
Therefore, Luo Hao, his second surprise session, naturally cannot be other content! Now, this Void Walker Kassadin's promotional video, but Luo Hao must be broadcast publicly! After all, his own live broadcast room is popular now , but it's already as high as: hundreds of millions! With hundreds of millions of popularity, if Luo Hao doesn't take this perfect opportunity to promote the new hero.

Isn't that very sorry, it is a very rare opportunity to have such a hot popularity at present.

Luo Hao naturally wants to spare no effort now to promote the Void Walker Kassadin! Of course, Luo Hao has officially released the content of the second surprise session.

At this moment, all the players, the hundreds of millions of players, were immediately extremely excited! They didn't expect, now, the content of Luo Hao's second surprise session.

It's actually this! The content of Luo Hao's second surprise session is actually to publicly broadcast the promotional video of [Void Walker Kassadin]! Well, I have to say, the surprise is really too sudden now! And, now I have to say, this is really for all the players, never expected it! They really never expected that Luo Hao's next surprise was to publicly broadcast the Void Walker Kassadin. Promotional video! Not long ago, many players fantasized a lot about the content of Luo Hao's surprise session.

But the only thing is, they really didn't expect it to be this! They really didn't expect that Luo Hao's second surprise session would actually be this! It will be broadcast publicly, Void Walker Casa Ding's promotional video! Unimaginable! What an unimaginable surprise! Now players, they can't help but be completely surprised! Undoubtedly the most exciting! Of course, they are even more shocked! They can't imagine that Luo Hao has already completed the promotional video of the new hero Void Walker Kassadin! Yes, now Luo Hao's efficiency really shocked countless people! Originally, many players felt that Luo Hao just revealed the new hero Void Walker Kassadin today.

Then the promotional video of the new hero Void Walker Kassadin may not be released in a few days. After all, it is not an easy thing to make a promotional video for a new hero.

But now, after hearing what Luo Hao said, all the players knew.

I and others are really thinking too much. Luo Hao is already very defiant. He has already completed the production of the entire new hero promotional video! Well, such efficiency is inevitable now, and it makes countless hero designers even more. want to cry.

You say you are, the design of heroes is very efficient and very fast, so forget it.

Now even the production of the promotional video for the new hero is so fast blinking, and now all kinds of voices have begun to flow in an endless stream! The players are so happy that they are completely beyond words! At this moment, the whole scene has become: Very confusing!

1317 Good things are naturally shared with others!

"Oye! Now the second surprise link is actually the promotional video of Void Walker Kassadin!"

"I can't believe it, now the next surprise session is the promotional video of the new hero, it's so dreamy!"

"God Luo Hao is worthy of being the god of efficiency. The promotional video of Void Walker Kassadin has been made a long time ago."

"To publicly broadcast the promotional video of Void Walker Kassadin, that is to say, now you can see the new hero's skills revealed."

"Originally, I thought that the promotional video of the new hero would take a few days to watch, but I didn't expect to watch it now, it's great!"

Very happy, very excited, joy beyond words! Yes, now for Luo Hao, he will publicly play the promotional video of [Void Walker Kassadin].

All the players, that is really so joyful that they can't help dancing! You must know that what they most want to see now, and what they want to know most, is actually nothing else.

What they want to see, and what they want to know, is the promotional video for the new hero, Voidwalker Kassadin! Well, just as each of them can't help but still: Looking forward, Voidwalker Kassadin's promotional video .

At this moment, Luo Hao suddenly told them that they can now see the promotional video of Void Walker Kassadin! Yes, such a dreamy thing, when it really happened, the players were already very excited! Even if It's the current Luo Hao, and he can't help but be surprised! He really didn't expect that he just released a promotional video for [Void Walker Kassadin].

Players will be so excited, so exaggerated! Obviously, players still love Voidwalker Kassadin very much! Yes, if not very fond of Voidwalker Kassadin.

Now that they heard the promotional video of Voidwalker Kassadin, which will be released publicly, naturally they will not be so excited! This is a very good sign, and this is also a very good momentum! Through the current exaggerated appearance of the players, Luo Hao can already foresee that the Void Walker Kassadin will be very popular in the future! "Let's start now, let's have our second surprise!"

Soon, Luo Hao came back to his senses, he said, but also immediately.

Start clicking the mouse and find a video file directly.

This video file is naturally the promotional video text of [Void Walker Kassadin].

And this time, when he met Luo Hao, he didn't actually deceive them.

When I met Luo Hao, I really wanted to publicly release the promotional video of [Void Walker Kassadin].

All the excited players couldn't help but immediately.

, once again, all kinds of notifications to my friends! There are so many players, it is impossible that [-]% of the players are all watching Luo Hao's live broadcast.

So far, there are still quite a number of players who may be working and busy with other things.

Therefore, there may still be at least [-]% of the family who did not come to watch Luo Hao's live broadcast! But it is different at this moment. The players who are live broadcast will broadcast immediately when they see Luo Hao, Void Walker Casa On the occasion of Ding's promotional video.

