Early in the morning, disciples from Linghe Palace sent exclusive robes for core disciples to Chu Xinghe.

The black core disciple's robe is inlaid with gold threads as if to tell the status of the core disciple.

Originally, according to the rules, the core disciple's clothes could be delivered within three days, but what Junior Brother Xinghe said last night really moved everyone.

So the senior brother who was in charge of the core disciples' clothes didn't sleep all night after he returned. He drove Chu Xinghe's core disciples' clothes out overnight and delivered them over early in the morning.

Moreover, the clothes that were delivered were even inlaid with two taels more gold than the average core disciples, and were more exquisite.

Chu Xinghe put on the clothes that represented the core disciples, but there was not much smile on his face.

It's so difficult... It's already so difficult to take away the identity of an elite disciple, isn't it even harder now to take away the identity of a core disciple?

The only thing that makes Chu Xinghe happy is that the reward of the Compass of Misfortune seems to be higher for core disciples whose identity is removed.

In the past, taking away the identity of an elite disciple would reward peak martial arts cultivation, but now if one takes away the identity of a core disciple, the reward would actually be a higher level, fifth-grade peak martial arts cultivation!

From the looks of it, it doesn't seem to be completely unacceptable.

After washing up, Chu Xinghe had breakfast with many senior brothers, and then came to Yaowang Palace.

A fire last night razed the entire Yaowang Palace to the ground. Except for the Suzaku stove, which was still standing there firmly, everything else that could be burned was completely burned.

At this time, the disciples of Linghe Palace have begun to clean up the mess and prepare to rebuild Yaowang Palace.

Chu Xinghe felt really sorry, so he also joined the working team.

"Master Xinghe...junior brother...I don't need help here..."

"Junior brother Xinghe, you were tired last night. You should take a rest first."

Although he was rejected in various ways, Chu Xinghe still helped out with various tasks. Chu Xinghe took the initiative to do whatever work was hard or tiring, which made a group of senior brothers extremely moved.

Look at...the other core disciples are all like uncles. Look at our junior brother Xinghe, we are not just talking about it, we are completely practicing it!

After working hard until noon, the other senior brothers began to rest, but Chu Xinghe did not rest.

Today is the day when all palaces come to receive elixir resources. Although the Medicine King Palace was burned down and many elixirs were burned, the foundation of Linghe Palace is there, and the supply to each palace will not be cut off.

Chu Xinghe helped the disciple who was responsible for distributing the pills and was busy again, which made the disciple look moved.

Although Chu Xinghe was tired, working like this could be considered as a way to vent his guilt and resentment.

"Hello fellow brothers, I am Liu Bo from the outer sect. I am here to receive the elixir resources from the outer sect." A guy who looked like a fat-headed fish said with a low eyebrow.

There is no way, this is what outer disciples are like.

The disciple in charge of distributing the medicine casually took out the medicine resources and handed them to Liu Bo, the fat-headed fish.

But Chu Xinghe remembered this guy. Isn't this fat-headed fish the same guy who beat Chu Cheng severely at the outer gate last time?

Thinking of Chu Cheng, Chu Xinghe spoke: "Are you Liu Bo from the outer sect?"

"To tell you senior brother, yes!"

"I am Chu Xinghe."

"Ah? Chu...Senior Brother Chu, hello..." Liu Bo obviously knew Chu Xinghe.

"Hello, Chu Chengnai and I are from the same hometown."

As soon as Chu Xinghe said these words, Liu Bo broke into a cold sweat. The last time he beat Chu Cheng, it seemed that it was because Chu Cheng spread rumors about Chu Xinghe behind his back, and he was rewarded with pills for this.

Liu Bo didn't understand what Chu Xinghe meant when he came to find him today? Is it because he struck too hard? Chu Xinghe cares about his fellow countrymen and wants to stand up for Chu Cheng?

"Liu Bo, after all, Chu Cheng and I are from the same hometown. What happened before is in the past, but I still hope that you can take care of Chu Cheng in the outer door. Don't forget the feelings of the same hometown. No matter what Chu Cheng has done, but He will always be my countryman.”

When Chu Xinghe said these words, both Liu Bo and the Linghe Palace disciples beside him were stunned.


This is the realm!

Everyone knew that Chu Cheng had spread rumors about Chu Xinghe.

Some people even speculated that Chu Xinghe was behind the beating of Chu Cheng.

But now that he heard Chu Xinghe's words, Liu Bo was really convinced. Is there really such a broad-minded person in this world? How could anyone suspect that such a person is behind him? Is this justified? Is there any royal law?

Chu Xinghe casually took out a bottle of elixir from the side, stuffed it into Liu Bo's hand and said again: "Junior Brother Liu Bo, this is my little thought. Please take care of Chu Cheng in the outer sect for my sake."

"Ah..." Liu Bo looked at the pill in his hand with a flattered expression.

"Okay... okay..." After confirming that what Chu Xinghe said was definitely not sarcastic, Liu Bo said with a serious face: "Senior Brother Chu, don't worry, from today on, no one will dare to bully Chu Cheng with me in the outer sect!"

"I feel relieved with your words." Chu Xinghe smiled gratefully.

Liu Bo also saluted and was about to leave, but at this moment Feng Fei came over from not far away. It was obvious that he had seen everything just now. At the same time, he was really convinced by Chu Xinghe. He had arranged for someone to deal with Chu Cheng before. When Chu Xinghe stopped him, he thought Chu Xinghe was just showing off, but what he said to Liu Bo today made Feng Fei understand.

