I Only Got Drunk For One Night, Why Did I Have A Double Blast?

Chapter 70 The Damn Little Goblin Is Going To Die (Please Order For Full Order)

Jiang Shiyu's eyes were slightly red, and he bit his lip without making a sound.

"If we can give birth to our two children smoothly without any sequelae, that will naturally be the best and luckiest.

It doesn't matter if there is. Today's medical methods are so advanced that we can do the best postpartum repair. Don't be afraid of spending money. Every penny I earn is spent willingly on you and on my children.

If you really encounter the worst possible situation and leave a mark that cannot be eliminated, don't feel sad.

No matter what you become, I like you.

After massaging Jiang Shiyu, Lin Bai pulled down her nightgown and said solemnly:

"I know this may sound like a painting, but I hope you will give me a little more trust.

Time will prove whether what I am telling the truth is true. We have a lifetime to prove it.

"I believe."

Jiang Shiyu finally showed a small smile:

"As early as that day when we met again in the restaurant, when you learned that I was pregnant, your first reaction was to solemnly tell me that you would be responsible for me and the child, instead of making a fuss about his choice to evade. I knew you were the right person.

You are right, you should not bear the consequences of my father's mistakes.

It's my fault. I should trust you more and trust you more. "

She sat up, slowly walked to Lin Bai's side, put her arms around Lin Bai's waist, buried her head in her arms, and said softly:

"Husband, I was wrong, don't be unhappy~"

"Huh? That's it?"

"Then...then what else do you want others to say, or do you want to hear them say it here? Or here..."

The soft and boneless hands gently stroked it, and the sweet and soft voice was tainted with a hint of temptation.

Lin Bai stood up unconvinced.

"No, I'm just talking, Shigure, you don't have to do this


Jiang Shiyu was so good at grasping the key points that Lin Bai took a breath of air and had to stop talking.

"At times like this, you have to pay attention."

A thought flashed through Lin Bai's mind the moment he was swept up by the overwhelming waves and lost his mind.

If Jiang Shiyu's body has fully recovered after the birth of her two children, she is afraid that the family will have to play every night.

Damn little goblin, it’s fatal!

"Hey, my body feels a little lighter today. The soreness and swelling yesterday have disappeared. Is it my imagination?

Or is yoga for pregnant women really so effective that you can get immediate results with just one day of practice?”

When Jiang Shiyu got up early the next morning, he was wearing home clothes and moving around in the living room in the morning light. He looked curiously at Lin Bai who was busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen and said.

"Exercising your body will definitely have an effect, but it will definitely show up over time.

I feel that such an obvious effect has little to do with pregnancy yoga. It is mostly because I moisturized well yesterday. "

Lin Bai put on a bad smile and said with narrowed eyes.

Yes, you are very moisturizing, but at night some people were teased by me to the point where they begged for mercy~

I don’t know who it is, why can’t I remember it?”

Jiang Shiyu ran to the kitchen in small steps, bared his little tiger teeth and showed a smile like a little devil, and reached down eagerly with his little hands:

"It seems that some people don't remember. Do you want to do some morning exercise to help restore memory?"

"Don't, don't, don't. If you come again, you will really be squeezed dry. I was wrong. I was wrong."

Lin Bai quickly raised his hands and surrendered:

Besides, you still have to go to work today. If you want to do morning exercise now, you will probably have to miss the morning class, right?

"Humph, then I'll let you go a little bit."

Jiang Shiyu made a face, withdrew his little hand, and helped Lin Bai put breakfast on the table.

Arriving at school as usual, the two of them entered their offices respectively and prepared to start the day's work.

Jiang Shiyu had just sat down, and before her butt was warm from sitting, another Professor Nan, who was sitting opposite her, spoke:

"Professor Jiang, I'm really sorry.

When I went to pick up the express delivery yesterday, I saw your express delivery, so I helped to get it back together.

What we both bought were oranges, but I didn’t pay attention and split them into yours. I opened them and ate two. I was really embarrassed.

Do you think you should buy another box if I transfer the money to you?"

Professor Nanan looked apologetic.

"No, no, it's just a box of oranges, there's no need to spend so much time on it."

Jiang Shiyu quickly waved his hand:

"But I didn't buy any oranges. Do you still have the remaining ones? Let me see where they were sent.

"Here it is, it's hot in the room. I left it on the small balcony of our office. Please wait a moment and I'll bring it back."

As he spoke, Professor Nan stood up, went to take back the box of oranges that had been opened, and placed it on Jiang Shiyu's desk:

"This is the box I opened. There is another box left unopened on the balcony."

Seeing the sender's name on the receipt, Jiang Shiyu instantly knew the origin of this large box of oranges.

Lin Tianming, this is the name of Second Uncle Lin.

“It turned out to be home-grown oranges sent to us by Lin Bai’s second uncle.

A while ago, we went back to our hometown to celebrate the birthday of Lin Bai's grandmother. At that time, the oranges were just ripe, but the sugar content had not yet reached the optimal level.

