The First Elder and other elders did not praise Chu Xinghe because they knew that Chu Xinghe, a good boy, did not need praise. His actions had already told everyone what kind of person he was.

The great elder led a group of elders and left with smiles on their faces. Although the Yaowang Palace was destroyed, the Haotian Sect was so powerful. Originally, because there were more and more disciples in the Yaowang Palace, it was a bit crowded.

Now that it is burned by a fire, a more magnificent Yaowang Palace can be built, so this fire Chu Xinghe is burned well!

In the evening, Chu Xinghe, who was all dirty and dirty, had finished the day's work with the senior brothers from Linghe Palace. He was a little tired. However, he heard rumors that Chu Cheng was taken care of again, which made Chu Xinghe tired after a day's work. Sweep away.

If it weren't for the inappropriateness, I would have gone to the outer gate to see what kind of mess Chu Cheng was being treated in.

Just as he was about to go back to rest with Feng Fei, Shen Chun came over.

"Junior Brother Xinghe!"

"Hello, Senior Brother Chen Chun!"

"Haha... Junior Brother Xinghe, you are very tired from your busy schedule this day. When you get back, take off your core disciple uniform and give it to the disciples in the sect. There will be specialized disciples to help you clean it. This is a core disciple. That’s the kind of treatment you get.”

"How can that be done...Senior Brother Chen Chun, stop talking!" Chu Xinghe said solemnly: "I am the latest to get started, how can I ask the senior brothers to wash my clothes? I feel a little guilty for not being able to help you wash your clothes. So I wash the clothes myself. I don’t know how the other core disciples are treated, but please stop talking and treat me as an ordinary disciple. The senior brothers have taken great care of me. I am grateful to all of you."

Shen Chun burst into tears...

It has to be Junior Brother Xinghe...

"Okay! Just as Junior Brother Xinghe said, oh by the way, Junior Brother Xinghe, in a few days it will be the time for the tomb to be opened. I have arranged for someone to inquire about the information about the tomb. I don’t know what Junior Brother Xinghe would like. Spirit soldiers?”

"Ah..." Chu Xinghe was stunned, what kind of spiritual soldier did he like?

You know, generally entering the spiritual tomb depends on luck. Haotian Sect believes that the encounter between the spiritual soldier and the disciple is fate. The destined spiritual soldier will follow the disciple for life until the day of death before returning to the spiritual tomb, so fate is very important .

This fate, how should I put it, is very mysterious.

Some people are extremely talented, but just because they entered the spiritual tomb, they accidentally chose the worst spiritual soldier. As a result, fate came and their future was gone.

And some people who get a powerful spiritual weapon may change their destiny against the will of heaven.

But very few people know that the so-called fate is not absolute. Those who enter the spiritual tomb are all new disciples and do not understand the situation of the spiritual tomb.

Even if some disciples who are valued by the elders may get some gossip before entering the spiritual tomb, the elders dare not say too much, after all, the sect rules are there.

But now... Chen Chun means that you can choose your own fate?

"Senior Brother Chen Chun, will doing this violate the sect rules?" Chu Xinghe said very solemnly.

"No... I quietly asked the Great Elder about this matter, and the Great Elder also nodded... So I will not violate the sect rules and will not be punished. Junior brother, don't worry!"

I'm relieved!

After hearing what Chen Chun said, Chu Xinghe laughed angrily. I asked if he would violate the sect rules. Is that what he meant?

If it doesn't violate the rules, what's the point? What future is there without being punished?

"That's it, then thank you, Senior Brother Chen Chun. I like cheap...ahem...swords!"

"Sword! Haha, junior brother, don't worry, there are ten divine swords in our Haotian Sect's spiritual tomb. Although five of them are now in the hands of the elders and sect leaders, there are still five that have no owners, and their Although the location is a mystery, there must be some news from the great elder. Don’t worry, junior brother, I will quietly go to the great elder to inquire about it, and I think I will find something.”

"In that case, I would like to thank you, Senior Brother Chen Chun."

"Why are our fellow apprentices so polite? Let's go!"

After Shen Chun left, Chu Xinghe also returned to his room. Feng Fei had finished washing and was sitting drinking tea.

Chu Xinghe mentioned to Feng Fei that Shen Chun came to see him today. The purpose was very simple. As the saying goes, one less thing is worse than one more thing. He wanted to check to see if there was anything that could violate the rules.

"This matter is not a secret. The elders of each palace will open some backdoors for their favorite disciples. Our Linghe Palace is naturally understandable, so it cannot be considered a violation."

Chu Xinghe looked disappointed. If Feng Fei said it wasn't against the rules, then it really wasn't against the rules.

"Junior Brother Xinghe, with your talent, if you can get the Divine Sword, you will naturally be able to go higher and further in the future, so Junior Brother, just go ahead and do it."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Feng." Chu Xinghe smiled helplessly. It seemed that there was no chance of violating the rules.

Seeing Chu Xinghe's wry smile, Feng Fei thought that Chu Xinghe was worried that he could not conquer the divine sword. After thinking about it, Feng Fei said: "Junior brother, in fact, the five divine swords do not necessarily depend on fate, but also require some small means... so Junior brother, don’t worry, the great elder will definitely find a way to let junior brother get the divine sword.”

"Ah..." Chu Xinghe was dumbfounded. There was a secret operation behind the so-called fate of love.

But Feng Fei didn't say any more, because he had already said everything that needed to be said.

Chu Xinghe was thinking, how about exposing this secret operation? If this were revealed, the new disciples would be in trouble.

