The students were very busy, and the students were very busy.

"Hey, did you review this time?"

"Who would review? Did you review?"

"I didn't review either. I played games until the early hours last night!"

"Really? But I saw that your game account was offline last night."

"Oh, I was playing Candy Crush."



Such conversations were everywhere on campus.

If nothing unexpected happened.

They should have been writing with their pens sparking last night!

"Did you go to bed last night?"

Lu Xing looked at Li Dachun with dark circles under his eyes, and he looked like he was exhausted.

He coaxed the pervert Liu Qingqing until 2:30 in the middle of the night last night, and it didn't make her like this.

"Don't mention it."

Li Dachun didn't even eat snacks, and yawned on the table.

"Today is a mock exam, aren't you worried?"

"I worked hard last night, and the angry voice of the devil Li echoed in my dream."

Lu Xing smiled and took out a piece of chocolate for him.

"Eat it."

"Don't let yourself get sleepy when you write the composition later."

I have to say.

Song Junzhu is indeed a top student since childhood. The information he sorted out for Lu Xing is simply divine!

It feels so good to be carried away!

When the morning reading get out of class was over, everyone in the class was busy turning their desks around.

Lu Xing looked back at Xia Yeshuang's position.

She didn't come to school today.

Xia Yeshuang is actually quite smart, but her artistic talent is higher than her academic talent.

When Lu Xing tutored her a few days ago, he felt that she understood everything at once.

"Well, I'll drink this porridge by myself."

Xia Yeshuang didn't come to school and didn't tell him, so Lu Xing got up half an hour earlier to make porridge for nothing.

Just when Lu Xing was planning to produce and sell it himself.

"Lu Xing."

A cold and quiet voice came out slowly.

Lu Xing looked up and saw Wei Qingyu's clear eyes.

Li Dachun looked at Lu Xing, then at Wei Qingyu.


A sense of mission of the god of CP arose spontaneously!

Li Dachun's head, which was originally so sleepy that it was about to be bent over, suddenly stood up.

His eyeballs rolled around twice, and he said immediately.

"I'm going to the toilet!"

As expected of the sports committee member.

He is really powerful, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye!

Lu Xing was speechless. Dashachun was quite slow in other things, but how come he was so smart when it came to this? !

Wei Qingyu stood in front of Lu Xing's desk, thin and quiet, without saying a word.

Lu Xing sighed and could only ask, "What's wrong?"

Wei Qingyu had no expression on his face, but there was some embarrassment in his eyes.

"Xia Ye Shuang didn't come today."

Lu Xing was puzzled.

He was not blind.

"It's bad to waste food."

Lu Xing was puzzled.


"I didn't have breakfast."

Lu Xing understood!


A hundred-yuan bill was slapped on his desk, and Wei Qingyu said seriously.

"Can I have it?"

Lu Xing asked sincerely.

"Where did you invite the chef from?"

Is it really so bad?

Otherwise, why would Wei Qingyu, a cold school beauty, come to grab a bowl of porridge?

Do you really think you are filming a TV series!

Wei Qingyu didn't understand why he asked that, but still answered in a serious tone.

"I haven't asked about the descendants of the imperial chef. I'll go home tonight and ask, and then tell you on WeChat."


Lu Xing couldn't help laughing.

Sometimes he thought Wei Qingyu, this silly goose, was really funny. Who was saying that she was cold?

"You go and eat, but I think your chef's food should be better than mine."

Lu Xing picked up a hundred yuan and put it in his pocket.


Earn a hundred yuan for nothing, so cool!

Wei Qingyu's sitting and eating postures were very elegant. She didn't look like a student, but like a lady from an ancient painting.

She took a sip of porridge and said seriously.

"I like you."


Lu Xing almost became the first person to be choked to death by bread!




Can you not say such shocking words with such a plain expression!

Thinking about the way Old Man Wei protected his son, Lu Xing seemed to see his own body sinking in Haicheng Harbor.

"But I'm not sure."

Lu Xing breathed a sigh of relief.


My emotions fluctuate because of you."

Lu Xing took a breath.

"But there is no reason to prove that I like you."

Lu Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

"So let me ask you, do you have any clues? "

Lu Xing's heart finally died!

I knew Wei Qingyu was stupid, but I didn't expect her to be so stupid!

Is it really possible to ask someone you suspect you like so directly?

Will you really not be considered a lunatic?

Lu Xing glanced at Wei Qingyu's face.

Oh, okay.

She does have the ability. Maybe she will get a boyfriend right after saying "I like you".

But it's a pity.

This person is Lu Xing. He really doesn't want to get entangled with his former clients.

You said that we have settled the money and goods, and we can have a drink when we meet in the future.

You are acting like a Qiong Yao drama now. How can we meet in the future?


This matter must be nipped in the bud!


Lu Xing thought for a moment and persuaded.

"You don't like me, you are just used to me. Even if you change someone, you will do the same."

"I won't."

"You will!"

"I won't!"

"Okay, okay, you won't, listen to me. "

Lu Xing felt his blood pressure soar.

"Think back on your life. Has it been smooth? Have you ever experienced failure?"

Wei Qingyu thought for a moment and nodded gently.

"That's right! I've been licking you for more than two years. You must be used to it. Everyone thinks I like you! But I suddenly said that I treat you like a sister. Are you a little surprised?"

Wei Qingyu was convinced and continued to nod.

"A smooth life suddenly has a little twists and turns. Will your emotions fluctuate..."


On the morning of the first mock exam, Lu Xing was actually giving Wei Qingyu psychological counseling.

When Wei Qingyu returned to his seat, Wang Zhenzhen's hands were shaking with excitement, and she asked quickly.

"What's wrong, Qingyu!"

Wei Qingyu said calmly: "I told him that I like him."

Wang Zhenzhen nodded: "Oh, this is very...ah? ? ? "

Wang Zhenzhen was stunned!

Not my sister!

I knew you were brave, but I didn't expect you to be so brave!

Is this a straight shot? This is a fucking nuclear bomb!

This is not the way to open your mind!

Wang Zhenzhen asked immediately.

"Then what? Then how did he reply?"

Wei Qingyu said contentedly.

"He said that I didn't like him, I just encountered an unexpected problem, so I was a little uneasy. When I solve some difficult problems, I do have this feeling. This is called the desire to conquer in psychology."

"What Lu Xing said makes sense, more reasonable than your theory of love. "

Wang Zhenzhen was numb.

It's over.

Lu Xing figured out the logic of Wei Qingyu's brain and used it.

What a beast!

If Wei Qingyu didn't like him, she would read the word Zhenzhen backwards!

Forget it.

She should prepare the money for Lu Xing and Xia Yeshuang's child.

Wei Qingyu is hopeless.

Bury him.



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