I Only Got Drunk For One Night, Why Did I Have A Double Blast?

Chapter 68 Where Are You Looking? (Please Ask For Complete Order, Please Customize)

"Yes, we have twins.

Jiang Shiyu's face was also full of gentle smile:

"I wonder if they will be brothers or sisters?"

"If we were brothers and sisters, I would teach my son to protect his sister and mother from an early age.

If we were siblings, I would teach my son to protect his sister and mother from an early age. "

Lin Bai thought for a while and Tian Fen said seriously.

"If you put it that way, what's the difference?"

Jiang Shiyu couldn't help laughing.

"There must be a difference. The men of our Lin family are born to protect the women in our family!"

Lin Bai looked upright, but within three seconds, Lin Yue from the side threw a cool sentence, which ruined his success:

"I don't think so. When my father went back to his hometown, he was ridiculed by my sister-in-law. It wasn't our mother who scolded her? Dad has been teaching all his life, how can he scold others?

Lin Bai's mouth twitched.

"Also, when you were a kid, you were bullied all over the place. Didn't I fight you back in those fights?

Have you forgotten that when the children nearby bullied you, you would shout on the street that Lin Yue is my sister? If you beat me now, my sister will beat you to the ground when you come back.

As a result, the first thing I do when I come back from school every day is not to go home and do my homework, but to go out and help you fight. "

Lin Bai's face froze completely:

"Sister, can we not expose our shorts..."

"It's okay. From now on, my daughter-in-law and I will protect you and our son. Don't worry."

Jiang Shiyu suppressed his laughter, pretended to be serious, reached out and touched Lin Bai's head, and said.

It’s over, now the glorious image of majesty in my wife’s heart is completely gone.jpg

After sitting in the lounge and chatting for more than ten minutes, Jiang Shiyu's name was already lit up at the call desk.

It's really fast.

"You should take all the nutritional supplements you prescribed before on time, right?"

The comprehensive diagnostic doctor asked as he flipped through Jiang Shiyu's last medical records and this time's prenatal checkup report.

"Yes, I eat on time every day, and my daily diet follows the dietary guidelines given last time.

Lin Bai quickly replied.

"Comparing the results of this examination with the last time, I can see that my physical condition has improved a lot.

The malnutrition and anemia have been alleviated to some extent, but from the perspective of normal and healthy maternal standards, there is still a long way to go, so we still need to pay attention to it.

Also, does the baby's mother not exercise much?"

The doctor pushed up his glasses, looked up at Jiang Shiyu and asked.

Jiang Shiyu's face turned slightly red, a little embarrassed:

"Yes, I didn't like working out much before I got pregnant.

Since I was pregnant, I always felt very tired, so I only went out for a walk at most and did not do any physical exercise.

"That's it, you can't do this."

The doctor's face became more serious:

“Before, I didn’t let you exercise too much because your physical condition was not good, and increasing your consumption would be detrimental to your baby’s growth.

But now, the situation has eased, and you must start paying attention to exercise.

You are pregnant with twins, which will put a great burden on your body starting from the second trimester.

If you don't strengthen your exercise and increase your body's strength and endurance, other problems will easily occur in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

If you want to give birth naturally, it will also be very difficult.

"Then...how should I exercise?"

His face turned pale with fright at the doctor's words, and Jiang Shiyu hurriedly asked.

“There are many yoga institutions for pregnant women now. You can choose one that is relatively professional and start from the most basic ones and proceed step by step.

The more you practice this, the easier it will be during delivery.

In addition, the time and distance of daily walks can also be appropriately lengthened. For example, if you originally only walked 3,000 steps a day, you can slowly increase it to about 6,000 steps, and by the third trimester, you can take 8,000 to 10,000 steps.

Of course, everything depends on how you feel physically. If you feel obvious fatigue, asthma or other uncomfortable symptoms, stop immediately and seek medical treatment in time.

"okay, I get it."

Lin Bai wrote down each item in his mind, nodded and said.

"There are no problems with other indicators, and the two children are developing very well.

If there are no accidents, you can come back one month after your next prenatal checkup.

Although he heard the doctor finally say that both children are currently healthy, Jiang Shiyu's brows were still furrowed.

As soon as she left the doctor's consulting room, she couldn't wait to grab Lin Yue's hand and asked:

"Yueyue, you have been working here for a long time. You see a lot of pregnant women. You have experience. Do you know which pregnant women's yoga store in our city is the most professional?"

"Aunt Yu, don't worry."

Lin Yue patted the back of Jiang Shiyu's hand comfortingly:

"You are only 20 weeks pregnant now, and there is still a long time before delivery.

It is absolutely fine to regulate your diet and exercise regularly, and your body will have enough time to improve. "

"What the doctor just said was so scary, I always feel a little panicked..."

The worried look on Jiang Shiyu's face slightly faded, but his brows were still furrowed.

"It's okay. I know a lot of pregnant women who take classes at a very professional yoga center for pregnant women. I will send the address to Xiaobai later and ask Xiaobai to take you to sign up for a class."


