast circle can't help but start shaking! The popularity in the live broadcast room is terrifying! What kind of monster is this! How the hell is this done! In just over a short period of time, it can be as high as: with such popularity! Well, now Luo Hao is as popular as , Everyone thinks that they have never dared to think about it even in their dreams! This is no longer a dream or a dream, but something that you dare not even think about! Today, it is something that you dare not even think about It was actually completed by Luo Hao! Legend! Well, let's not talk about other records and miracles created by Luo Hao! Just the popularity record in this live broadcast room today is enough to prove that Luo Hao is really a genius. A legend! An unsurpassed legend! A legend enough to be remembered for a lifetime! A legend enough to be circulated for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years! The dazzling popularity is still there: skyrocketing, the amazement is still non-stop! For the current popularity of the live broadcast room , Luo Hao, who was sitting in front of the computer, naturally saw it very clearly! Laughing, Luo Hao didn't sigh too much about the current popularity.

Because not long ago, Luo Hao had already imagined it.

After all, it is increasing at that pace. It is easy to break through more than [-] million in popularity. At the same time, Luo Hao now knows that if there is no mistake today, he is very likely to break through to [-] million in popularity! Yes! If everything is correct, it is very likely that the popularity of the live broadcast room will really exceed [-] million! This is a bit awesome! The real popularity traffic of [-] million! If this can really break through, Luo Hao He felt that it was unimaginable how much praise he would get.

If three, four, 34 billion, four or five, and 45 billion can really break through to [-] million in popularity, then Luo Hao feels that he has said too little about the amount of appreciation! Luo Hao is confident, if his own live broadcast room is today , really broke through to [-] million words.

Then the praise value that can be obtained is definitely much more than what I expected! Haha, yes! At this point, Luo Hao's smile couldn't help but be even better.

So next, let the second surprise link officially open!

1316 What an unimaginable surprise!

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense."

"Next, the second surprise session I'm going to do is actually very simple."

"It is, it is"

When Luo Hao said this, he deliberately dragged a long tone.

Well, it's as if he was deliberately selling Guanzi, and he didn't immediately disclose the content of this surprise! "Eh, God Luo Hao, you just said it right now. I feel very uncomfortable right now!"

"So, now, what is the content of the second surprise session?"

"Wuwuwu, God Luo Hao, can you stop dragging me, I'm crying all over!"

"What exactly is the content of the second surprise session, God Luo Hao, you can say it!"

"Come, come, God Luo Hao's routine is coming again, the longest road I have traveled is the routine of God Luo Hao!"

It's uncomfortable! It's a bit uncomfortable! At this time, after Luo Hao deliberately stopped for a while, many players expressed very uncomfortable! After all, they are very interested in the content of this [Second Surprise Session]. Everyone is very curious about Luo Hao, the content of this second surprise session from the very beginning! They really want to know what the content of this second surprise session is! No, with the Luo Hao just made it public, and everyone couldn't help but wait: they are waiting eagerly.

But no one thought that Luo Hao actually made another big joke with them! When Luo Hao was about to talk about the main point, he suddenly stopped and did not immediately disclose the surprise content! In this way, players But it's all uncomfortable! What is the content of the second surprise session? What is the content of the second surprise session? All kinds of puzzles fill the hearts of every player! It's not long. In an apartment, sitting in front of a computer.

This is a lot of work, and as Luo Hao just paused for half a second, he saw that the players were very uncomfortable.

Soon, the wicked smile on Luo Hao's face did not diminish. Seeing that the players couldn't wait any longer, Luo Hao said: "Cough, now I won't continue to sell my business!"

"Next, the content of the second surprise session, it is exactly: I will release the promotional video of Void Walker Kassadin on the spot!"

"Yes, now the promotional video of Voidwalker Kassadin, I have finished it a long time ago!"

"So today I plan to broadcast it publicly in the live room!"

"Well, this is my second surprise today, to be specific!"

Yes, now Luo Hao didn't talk nonsense and came out directly.

The second surprise part, Luo Hao had already said a long time ago.

That is the promotional video for the release of the new hero [Voidwalker Kassadin].

Well, the reason why I chose to complete the promotional video of Void Walker Kassadin early.

In fact, it was for Luo Hao that it was broadcast publicly in the live broadcast room today.

Luo Hao has not forgotten today's theme.

Today's theme is precisely to promote the new hero Voidwalker Kassadin

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