His second uncle said he would wait and send us some more after they were officially cooked. I didn’t expect them to arrive so quickly. "

Jiang Shiyu said with a smile.

"Good guy, it turns out I grew it myself, no wonder it's so delicious."

Professor Nan suddenly realized.

"This box has been opened anyway, so it's hard to take it back. It's just a good time to share it with colleagues in the office."

Jiang Shiyu opened the box and gave three to each professor in the office.

The rest was taken to the teaching assistant's workshop and distributed to Lin Bai and several other teaching assistants.

When we returned to the office, several professors had already eaten.

"Good guy, no wonder Professor Nan said yesterday that these oranges are delicious. Don't tell me, they taste really good.

The texture is delicate, the taste is sweet, and the orange flavor is quite strong. It is much more delicious than the ones we buy in the market. "

Cui Yanran praised.

"It's really delicious. I just bought some oranges yesterday. My daughter stopped eating them after two bites. She said they were sour, astringent and unpleasant. She must like this.

Another older female professor in the office looked at Jiang Shiyu:

"Xiao Mei, you just said that these oranges were grown by relatives of Lin Bai's family?"


Jiang Shiyu nodded:

"When I went back last time, I picked oranges in the orange orchard with my own hands. It was the boss's orange orchard."


Several other professors in the office looked at each other, and they all saw a bit of eagerness in each other's eyes.

Professor Nan took the initiative to speak:

"Well, Professor Jiang, do they sell their oranges to individuals? Can we buy a few boxes together?"

"Ah? Do you want to buy this orange?"

Jiang Shiyu was slightly startled:

"It's definitely for sale, but if you buy less, it won't be easy to deliver it to the city. And I haven't asked his second uncle about the price. It's higher or lower, so I'm afraid you won't be satisfied...

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. No matter how high it is, it can't be more expensive than the oranges in imported supermarkets, right?


The horrible oranges I bought for my daughter yesterday were bought in an imported supermarket. They were said to be imported Australian oranges. Four oranges cost 60 yuan. "

The older female professor curled her lips and looked angry.

In terms of quantity, the few people in our office should be able to get it together.

I have a large family, so it’s no problem to have four or five boxes.

Professor Nan said.

"I can also bring two boxes to my sister. She won't refuse such delicious oranges. I can ask for four boxes.

"My family also has about the same amount of two boxes. If we add them all up, our office can collect about 10 boxes.

If that's still not enough, you can try it out with someone in the office next door.

Xiao Jiang, can you help me ask?"

"Okay, when I get back from get off work today, I'll call his second uncle and ask.

If you want this much, it should be fine. "

Jiang Shiyu nodded.

For an entire orange orchard, selling these 10 boxes of oranges may only be a drop in the bucket, but it is still a small order.

Judging from Sister-in-law Lin's sad look last time, I guess this year's oranges won't be easy to sell either.

If the professors in these offices are satisfied, publicizing it in the circle of teachers may also increase the income of the couple, which is always good.

After the last class, Jiang Shiyu returned to the office to pack his things. Lin Bai was already waiting at the door:

"I'll go to the mall later and buy you a tablet?"

"Don't worry, help me move something."

Jiang Shiyu waved Lin Bai in and pointed to the box of oranges he had just returned from the balcony.

"My second uncle and the others sent it?"

"How did you know?"

"This ugly and almost plain packaging, no one except my second uncle's family uses it."

Lin Bai saw it right away and smiled.

"It was sent yesterday, and the professor in the office helped me get it back.

There were originally two boxes, but he didn't notice and opened the wrong box and opened it for me, so I simply shared it with other colleagues in the office, and on the way, I also brought an order for 10 boxes to Uncle Lin and the others.

Will they feel that what they want is too little and too much trouble?"

Jiang Shiyu asked carefully.

"What's the trouble? It's a good thing if it can be sold. You don't know how many oranges his family rotted in the ground last year."

Lin Bai, hugged the orange:

"You can take this box back and eat it slowly?"

Jiang Shiyu shook his head:

“When I came back from my hometown last time, I hadn’t finished the large basket of limes that my second uncle and my second sister-in-law had packed for me.

And now I like sour food and don't like too sweet food.

I was thinking that you should save some of this box for yourself, put it in a bag, and give it to your friend named Zhou Fan to try?"

"Okay, then just move it over to him."

Lin Bai smiled and said:

"I no longer live in the dormitory, and Xingzhou hasn't come back yet. Now he is the only one left in the dormitory. I want to send him some fruit to express my condolences.

My second uncle must have given them to my mother and the others. If I want to eat, I can just go home and eat them. I don’t miss these.

Then let's go, first go to the graduate student dormitory, give him the oranges, and then buy the tablet. "


Jiang Shiyu nodded.

(As of the update of this chapter, subject to the backend, flowers +7900, rewards +1688 points, evaluation votes +180, monthly tickets +35, reminders +12, a total of eleven chapters have been added~three chapters have been added so far, today Will update later~

In addition, if you want flowers, please vote, if you want first order, if you want complete order, if you want self-determination~).

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