All of them started to use various chat softwares one after another, and then frantically went to greet their friends, brothers and relatives! Yes, players of all kinds of good things started to publicize this thing crazily! "Brother! God Luo Hao is going to play the promotional video of the new hero, come and watch!"

"Uh, don't work overtime, hurry up and ask for leave to come out and watch the promotional video of Luo Hao's new hero!"

"Quick, quick! Brother! God Luo Hao has released a new hero promotional video, don't sleep anymore!"

"Major news, don't come again when you can't miss it! Members of the group, haven't watched Luo Hao's live broadcast yet, go check it out soon!"

"Families, now the promotional video of Kassadin, the new hero of God Luo Hao, the Void Walker, will be released soon, watch it now!"

The messy words are flooded in the major chat software! The major groups, private chats, etc., all are almost the same! That is: God Luo Hao wants to broadcast the new hero, Void Walker Kassadin's propaganda The video is up, go and watch it! Yes, now good things are naturally shared with others! Based on this principle, millions, tens of millions, and even over [-] million players are constantly promoting it! And many people who were really busy with various things, when they received the news.

All of them couldn't help being stunned at first, and then followed by various inquiries with unbelievable expressions! Naturally, they didn't believe it! After all, Luo Hao started broadcasting today and wanted to reveal the new hero. They knew it! But They never knew that Luo Hao would be so efficient now.

It's so fresh and unbelievable that the new hero's promotional video will be released in the live broadcast room! Of course, but after they finished asking, they started to open Luo Hao's live broadcast with curiosity. after the time.

They can see that all this is actually true now! Although Luo Hao now, he has not yet opened the promotional video of [Void Walker Kassadin].

But through the dense and non-stop barrage, everyone can also know.

It turns out that today their great god Luo Hao is really going to release a promotional video for the new hero [Void Walker Kassadin]! It can be seen that with Luo Hao's side, the promotion of Void Walker Kassadin will be launched soon During the video.

The popularity of his entire live broadcast room has begun to reach a very scary number! Moreover, the growth of the entire popularity has actually started to get faster and faster, as if suddenly sitting on a rocket! It was just 6 million. It started to become 6 million [-]! Yes, the popularity of the entire live broadcast room has begun to increase in units of [-] million! In less than a few seconds, Luo Hao's live broadcast room popularity will soon be It officially broke through to [-] million! Yes, this increase is not surprising at all! After all, there are hundreds of millions of players who are promoting it, and hundreds of millions of players are calling their friends and brothers in various ways.

The popularity is soaring now, and it is completely normal operation! Of course, you can see that Luo Hao's live broadcast room is now more and more crowded.

It has also become more and more chaotic, and it has become more and more popular! This kind of popularity is completely unprecedented!

1318 Old acquaintance, Void! ?

As Luo Hao points to open, Void Walker Kassadin's promotional video.

The popularity of Luo Hao's live broadcast room is about to exceed [-] million! Now we can see that Luo Hao's live broadcast room has begun to get out of control! Because players are really pouring in too much! Hot, Super popular, unprecedented popularity! There are countless players who are rushing to hear the news at this moment! All of them can't help but want to take a look at the promotional video of Luo Hao's new hero [Void Walker Kassadin]! Well, Many players who came to the live broadcast room later were very curious about Void Walker Kassadin.

Curious about the appearance of Voidwalker Kassadin! Curious about Voidwalker Kassadin's skills! Curious about everything about Voidwalker Kassadin! Well, after all, they were busy with other things just now, so the image of Voidwalker Kassadin, etc. Wait, they didn't see it at all! At this moment, they only know the name of a new hero.

Therefore, it is because of this that the promotional video for Voidwalker Kassadin.

Many players who came in late, and many players who just entered Luo Hao's live broadcast room, are still eager to see it! "I'm going, God Luo Hao, I really want to release the promotional video of Void Walker Kassadin. ”

"Uh, it's actually true, the great God Luo Hao is amazing, I'm looking forward to it!"

"I was busy sorting out the documents just now, and I haven't seen the image of Void Walker Kassadin public. Please, God Luo Hao, hurry up and play the new hero promotional video!"

"Unbelievable! God Luo Hao is really so efficient, and the promotional video of the new hero will be released soon!"

"Great! I can actually see the promotional video of God Luo Hao in seconds. I can't believe it. I thought I was cheated!"

With the continuous influx of players, the number of people in Luo Hao's live broadcast room is also increasing! Basically, after entering Luo Hao's live broadcast room, all the players who came in later said almost the same sentence .

"It turns out that the current God Luo Hao is actually going to release the promotional video of the new hero [Void Walker Kassadin]!"

Yes, I heard the news before I came to Luo Hao's live broadcast room.

Many players who are still busy with other things naturally still don't believe it.

But after entering Luo Hao's live broadcast room, they couldn't help showing excitement on their faces! It turned out that he and others were not deceived, Luo Hao really wanted to release a promotional video for the new hero [Void Walker Kassadin]! And seeing Luo Hao here, he was sitting in front of the computer and saw that his live broadcast room was becoming more and more popular.

