I Only Got Drunk For One Night, Why Did I Have A Double Blast?

Chapter 69 I Love Every Trace On Your Body (6000 Flowers Added)

"Aren't I allowed to take a second look at the scenery in my own home?"

Lin Bai looked confident.

"But...it's so embarrassing to wear such clothes..."

Jiang Shiyu subconsciously wanted to cover up the proud scenery, but when he squeezed his arms together, the scenery became more rugged and beautiful.

Lin Bai just wanted to take a quick look before.

Jiang Shiyu was so squeezed that he couldn't look away at all.

"What's there to be ashamed of? Is there anything else about you that I haven't seen?"

Seeing Jiang Shiyu's helpless look, Lin Bai stepped forward, gently hugged her already swollen waist and said with a smile:

...Oh, strictly speaking, there should be areas on your body that I haven’t touched.

After all, I didn’t turn on the lights that night in the old house..."

"The more you talk, the less formal it becomes! If you keep talking, I won't practice!"

Jiang Shiyu turned around and wanted to go back to the bedroom. Lin Bai quickly begged for mercy:

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore. Exercise first, exercise first..."

After all, Jiang Shiyu's body is the most important at this time.

I have to say that yoga for pregnant women looks like an IQ tax, but after actual practice, you will find that there are really two brushes.

Lin Bai has always felt that Jiang Shiyu's figure is very soft, but after practicing the basic movements of pregnant women's yoga, he discovered that many of the movements [Jiang Shiyu did not perform to standard].

And if you stretch it even a little, the stiff muscles will be exposed, causing pain and congestion.

At this time, Lin Bai was needed to assist. While Jiang Shiyu kept stretching her posture as standard as possible, he also used professional techniques to massage her stiff muscles as much as possible.


"A little further down, that's right..."

"Lin Bai, please be gentle!"


If you didn't look at the picture and just listened to the sound, you would definitely think that Lin Bai and Jiang Shiyu were having a big game.

"Huh... Huh... If I don't do it, I'm going to be exhausted..."

More than half an hour later, Jiang Shiyu was lying on the yoga mat sweating profusely, waving his hands to beg for mercy:

"Lin Bai, that's all for today...


Lin Bai nodded.

This was not something that could be accomplished overnight. It was very rare for Jiang Shiyu to be able to achieve this level today.

"Wipe off the sweat, rest for a while, take a shower, and then I'll apply some massage oil to you.

Coach Wang said that since you are twins, it is best to start massaging every day now, otherwise you will easily get stretch marks.


Jiang Shiyu nodded, obediently wiped the sweat from his forehead, and went to take a shower.

"I originally planned to draw pictures after exercising, but my body is so sore and I really don't want to sit up..."

After taking a bath, Jiang Shiyu lay lazily on the bed, acting coquettishly with Lin Bai in a somewhat resentful tone.

"It's okay. Professor Cui gave us a two-month time limit, so we're not in a rush for a day or two.

Your most important task now is to exercise well and take good care of yourself and your baby. Everything else is secondary. "

Lin Bai smiled and used massage techniques to relax Jiang Shiyu's muscles and said:

"If you really want to draw, I will buy you a tablet tomorrow. That way, if you are tired, you can simply draw on the bed. When you are fine, you can go to the study to draw."

"Yeah! That's okay."

Jiang Shiyu nodded happily:

"I always feel that since we have accepted Professor Cui's order, we must take it seriously. This is our first order.


She originally wanted to say something else, but the sore and comfortable feeling from the kneading area made her hum uncontrollably.

"Lin Bai, where did you learn massage? I feel so comfortable every time you massage me.

The doctor's squeeze was more comfortable than when I went to the hospital for physical therapy before. "

After waiting for the energy to pass, Jiang Shiyu asked with emotion.

"Maybe it's because I'm gifted and have extraordinary understanding?"

Lin Bai joked with a smile.

God-level fingering and massage, can you feel uncomfortable?

"You can squeeze it so well, I will become dependent on you. I want you to squeeze it for me every day."

Jiang Shiyu turned over and looked at Lin Bai with a smile on his face with big, moist and beautiful eyes.

"I can give you a massage, but do you have to give me some reward?"

A smirk appeared on the corner of Lin Bai's mouth, and a pair of big hands reached out dishonestly.

"Don't make trouble, don't touch there..."


"I scold you. If you insist on lighting this fire, you must be responsible for putting it out yourself..."

"How's it going? Your husband and I are quite talented as a firefighter, right?"