It is estimated that it will be a huge blow to the entire Haotian Sect.

But after thinking about it, Chu Xinghe felt that it was not possible. If he revealed this matter, would he be expelled from the school?

Difficult...very difficult!

Will he be punished then?

Yes...but it won't be very big, because the Great Elder will suppress this matter at all costs. With the Great Elder's methods, the possibility of letting it go will be very high. At most, Shen Chun, the matchmaker, will be pulled out and used as a backstop. Just let the pot guy deal with it and declare it to be a rumor.

He could do things that were beneficial to himself at the expense of others, but it was something Chu Xinghe felt he couldn't do at the expense of others.

What's more, it is very important for me to get the divine sword. The ten divine swords of Haotian Sect are famous all over the world, just like the Heaven-raising Sword in the hands of the sect leader, and the Soul-Destroying Sword of the Great Elder, they are all treasures.

If you can get such a divine sword as a spiritual weapon, that's a promising future.

There are still five of the top ten divine swords left in the tombs. With the Great Elder behind the scenes, there is no problem in getting one. Thinking of how many times he had tricked the Great Elder before, even though he had failed, he still felt in his heart. Ichinono still feels a little guilty, right?

At night, Chu Xinghe had a dream. He dreamed that Chu Chengbao came to seek revenge on him like a rice dumpling. He kept saying that thirty years to the east of the river and thirty years to the west of the river should not bully young people into poverty?

What else are you saying that my destiny is up to me?

What are you talking about that you want to chop off your own dog's head with a sword?

Damn... isn't this little brat alive? Why are you still dreaming?

So can having too much resentment achieve the effect of dreaming?

Chu Xinghe was so angry that he ran to the cafeteria early in the morning!

"Brother, bring me two rice dumplings! The ones with the tightest wraps, the ones stuffed with meat!"

After eating two rice dumplings stuffed with meat fillings, Chu Xinghe felt a lot more comfortable. Little Bizi was quite resentful, wasn't he? What have I never seen of you, Brother Chu? Don't talk about zongzi, come here in person and see if your brother Chu can chew it for you. Chew it and swallow you alive!

The remnants of Yaowang Palace have been cleared away. Haotian Sect has its own construction team. A group of disciples who practice civil engineering skills showed Chu Xinghe how to build a house here.

In the past, I always heard people say that high-rise buildings are rising from the ground. That is all bragging. Here is where the buildings are really rising. The stones are really pulled up from the ground and made into stone pillars.

Good guy, all kinds of palaces are really rising from the ground with the Suzaku Furnace as the center. In just a few days, the Yaowang Palace has taken shape with the help of a group of civil engineering disciples. The area of ​​the Yaowang Palace is larger than before. More than ten times more, it’s the kind of place where you can get lost even if you go in.

Of course, there will definitely be various things that need to be added to the Medicine King Palace in the future, but in the face of the Haotian Sect's strong financial resources, these are nothing at all.

Chu Xinghe watched it rise from the ground for a few days. Although he was not very interested in becoming a disciple of the civil and wood skills, Chu Xinghe really loved the Haotian Sect's skills.

However, Chu Xinghe is still at the peak of the first-grade martial artist realm. If he wants to formally learn the techniques, he must obtain the spirit weapon and then seriously enter the second-grade martial artist realm before he can start learning the techniques that suit him.

During this period, the Great Elder came to see Chu Xinghe. He even asked for Chu Xinghe’s opinion on the construction of Yaowang Palace. Chu Xinghe really didn’t know anything about it and could only say that the Great Elder would take care of it.

However, these days are the most comfortable days for Chu Xinghe. Every day, he only needs to watch the hard-working performances of civil engineering disciples. He really doesn't have to do anything, even if he wants to I don’t have this ability either.

So during the past few days, Chu Xinghe has been thinking about his next plan.

Burn the tomb?

That's unrealistic... If the spiritual soldiers automatically protect the spiritual tomb and hit me with a thousand swords, it's not worth it.

And just when Chu Xinghe was at a loss what to do, Shen Chun arrived.

Chen Chun mysteriously handed a piece of paper to Chu Xinghe. Chu Xinghe glanced at it... Good guy... The positions of the five divine swords were marked on four... How to get three of them was even written down. Everything is clear... No wonder the Great Elder told me inexplicably when he came before that he should take good care of it. This is how you take care of your feelings!

"Thank you, Senior Brother Chen Chun."

"Oh... Junior brother, you're too polite. I'm just an errand boy. Junior brother, please don't let down the great elder."

"Senior Brother Shen, don't worry!"

"Junior brother, the great elder asked me to tell you that it is best to choose one of these three swords and leave the others alone. And after entering the spiritual tomb, be sure not to communicate too much with others. The last time the spiritual tomb was opened, there was a The disciples also got some information, but this guy relied on his own information to guide others randomly. In the end, a group of disciples only got the worst spiritual weapons. The palaces were furious, and even the elders couldn't save the guy and were directly killed. I was expelled from the sect, so junior brother, you..."

"Senior brother, don't worry! I will definitely not give random guidance to anyone!"

Chu Xinghe burst into tears, Senior Brother Shen Chun! It has to be you!

You are now my most beloved senior brother!

I have been thinking hard for so many days with no progress.

Senior brother, if you are an expert, you will know if there is anything right as soon as you take action!

If you give people random guidance, you will be expelled from the sect, right... Senior brother, don't worry, in terms of giving random guidance, the person who was expelled from the sect is just a noob compared to me!

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