Luo Hao smiled here, and the whole person couldn't help but get even more excited.

Yes, this is very good! Now that this is more and more popular, his own Void Sardin can naturally become more and more popular! Today is a good start, Hao believes that Void Walker Kassadin will definitely Get yourself a big surprise! "Okay guys, let's get started now!"

"Voidwalker Kassadin's promotional video was officially broadcast after me!"

Soon, everything is almost the same, and the popularity is also high: a very scary number.

Luo Hao didn't hesitate any more, just immediately.

Double click the mouse.

In the blink of an eye, everyone could see that the entire live broadcast room began to change.

The current screen of the live broadcast room has become the promotional video screen of [Void Walker Kassadin]! The next second, along with the sound of music, it began to spread slowly.

The promotional video of [Void Walker Kassadin] is officially broadcast! The video catches the eye, this is a dark place, very mysterious! Moreover, it is also very depressing now! Because in the current picture, this place is really It's too dark, I can't see my five fingers! And at this moment! The black picture slowly began to appear bright spots of light! One, two, three 3, it has become countless! At this moment, the black surrounding, When countless bright spots of light appeared.

The surroundings that had just been suppressed suddenly became: very beautiful.

Void! This is the endless void! When this screen appears, countless players can instantly discover it.

Here, there should be no doubt about the void! Dark environment, bright spots of light! Such a mysterious combination, isn't it the Void Walker Kassadin's lineup Void Land? Void Walker Kassadin's lineup Void Land.

When Luo Hao released Kieran, the guardian of time, he already had an official announcement and introduction! Therefore, after this picture appeared, all players immediately.

I can't help but think of this place as the land of the void! That's right! Now all the players, their guesses are not wrong! The place in front of me is indeed the place of the void! After the appearance of the Void Land, there are now shadows appearing on it! This shadow is also pitch-black, without the slightest form, which is very strange! Of course, after seeing these shadows appear, all the players But they couldn't help but boil! Because of the black shadows that appeared one after another, they were so familiar that they couldn't be familiar! "Void! Now is this actually a void?"

"Hahaha, it's kind of interesting. I like this kind of linkage. I didn't expect to be able to see the void here!"

"Since there is a void here, then this place seems to be a void place!"

"The Void has appeared, so now the Void Walker Kassadin is... a new hero, I'm a little anxious to see it!"

"Wow, it turned out to be a long-lost Void, hahahaha, I said, why does it look so familiar!"

Yes, the dark shadows appearing on the screen now are the Void Objects! The Void Object... an old acquaintance, all players, are no strangers! As the main force invading Icacia, the Guardian of Time In the promotional video of Zer Zilean, they are very frequently photographed! Well, in the minds of many players, the figure of this void is still lingering! Of course, With these familiar elements, they gradually began to appear in the promotional video.

All the players can't help but look forward to the appearance of the new hero, Kassadin, the Void Walker!

1319 Everything is just the beginning, more exciting later!

1320 The curiosity and puzzling of players.

Yes, Luo Hao was right.

All of this in the current promotional video is just the beginning! The really exciting point is that they are all in the back! This time, in the entire promotional video of Void Walker Kassadin, Luo Hao is A lot of highlights have been added! And, a lot of exciting points have been added! Back to the video when Voidwalker Kassadin appeared, when the players were still cheering.

At this moment, the rhythm of the whole promotional video has begun to get faster and faster! It can be seen that the Void objects that just stopped moving with the appearance of Void Walker Kassadin! Those golden eyes are now all tight Stare at the Voidwalker Kassadin in front of you! Boom! Next second! There is no nonsense at all, just a bang.

One of the huge Void Objects, it kicked with one foot and killed directly towards Void Walker Kassadin! The Void Object without consciousness only obeys the instinct of killing! Although Void Walker Kassadin is now a Void Walker, he is also a Void Walker Kassadin. existence within.

But the Void didn't pay attention to this

Well, the Void, it is only driven by its own instinct! As for the orders of other people, they don't care whether they are friends or enemies! Boom boom boom! Just in the blink of an eye, when the first void thing moved towards the Void Walker Card After Sardin rushed away.

Now other Void Objects, they are also following closely behind, rushing directly towards Void Walker Kassadin! There are hundreds of Void Objects in front of them, all of them have killed Void Walker Kassa in just half a second Ding! Although there are more than [-] Void Objects, it doesn't sound like a lot.

However, it can also be seen on the screen.

Hundreds of Void creatures, together to besiege a person, is also very terrifying! At least this can't help all the players watching the video, they can't help but start their hearts! They can't help but start for the Void Walker Kassadin This... new hero, and I feel worried! The combat power of the Void, they have known in the promotional video of the Time Guardian Kieran! Not afraid of life and death, powerful and very flexible! Even the Time Guardian base Lan, it's not easy to solve them! So, let alone, now the guardian of time Kiran and Kassadin the void walker, the two are in different situations! The guardian of time, Kiran, he and When the void is at war.

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