I still underestimate Junior Brother Xinghe. Junior Brother’s mind is really broad! He is truly a righteous person!

"Junior Brother Xinghe, you can't do this." Feng Fei shook his head and sighed.

"Ah? Is it because of the elixir? Don't worry, Senior Brother Feng, I will replenish the elixir."

"Junior brother Xinghe, I'm not talking about elixirs. When did our Linghe Palace lack elixirs? I'm talking about what you did just now. Senior brother knows that you are a good person, but Chu Cheng has a very bad character and is malicious behind his back. He deserves a little punishment for slandering you, but now you let someone take care of him. Based on my understanding of him, not only will he not accept your kindness, but he will get worse. "

Feng Fei's words made everyone around him nod, and at the same time they secretly thought that Junior Brother Xinghe is still too naive.

"Besides, Haotian Sect, whether it is the inner sect or the outer sect, is a place where strength is respected. If Chu Cheng is really talented, he can stand up again even if he is kicked into the outer sect, but junior brother, you If you let Liu Bo take care of him like this, not only will he not remember your kindness, it will not even be of any benefit to his cultivation. Today he was beaten because he was not strong enough and you gave Liu Bo the elixir to take care of him. What if he gets beaten again tomorrow? "

Feng Fei said and shook his head.

"I understand what Senior Brother Feng means, but he is my fellow countryman after all. This is the only thing I can do for him. If, as Senior Brother Feng said, someone really hits him again, then what can I do? Maybe he just took out the pill again and asked that person not to hit him." Feng Fei shook his head when Chu Xinghe looked innocent.

But Feng Fei didn't say anything more in the end. After all, isn't Junior Brother Xinghe's innocent character what everyone likes about him?

Feng Fei shook his head and left. On the other side, Fat-headed Fish, who had not gone far, happened to hear the conversation between Chu Xinghe and Feng Fei. The first words made Fat-headed Fish almost worried that the pill he had got would be taken back, but the following words made Fat-headed Fish feel nervous. Eyes lit up.

Chu Xinghe doesn't care at all whether Chu Xinghe is innocent or not. What he cares about is... if someone beats Chu Cheng again, will Chu Xinghe give him the elixir?

Damn...what about this good thing?

The fat-headed fish's crotch was a little wet with excitement, and his squinting eyes exuded a dazzling light!

Pill! I am coming!

The fat-headed fish left Linghe Palace excitedly, but what he didn't know was that Chu Xinghe looked at the direction in which the fat-headed fish left and the excited appearance of the fat-headed fish from a distance, and showed a satisfied smile.

Chu Cheng, you little brat!

He was not beaten to death last time! But this is not bad, keep it and torture it slowly! I just happen to be in a bad mood, let the fat-headed fish teach you how to be a good person!

Outside the outer door, Chu Cheng, who was tied up like a mummy, was lying on the bed.

"My fate is up to me!"

As the most talented young man in the village, Chu Cheng did not fall down because of one or two blows. Chu Cheng swore that when the opportunity came, he would definitely take the head of Chu Xinghe with a three-foot sword!

No! And that fat-headed fish!

That guy must have been found by Chu Xinghe, it must be him!

I want to chop off his head and make it into minced pepper fish head.

Let him know that whoever offends me, Chu Cheng, will pay a price he cannot bear.

Just when Chu Cheng was thinking about becoming the pinnacle Martial Emperor and pointing his sword at the world, the door was kicked open with a bang.

A fat-headed fish came in from outside with a group of people.

"Oh... don't do this... Senior Brother Chu Xinghe promised to take good care of his fellow villagers. I have to stop you. You can't do anything to Chu Cheng... oh... I can't stop you from doing this. There are so many people..."

Poor acting!

Extremely clumsy!

Before Chu Cheng had time to express his opinion on Fat-headed Fish's acting skills with his mouth, a fist the size of Shabo was already in front of him...

The dream of the peak Martial Emperor was shattered by fists. A group of people greeted Chu Cheng risking their lives. No one knew how long the beating lasted, but what is certain is that the fate of Chu Cheng’s Martial Emperor and me is up to us. The implementation of the plan will be postponed again for more than a year.

In the afternoon, Chu Xinghe continued to work around with everyone in the Medicine King Palace. The great elder took many elders to visit. When they saw Chu Xinghe working with everyone, both the great elder and other elders nodded.

"This child...has a very good temperament."

"Yes, Great Elder, this kid Xinghe is pure and honest. Even though he has become a core disciple now, he is still not arrogant at all. I heard from the disciples below that he still calls everyone senior brother and only follows the sect rules when outsiders are around. Call it."

"What a good boy, Suzaku Spiritual Fire, Medicine Saint Heritage, any one of them is enough to make a person become the proud son of heaven, but this child is not proud of it at all. God bless Haotian!"

The great elder also revealed a knowing smile while stroking his burned beard.

Whether a person is a martial artist or refining medicine, talent is important, but temperament is even more important. How many people in this world have extraordinary talents, but after learning, they deceive their masters and destroy their ancestors!

But if you look at Chu Xinghe, he is humble to his brothers and respectful to his elders. Such a child deserves to have the Suzaku Spiritual Fire and the Medicine Saint inheritance, but even so, he still remains true to his original intention.

The Great Elder felt that bringing Chu Xinghe to Linghe Palace was the most correct thing he had done in his life.

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