The two of them were very busy, but the two of them were very busy.

"Please listen to the first topic below."

Chi Yueshan nodded attentively, and sat up straight like a good student.

Her eyes were fixed on Lu Xing's face, but her mind was blank, and she didn't hear what Lu Xing said at all.


Lu Xing is really different today.

If possible, Chi Yueshan's eyes should have been filled with hearts.

Lu Xing used to be very funny and had a youthful feel.

Although that was also good.

But today, Lu Xing had a feeling that was hard to describe.

A little strong, a little smart, and a little oppressive.

Chi Yueshan stared at Lu Xing's open and closed mouth, not listening to anything, and was completely bewitched.

"Why do you want to hire me again?"

Chi Yueshan's mind was in a mess now, and all his plans were thrown to his grandmother's house. He said honestly.

"I'm nervous when I can't see you in the audience."

When she couldn't see Lu Xing in the audience, Chi Yueshan always felt empty in her heart.

She used to think that the performance on the stage was the focus.

But when Lu Xing disappeared in the audience, she understood.


Lu Xing in the audience was her reassurance.

Only when she saw Lu Xing could she, a wandering bird, find a big tree to perch on.

Lu Xing nodded.

It's easy to just be nervous. Fortunately, Chi Yueshan didn't mention things like liking, otherwise he would be scared away.

"Please listen to the second topic below."

"As a professional opera actor, do you think you are worthy of your professional qualities now?"

The romance interview suddenly turned into a professional interview. The wide range of topics made Chi Yueshan dumbfounded.

Lu Xing looked at Chi Yueshan with some disappointment.

"Although you hired me, I also think you are an excellent opera actor."

"But now, just because there is one less person in the audience, you start to panic."

"So after I die, will you never be able to sing opera in this life?"

"Last time you sang badly, it was because I was not there, right? Just because I am not there, you can sing badly?"

Lu Xing's attack power suddenly increased.

He was really in a hurry, and the phone in his pocket was already vibrating.

It must be a message from Wen Lingxiu!

So Lu Xing sped up his speech: "Those audiences came to see your performance because you sing well."

"So you repay these audiences like this because of personal feelings?"


Your parents worked hard to support you to study, and you didn't listen to the class in school because of personal feelings. Is this how you repay your parents?

The classic quotes of Li Juanfang, the only true god in Class 1 of Senior 3, are so useful! ! !

Lu Xing was so excited.

Chi Yueshan was scolded by him like a grandson.

In a trance, she even felt like she was back in her school days.

Facing the terrifying moment of the teacher's scolding, it came to Chi Yueshan like a tide, and she felt terrible.

Chi Yueshan retorted in a low voice.


"I only sang that time, and I sang well afterwards."

Lu Xing snorted.

"So? You sang well in the next few performances, but didn't you sing badly in that performance?"

"Also, can't you sing well without me now? If you can sing well, why do you have to ask me to do it?"

"I, I..."

Chi Yueshan said "I" several times, but she couldn't make sense.

She felt that what Lu Xing said seemed to make sense, but she couldn't tell where it made sense.

Seeing her confused look, Lu Xing was happy in his heart.


People like Chi Yueshan have had smooth sailing since childhood. The biggest hardship she has experienced in her life is learning to sing opera and practicing basic skills.

But even so, her artistic talent can still crush countless people.

Such a typical spoiled girl has been preached by her father.

Humph, this doesn't make her shrewd!

Chi Yueshan always felt that something was wrong, but Lu Xing had already stood up.

Lu Xing stood up and patted his suit to make it flat to prevent obvious wrinkles.

After all.

I'm going to draw a lottery, not to drink tea.

Lu Xing stretched out his hand to Chi Yueshan, who was still struggling with his thoughts, and said with a gentle smile.

"We have been happy and cooperative for so long."

"Boss Chi, I wish you a smooth opera career."

Chi Yueshan was stunned, with Lu Xing's hand in front of her.


I know.

As long as he holds this hand, from now on, Lu Xing will completely disappear from her world.

After thinking for a moment, Chi Yueshan suddenly asked.

"Among your customers, how many of me can I rank?"


Lu Xing immediately began to reflect on himself. He still didn't understand women well enough.

Otherwise, why would he be shocked to hear such words.

"Is this important?"

Chi Yueshan nodded: "Very important."

People are all made of flesh and blood. Even if Lu Xing is so rational, there must be an order in his heart.

"People only remember the first highest mountain. Will you remember the second highest mountain?"


"What about the third highest?"


"What about the fourth highest?"


"What about the twelfth highest?"

"Broad Peak."

Chi Yueshan collapsed.

Lu Xing smiled with relief.

It turns out that knowledge is power, and it is used here.


He successfully defeated Chi Yueshan with the power of knowledge.


Lu Xing retracted his hand and rummaged around in the box to see if he could find something to take back.

I can't go back empty-handed, can I?

While looking for something, Lu Xing said.

"You can think of me as a duck or a gigolo."

"I'm just a shower in your perfect life."

"The rain won't fall every day, but the sun will always rise."

"Boss Chi, you are the sun that is about to rise. No one of your age can sing better than you."

"I'm not your reassurance. You can still sing well on your own."

"This is the result of your own efforts. It has nothing to do with me."

Lu Xing actually found some plush dolls and souvenirs on the shelf.

He put these things in his hands and walked to the door neatly.

A second before opening the door, Lu Xing's hand was on the door handle and he looked back at Chi Yueshan on the sofa.

"Boss Chi, you have your own way to go, don't worry about it."

"The money and goods are clear, you never owe me anything."

Realize that the past cannot be changed, know that the future can be pursued.

"If you work hard to sing now, then I will praise you for being great."

"If you fall into contradictions and lose your career just because of someone like me, then I'm sorry, I look down on you."

Chi Yueshan raised his head suddenly.

Crystal tears ran across his cheeks, reflecting the light under the light.

Lu Xing sighed slightly in his heart.


Still cried.

"The Plum Blossom Award is at the end of May, Boss Chi, I hope to see you."

No matter how crazy these customers are.

Lu Xing never wants them to be depressed and decadent because of people like him.

It's great for people to be alive, and he doesn't want to ruin anyone.

Chi Yueshan's eyes were red, and tears fell uncontrollably.

She stretched out her hands and rubbed them on her face randomly, and asked with a choked voice.

"If I win the award, will you come?"

Lu Xing smiled.

"I hope you're fine."

Boss Chi, life is yours, don't ruin your future because of anyone.


The door opened and closed.

Lu Xing took the souvenirs out of the box, and at the end of the corridor, he saw a familiar figure.

His smile froze.

Oh no.

It's over!



ps. Don't take drugs, and don't be idle, those who have money can give me money to support the show, and those who don't have money can think of a plot for me!

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