Jiang Shiyu nodded, finally letting go a little bit.

After lunch, Jiang Shiyu didn't even have time to sit down and wait for a while to eat, so he kept urging Lin Bai to take her to the pregnant women's yoga center that Lin Yue mentioned.

"It's actually in Narita Building. In such a valuable place, we can occupy three floors to open a pregnant women's yoga studio. And it has been open for so many years. I think it must be very professional."

Lin Bai smiled:

"Let's go in."

After briefly understanding Jiang Shiyu's physical condition, the introducer at the front desk said:

“This mother has a special physical condition and her physical fitness is not very good, so we do not recommend that she attend large classes with many people.

"Yes, I think so too. Do you have a personal trainer here?"

Lin Bai nodded and asked.

"Yes, these are the personal trainers who still have the remaining classes at the moment. You can take a look first, choose a personal trainer you like, and then communicate in detail about the mother's physical condition.

However, for private training, the course price is relatively high. "

"That's not a problem."

Lin Bai took the booklet and handed it to Jiang Shiyu:

"Take a look and choose the one you think is suitable."

"Then let's take this personal trainer. He seems to be kinder."

Jiang Shiyu pointed to one of the personal trainers named Wang Yueran and said.

A few minutes later, a woman with a refreshing high ponytail and yoga clothes walked out of the elevator, generously extended her hand to Lin Bai and Jiang Shiyu, and said with a smile:

"Hello, I am Wang Yueran, a senior yoga instructor for pregnant women. I have been in the industry for 8 years.

You two come to the private clinic upstairs with me. Before starting, I need to know more about my mother's physical condition. Of course, you can also take this opportunity to get to know me as much as possible.

Following Wang Yueran, he went to the private classroom. As he walked through the corridor, listening to the soothing music coming from several classrooms he passed by, Shiyu asked curiously:

"Is there a yoga class going on inside right now? Can I take a look?"

"Yes, there are other students taking yoga classes inside.

If you are interested, you can try our trial class later.

After all, yoga for pregnant women is a relatively private sport, and students wear relatively cool clothes during practice. Therefore, in order to protect the privacy of students, we do not allow others to watch during class. "

Wang Yueran smiled.


Although Lin Bai didn't say anything, he silently praised this yoga center.

They pay great attention to protecting customer privacy, which is good.

After carefully understanding Jiang Shiyu's physical condition, Wang Yueran gave an exercise plan.

Because Lin Bai originally planned to let Jiang Shiyu take classes here, he paid for the formal classes directly. By the way, he took Jiang Shiyu to the center's supplies store to pick out some yoga supplies that he would use in the early stages.

'.||Then, Shigure, you practice with Coach Wang first, and I'll go out and wait for you?"

Seeing Jiang Shiyu changed into yoga clothes, Lin Bai was about to go out, but was stopped by Wang Yueran:

"Mr. Lin, you can't go out. You and your wife must attend class together."


Lin Bai was stunned:

"Isn't it yoga for pregnant women? Why do I also..."

"Because after the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, the pregnant mother's body gradually becomes heavier, her sense of balance and body coordination will also weaken, and many movements require her husband's assistance to complete.

Moreover, if the husband follows along, he can always pay attention to the mother's status, which can adjust the rhythm and strengthen the relationship between the couple and the baby.

So naturally we have to study together. "

Wang Yueran explained.

"So that's it."

Lin Bai nodded and turned back.

The first class is relatively basic and focuses more on teaching some breathing techniques and basic stretching postures.

Because Jiang Shiyu really doesn't like to exercise. Although he looks good, many muscles on his body are stiff.

It was precisely because of this that she had frequent cramps and suffered a lot in the early stages of pregnancy.

"Because Mom's physical fitness is indeed relatively poor, I suggest that after taking yoga classes during the day, it is best to practice for at least half an hour at night to stretch the muscles as quickly as possible. This will make it easier to learn the subsequent movements."

Before leaving, Wang Yueran gave a special warning. (The king is good)

"Okay, I understand. I will urge her to practice more when we go back."

Lin Bai nodded.

After dinner, Jiang Shiyu looked at the yoga mats that had been laid out by Lin Bai on the ground, and thought:

"Lin Bai, can I go draw the picture first? Let's practice after we finish the drawing!"

"No, let's exercise first. Only when the intensity of exercise is sufficient can we draw pictures."

Lin Bai had known that Jiang Shiyu didn't like sports, so how could he not see her little thoughts and flatly refused:

"Don't you want the two babies to be born healthy?"

"I think... I can't practice enough..."

Jiang Shiyu pursed his lips and returned to the bedroom to put on the new yoga clothes he bought today.

After being pregnant with twins for 5 months, my belly has begun to take shape, half of which is well protected by yoga pants.

The upper body she wore was a short vest.

Although the shape is not as prominent as ordinary bras, Jiang Shiyu's size is really impressive.

Lin Bai couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

Naturally, Jiang Shiyu couldn't escape this look.

She lowered her head, looked at her erection, and whispered shyly:

"Where are you...where are your eyes looking..."

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