"...it kills you."

Jiang Shiyu's eyes were full of spring, and he glared at Lin Bai angrily:

"I know clearly that she is pregnant and her body is... much more sensitive than before, yet she still insists on teasing her."

"Ahem, this is what the doctor said. Proper relaxation will help the mother's physical and mental health and the baby's growth and development.

I’m doing this for your three mothers~”

"Bah, bah, bah, you're obviously just a pervert, but...

Although he said this, Jiang Shiyu's expression was satisfied.

Obviously very satisfied with Lin Bai's technology.

Pour the moisturizing oil on the bedside table into your palms and rub it to warm it. Lin Bai carefully puts his hand on Jiang Shiyu's belly and rubs it in circles carefully.

Even the sides of the waist were not spared.

"Lin Bai, do you care about stretch marks on my belly?"

Seeing Lin Bai applying oil to herself seriously, Jiang Shiyu blinked and suddenly asked:

"If you really get stretch marks in the future, they will be very ugly and your belly will become wrinkled... Will you be disgusted with them?

So now I am making serious preventive preparations to prevent me from getting stretch marks?"

.....what are you talking about. "

(bjee) Lin Bai's face turned serious and he looked up at Jiang Shi

"Do you miss me that much? Do you think I'm afraid that you will get ugly stretch marks, so I help you apply oil to prevent them?"

"...No one would like something that doesn't look good. Isn't this common sense?"

Jiang Shiyu turned his head to the side and refused to look at Lin Bai. He only said softly:

“When my mother was pregnant with my sister, although my sister was not very heavy, my mother also had a lot of stretch marks on her belly.

The black and red ones were densely covered on the belly one by one, which was very scary.

My mother is a very silly, traditional good woman.

After giving birth to my sister, she thought that if she worked harder and had another son, maybe my father would like her.

In the end, guess what my dad said?"

Jiang Shiyu turned his head, looked at Lin Bai, and said word by word:

"He said, you don't even look at your belly, which is as loose and black as a sow. I can't even look at it, so why are you still giving birth to a son?

Very vulgar and hard to hear, right? But these are the original words. "

Lin Bai was silent for a long time, so long that Jiang Shiyu almost felt a little discouraged and wanted to just sleep, when Lin Bai suddenly said:

"Shigure, what did you think when you found out you were pregnant with these two children?

Have you ever thought about not giving birth to them? Have you ever thought that you might face various postpartum sequelae in the future and hesitate to give birth to them?"

"Of course I hesitated."

Jiang Shiyu's smile looked a little bleak:

"I have seen with my own eyes how hard my mother worked to support my sister and me, and I have also seen how my father treated her.

Growing up in such an environment, it was impossible for me not to mind or not to hesitate. "

"But you chose to have them in the end."

"Well, because this is my child.

They chose me, how could I be willing to give up on them just like that. "

Jiang Shiyu lowered his head and touched his belly:

"Actually, when my mother first found out that I had these two children, she also thought about asking me to abort them, but she changed her mind in the end.

She is also a mother, so of course she knows how it feels to be pregnant with a child.

At first, I originally planned to raise them by myself. After all, I am a professor. Although raising two children will be very tiring, it is not a big problem.

But my mother insisted that I find a man to be my nominal father.

Probably because when I was young, my sister and I were bullied too much because we didn't have a father, so I thought this way.

I had no choice but to go on a blind date with my fictitious father. Unexpectedly, the first person who came was you. "

She chatted for a long time, and Lin Bai didn't interrupt her, just listened quietly.

After she finished talking about all the painful past hidden in her heart, she spoke:

"Perhaps what your father did originally left a deep and bad impression on you.

So that when you see me doing something similar, you will subconsciously think that I will think and act that way.

Actually not.

I apply massage oil to you to prevent stretch marks from growing, not because I hate stretch marks.

It's because of you. "

Lin Bai looked at Jiang Shiyu with a smile:

"During this period, I watched a lot of teachings about motherhood and infants. Many postpartum mothers said they were depressed because they saw their bodies were out of shape and had ugly stretch marks.

Girls all love beauty. If you are so beautiful, you must care more about every imperfection in yourself.

I don't want you to be sad or depressed because of something like this, so I'm going to try to prevent it from happening.

I don't think stretch marks are ugly.

On the contrary, it is proof of your hard work in giving birth to a child and a great symbol of you as a wife and mother.

I love you, so I will love every scar on your body.

How could I dislike you for this? "

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