I'm grateful to Liu Qingqing for her persistence in perversion for so long.

After countless perverted scripts, Lu Xing's voice has become very changeable.

If you change your voice casually, the person on the other end of the phone can't hear it at all!


Lu Xing lay on the sofa, thinking carelessly.

It seems that if you work part-time in college, you can consider the CV industry.

The male voice on the other end of the phone was suddenly pushed away and replaced by a panicked female voice.

"Lu Xing, dead?"

It was Chi Yueshan.

"You can't say he's dead. I don't know. When I bought this number, it was empty."

Lu Xing drank a sip of water calmly.

Many customers know this number, and he doesn't want to change it at the last minute.

It's better to let Chi Yueshan give up directly.

The agreement is terminated, and the transaction is settled.

What he hates most is emotional entanglement, which will make him earn less money.

"If you have nothing to do, I'll hang up. It's very late."

Seeing that no one responded on the other end, Lu Xing hung up the phone.

It's really interesting...

"Why, you feel a little uncomfortable seeing your toys are disobedient?"

Lu Xing shook his head, always feeling that people are quite mean.

His acquaintance with Chi Yueshan was just a fun thing that Chi Yueshan made on a whim from beginning to end.

Lu Xing's existence is just an interesting thing in Chi Yueshan's rich life.

He never felt that he was sorry for Chi Yueshan.

Maybe at the beginning, he would be a little touched when he saw Chi Yueshan on the stage.


When he learned that Chi Yueshan took this as a joke, the few touches he had also disappeared.

Let it end like this.

We are even.

Lu Xing took a deep breath, his eyes a little tired.

"I am not like you rich guys and rich girls who have too much emotion to vent. I am here to make money, sister."

Beep, beep.

The phone rang again, it was Liu Qingqing.

He glanced at the script that Liu Qingqing had sent in advance.

Today's content is about sickly sister control.

Lu Xing rubbed his face hard to cheer himself up, then smiled and answered the phone.

"Good evening!"


Haicheng Grand Theater.


The phone was hung up directly.

Chi Yueshan stood at the table in a daze, staring at the phone on the table.

Motionless, like a sculpture.

Chi Shui was so annoyed by what she saw, thinking what the hell was going on, if she had known earlier she shouldn't have helped her to mess with Lu Xing!

Now it's all right.

Everyone is unhappy!

Chi Shui comforted her, "Oh sister, isn't it normal for people to change their numbers? I've changed several numbers. That person is just a joker, who said Lu Xing was dead!"

"But Lu Xing is so ruthless, saying that the deal is over, he actually won't come?! He really only cares about money!"

Chi Yueshan was silent, his eyes were sore and red.

With her long sleeves hanging down, Chi Yueshan held her chest and said nothing for a long time.

When she heard the word death and Lu Xing together, she clearly felt her heart stop!


She cared about Lu Xing more than she expected.

Since the charity performance, Lu Xing has been there every Sunday, rain or shine.

There were several heavy rain warnings, and the audience was sparsely populated. Chi Yueshan was ready to receive Lu Xing's request for leave.

But when she was on stage, Lu Xing was like a poplar tree.

Always standing in the audience, always giving the warmest affirmation and trust when she looked at him.

Everyone said that she was a genius and could sing any song with ease.

Only Chi Yueshan knew.

Tonight, when she couldn't see the familiar people in the familiar corner for a long time, the panic that shocked her heart!

Chi Yueshan thought, she was finished.

She played herself into it.

"Do you have any other contact information for Lu Xing?" After an unknown amount of time, Chi Yueshan's hoarse voice sounded.

Chi Shui was helpless.

"Sister, let's just let it go. He didn't come because he had no taste. We are still the most powerful opera actors. When you become famous, he will regret it!"

Chi Yueshan's eyes were dim, but his tone was unusually firm.

"I have money. I want him to come and I'll give him money."

The audience can't be without Lu Xing.

Even if it's a deal like before... it's fine.

As long as he comes.

As long as he can come.

Chi Shui thought about it, frowning.

"But before, the money was directly transferred to his account, and the contact information was only the mobile phone number."

Modern society.

When a person changes his number, the possibility of finding him is too small!


Chi Shui suddenly thought of it.

"Doesn't Lu Xing write a short essay for you every week? Will there be relevant information in it?"

"Unfortunately, I have only read one or two articles, sister, have you read it?"

Chi Yueshan was silent.

Her cold face seemed to be drowned by guilt.


She hadn't read it.

"I just wanted to... tease him before." Chi Yueshan said with some difficulty, "I didn't think that he, an outsider, could give me advice."

This is the truth, but it's a bit hurtful.

Chi Shui sighed.

Damn, what a sin!

The two searched for a long time, but only found the most recent few essays.

Chi Yueshan looked at the essay that was more recent, and after a while, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"He is very sincere."

In it, Lu Xing almost racked his brains to praise her, and also brought up some small details.

Through the thin paper.

She seemed to see Lu Xing writing with joy.

Chi Shui held his forehead.

Damn, it seems that his sister is really trapped.

Look at another one.

The sincere words between the lines calmed Chi Yueshan's anxious heart tonight.

The next one.

Chi Yueshan looked halfway through, and suddenly raised his head and asked Chi Shui.

"What is the activation of the fifth personality?"

Chi Shui subconsciously said: "Oh, that is... ah???"



Where did the fifth personality come from in the opera analysis? !


Chi Shui got goosebumps all over his body. He grabbed the paper from Chi Yueshan's hand in disbelief and looked over!

In a long essay about opera analysis, there was suddenly a game strategy of 100 or 200 words.

Oh wow!

Chi Shui felt a chill on his back and stammered.

"Sister, which week is this from?"

Chi Yueshan realized something was wrong and said anxiously.

"The last week."

Chi Shui was confused: "What about what he wrote last week? Identity V is a game! He wrote a game strategy in the analysis? Did he ask you last week? How did you answer?"

Chi Yueshan was struck by lightning and froze in place.

"I said, I said he wrote it very well, mentioned a lot of small details, and it helped me a lot."

"He didn't have any abnormal reaction at the time, and was still laughing."

Chi Shui was silent.

It's over.

It's really over!

Chi Yueshan immediately picked up the analysis essay written by Lu Xing last week and scanned two lines in panic.


There is no more sincerity as before.

It's full of clichés!

Chi Shui glanced at it and said in shock with a tingling scalp: "Generated by AI, this AI flavor is too strong."

"He should have deliberately mixed this little game strategy in the essay, it depends on whether you really read it."

"Luckily, he guessed it right, it's a pity, sister, you are done."

Chi Yueshan finally couldn't stand up, swayed a few times, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Last week, last week he obviously didn't have any abnormalities..."

So Lu Xing knew at that time that she was not serious about him at all?

She even sang a song for Lu Xing at that time.

Lu Xing's eyes were smiling at that time, but what was he thinking in his heart? Was he still laughing in his heart?

Chi Yueshan didn't dare to imagine what Lu Xing was thinking at that time. She only felt dizzy now, and her eyes were sore that she almost cried!

"It turns out that he didn't come because of the money, but because I hurt his heart."

Regret filled his body, and low sobs sounded in the background.



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