The old man was so angry that he was lying on the table.


A loud thunder blasted in Chi Yueshan's ears, and her mind went blank, and she stood there in a daze!

Lu Xing knew it!

These five bold and enlarged warnings were in her mind.

It's over.

Chi Yueshan's heart beat faster than ever before, and her whole body trembled!

What to do.

What to do!

If Lu Xing only knew that she didn't read those things, then it could only be said that she was insincere, and a sincere apology would be enough.


What if Lu Xing not only knew that she was insincere, but also knew that she was the screenwriter of this drama...

It's over.

Chi Yueshan was numb all over.

She trembled slightly, suppressed her emotions, carefully looked at Lu Xing's expression, and called softly in a hoarse voice.


Lu Xing held a Coke in his left hand and held the phone tightly in his right hand.

The phone was recording to prevent himself from being blackmailed.

Lu Xing asked vigilantly.


Looking at Lu Xing's vigilant face, bitterness was like a thread, tightly wrapped around Chi Yueshan's heart.

The feeling of suffocation in the heart almost made Chi Yueshan unable to breathe!

She wanted to explain.

But she couldn't explain.

How to explain the facts?


At this moment, only two big words appeared in Chi Yueshan's mind-speak!



Must speak!

The huge sense of crisis almost swallowed Chi Yueshan, and she had a very strong intuition.

After this time.

She might have no contact with Lu Xing again!


You have to speak!

Just say something!

Chi Yueshan gritted her teeth, the villain in her heart was screaming loudly, but she was silent.

All the plans just now disappeared.

In front of Lu Xing, she was defeated.

Chi Yueshan slowly raised her head, unable to say a word.

Big drops of tears dripped from her eyes, rolled on her skirt, and soaked a large area.

She cries so well.

Lu Xing sighed, a little emotional.

How much suffering does it take to be a star? Every move has been perfected and standardized after thousands of trials.

Now Chi Yueshan's eyes are red, and she looks so beautiful and weak when she sobs.

Lu Xing put the Coke on the table beside him and stood up.

"Don't go."

Chi Yueshan was flustered, and she was even more flustered when she saw Lu Xing standing up. She anxiously grabbed Lu Xing's hand.

She didn't dare to grab Lu Xing's whole hand directly, so she could only hold a few of Lu Xing's fingers tightly.

A white and soft hand, which was different from Lu Xing's skin color.

Lu Xing looked away and said calmly.

"Let go."

Looking at Lu Xing's condescending eyes, Chi Yueshan shrank.

She slowly lowered her head, but her hands tightened without remorse, without any intention of letting Lu Xing go.

Lu Xing was silent for a moment and said.

"I didn't leave."

How could Chi Yueshan believe it? She knew that Lu Xing was smart, and if she let go, this person would definitely run away!

"I don't believe it."

Lu Xing smiled.

"I really don't want to leave. I'll go get a cup."

Chi Yueshan immediately shook her head. She didn't believe that Lu Xing was going to get a cup.


"What are you doing with the cup?"

Lu Xing bent down, met Chi Yueshan's eyes, and said calmly.

"It's a pity to see your tears fall on your clothes. I'll get you a cup to catch them."

He took out a pack of tissues from his pocket, took out a piece and stuffed it into Chi Yueshan's hand.

"Stop crying."

As a professional bootlicker, you need to always have tissues, wet wipes and band-aids in your pocket.

Provide timely help when customers need it most.

The pleasant smell of tissues filled the nose.

Chi Yueshan was stunned.

When she understood what Lu Xing was saying, the beauty showed the most beautiful smile after the rain.

Lu Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

Oh my God.

Finally she stopped crying!

This fucking skirt was wet with tears.

If someone saw it, how would he explain it?

We are just doing a deal, there is really no need to make such a fuss.

Lu Xing is still very grateful to these customers, although they are more or less a little mentally ill.

But they are still quite generous.

At least there was no wage arrears, and no one wanted to get something for free, except for Wen Lingxiu.

A few minutes later.

Chi Yueshan finally sorted out her emotions, and only then did she realize.


She had just squeezed Lu Xing's fingers tightly, making his hands red.


Xing smiled and pulled back his hand.

"It's okay."

"You've calmed down now, right?"

Lu Xing pulled a chair and sat opposite Chi Yueshan.

As long as people are calm, they can have a good chat.

What he hates most is the kind of people who don't make any sense and just want to win by volume.

Chi Yueshan's eyes and nose were red, she was holding a tissue in her hand, sitting there embarrassedly.


She also felt that she was a little embarrassed to cry just now.

Lu Xing smiled and said absent-mindedly: "Don't be embarrassed, just treat it as detoxification."

Chi Yueshan's matter must be resolved today.

If this dead black belly is not explained well, then she doesn't know what she will do.


Now Wen Lingxiu and Nannan are still waiting for her in the box. No matter how much they draw, they can't draw for half an hour, right? !

Time is urgent, quick battle and quick decision!

After crying, Chi Yueshan said hoarsely.

"I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter, and you haven't let me down." Lu Xing stared at the clock on the wall, "You are my boss, you gave me money, I should thank you."

Chi Yueshan was stunned for a moment, silent for a moment, and asked.

"Is that woman also your client?"

She figured it out.

Why did Lu Xing agree so readily at the beginning? Maybe he is in this business!

Chi Yueshan's eyes were shining, and she suddenly felt that she seemed to have found a solution.

Lu Xing nodded: "Yes."

"I want to make money, so if the client finds me, I will go."

"You hired me, no matter what your purpose is, it doesn't matter, as long as you are happy."

"This is also the meaning of your spending money."

Chi Yueshan raised her head with expectation, with the beauty of pear blossoms after rain.

"Then can I hire you again?"

Lu Xing looked at her with a smile.

Chi Yueshan's heart rose with infinite hope.



The balloon in Chi Yueshan's heart suddenly burst, and all her hopes were shattered into pieces.

"Why? Why not?"

She anxiously grabbed Lu Xing's hand, but Lu Xing dodged it directly.

"I have money. If that woman can hire you, I can hire you too."

"Although I haven't met her yet, she has a child and she's older. I must be better than her."

Lu Xing's eyes flickered.


It turns out that Chi Yueshan has never met Wen Lingxiu.

After writing down this key information, Lu Xing shook his head and said seriously.

"I won't trade with a client who has traded once a second time."

Trade once, and part ways amicably.

But if you trade again, there is only one possibility -

The client can't forget it.

This is a very dangerous situation, and Lu Xing will never accept it!

Lu Xing stared at Chi Yueshan. He must return to the box in eight minutes at most.


Lu Xing smiled docilely and kindly, looking at the distraught Chi Yueshan, and smiled.

"Let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart."

No injections or medication, just sitting here and chatting with you, using the conversational method, this is called talk therapy.



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