I Only Write Saliva Songs? I'm Afraid You Won't Be Able To Sing!

Chapter 87: As A Professional Singer, I Can't Help But Want To Sing A Song! Stupid People!

Looking at Mu Fei's manager in front of him.

The leader of Mufei Company said a little nervously.


"Probably not?"


He hastily opened his mouth to add.


"Li Yu's ability to write songs is very good!"


"But he's so young!"

"Still a sophomore!"

"Occasionally, I can write a few good songs..."

"It's also understandable!"


"But Mu Fei's new album, after all, needs a lot of songs!

"It's impossible for him to write every song well?"

Hear the voice of leadership.

Mu Fei's manager thought about it.

Subconsciously nodded!


But when I think about watching these three live broadcasts of "Song of You and Me" in a row!

She quickly shook her head again!


It was even more difficult to speak.

"Boss Wan!"


"It seems that this is not the case!"

"Didn't you notice?"

"Song of You and Me has only aired three episodes in total!"

"But every issue of  …

"The songs he played, without exception, can all set off a wave of topics on the Internet!"

"If it's just one issue..."

"Then we can barely think he's just lucky!"

"Once in a while a good song is written!"


"He's been playing for three seasons in a row!"

He heard the voice of manager Mu Fei.

The leader of Mufei Company suddenly became numb!


He still has some unwillingness to say something!


Mu Fei's manager didn't let him continue talking!

Instead, he continued to speak.


"Boss Wan!"

"We can't expect Li Yu to write other songs for Mu Fei now."

"It's almost the same as this song "What I Miss"!"

"If that's the case..."

"Then Mu Fei's next album sales will explode!"

"And if Mu Fei's album sales explode"

"This contract we signed..."

"It is impossible for the company not to ask!"

"As soon as the company asks!"

"You will know for sure."

"Mu Fei previously wanted to give Li Yu five million plus a 5% sales share!"

"It turned out that we both..."

"I didn't give it abruptly, but I signed this contract!"

"By the time……………"

I didn't wait for Mu Fei's manager to finish talking!

The leader of Mufei Company immediately waved his hand and interrupted her!

Of course he knew what Manager Mu Fei meant!

It's just the two of them!

If Mu Fei agreed back then!

Willing to give Li Yu 5 million plus 5% of album sales!

The company won't say anything either!

After all, Mu Fei asked for it!


This price is for Li Yu, a composer who has just become famous!

Although it is a bit high!

But it is also within the scope of the company's tolerance!


Tens of percent of sales can be divided into!


This company will definitely not accept it!

after all……

After all, if it wasn't for the two of them to sign this contract...

How could Li Yu get such a high share of conditions?!


Mu Fei's next album!

If sales don't explode, that's fine!

But if Mu Fei's album sales explode...


That would be hard to say!

And if Mu Fei's next album sells more!

#B4 …

The company will be more distressed!

And the two of them......

The consequences will be more serious!

These are nothing!

At most, you will be fired from the company!

Or arrange to do odd jobs in an idle department!


But once this matter gets out!

That's for the fame of both of them...

That would have a huge impact!

Just a [pretend to be smart] label!

Stick to them forever!

Or the [short-sighted] label!

It can also be attached to them for a lifetime!

And the sales of Mu Fei's next album will be higher!

These labels will be stronger on their bodies!

And with tags like this....

Which company would dare to reuse the two of them in the future?!


Think here!

The leader of Mufei Company suddenly couldn't hold back anymore!


His eyes became firm!


He even looked at Mu Fei's manager!

Then he said decisively.


"The two of us can't sit still!"


"The contract must be changed back!"


"Go to Mu Fei first!

"Just tell her..."

"We watched this episode of the live broadcast and found that Li Yu's creative ability is very strong!"

"The price given to Li Yu earlier was too low!"

"We have been begging the company's senior management for a long time!"

"Finally got a better contract for Li Yu!"


"give him....."

"Just give it to him..."

"Just give him six million, plus a 6% sales share!"

"Best price....."

"Give it up to eight million, plus an 8% sales share!"

"Be sure to nullify the previous high share contract!"

"In this case……………"

"If the sales of Mu Fei's next album explode, the two of us will be fine, and even get a bonus!"

"Even if it's Mu Fei's next album, if the sales hit the market, the two of us will at most be scolded by the higher-ups!"


"We can still put the blame on Mu Fei!"

"After all, Mu Fei insisted that Li Yu make an album for her!"


"We have room to advance and retreat!"


"When this live broadcast is over, you should hurry up and contact Mu Fei for this matter!"

Hear the voice of leadership.

Mu Fei's manager didn't start to act immediately.

Instead, he asked.


"Boss Wan!"

"What if Li Yu is not willing to change this contract?!"

He heard the voice of manager Mu Fei.

The leader of Mufei Company laughed immediately!

"Don't want to?"

"Li Yu just knows how to write songs!"

"Does he understand the twists and turns in society?"

"You can just fool him for a while then?!"

"Say something nice!"

"Bring him a meal and arrange for him to have a massage!"

"Little young..."

"Easiest to float!"

"Or it really doesn't work..."

"You get him drunk!"

"Then let him sign the new contract, wouldn't it be all right?!"

"What's so difficult?!"

Hear the voice of leadership.

Mu Fei's manager nodded.

Casually walked towards the outside of the office!


She wants it before the end of the third period.

Hurry up and get the new contract out!

Then wait until the third issue of "My Song of You" ends!

Hurry up and get this thing done!

And the leader of Mu Fei Company, and her manager!

While discussing things!

on the other side!

"You and My Song"!

Issue 3!

It's still live!

And during the live broadcast at this time...

The host was still asking the group of composers and singers on the left side of the stage.

Regarding the song "What I Miss" written by Li Yu, and the song sung by Mu Fei!

After all, Mu Fei's manager and company leader.

Looks like we've been chatting for a long time!

But at best.......

It's only a few minutes away!

And the group of composers on the left side of the stage, and the group of singers...

They are very concerned about the song "What I Miss" that Li Yu put out.

Of course it's flattering!


After all, laymen watch the fun!

Insider look at the doorway!

If they can't even tell if the song is good or not...

Don't think about it!

After this episode is over...

Their business level will definitely be questioned!

After all, such a song!

Either compose!

Still composing!

Or lyrics!

Everything is as good as it gets!

Even Wang Hanfei said it before...

Songs like "What I Miss"...

Give him years!

He can write it too!

With the strength of Wang Hanfei's ace composer......

It took years of hard work to write such a song!

#B4 …

Do you still have to doubt the excellence of this song?!


For Li Yu!

These songwriters!

All are unanimous praise!

As for Mu Fei's singing skills...

Those singers!

Even more praise!

Especially singers with better singing skills...

The more he could understand when Mu Fei was singing this song just now.

What kind of level has the singing skills reached!


Mu Fei also received all praises!

And at this moment!

Among most of the songwriters and singers!

After all the speeches...


The host looked at the whole scene!

The only He Qingyue who hasn't commented on Li Yu and Mu Fei yet!

to be honest!

The host really didn't want to throw the topic to He Qingyue!

After all, the first two episodes!

That is vivid!

And this issue.......

Just now, in order to help Wang Hanfei explain the truth to Li Yu......

He even stepped on He Qingyue on purpose!

Although the host also felt very relieved!


But the host is also a little worried!

after all…………

In the first two episodes, He Qingyue was so "daring to speak"!

And she hasn't even started talking yet.

Just stepped on by Li Yu!

#B4 …

Wait until she speaks!

Absolutely all kinds of earth-shattering words!



really don't want to

Let He Qingyue speak!


But when He Qingyue and Wang Hanfei took the stage just now.

He Qingyue was not allowed to speak!

If He Qingyue is not allowed to speak now...


That's probably a little off!


Even if you don't want to!

The host still left the topic to He Qingyue!


"Just now all the teachers commented on Li Yu's creative ability and Mu Fei's singing skills!"


"Do you have anything to say?"

"What do you think of Li Yu's creative ability!?"

"And Mu Fei's performance just now..."

Hear the host's inquiry!

He Qingyue immediately picked up the microphone!

And seeing He Qingyue pick up the microphone!

The group of songwriters and singers sitting on the left side of the stage...

They stepped back a little bit!

Trying to prove that he and He Qingyue kept a distance!

And the audience in the official live broadcast room of "My Song"...

Everyone is excited!

-I'm coming!"

"He Qingyue, she's here!"

"I guess she will diss Li Yu again later!"

"after all………………"

"After all, the previous two episodes were like this!"

"And just now Li Yu stepped on her foot!"


"Later, she will probably say all kinds of shocking words!"


"I just don't get it!"

"Why do you want He Qingyue to talk?!"

"Just skip her and let the next singer come on stage and sing?!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room.

When one after another is sending barrage!

He Qingyue finally spoke!

She first looked at Mu Fei!

Then he spoke.

"Sister Mu Fei's singing skills..."

"Much better than me!"

"He is my role model!"

"I will definitely regard Sister Mu Fei as my goal in the future!"

"Strive to have the strength of Sister Mu Fei!"

He Qingyue made a brief comment on Mu Fei!

Then he set his sights on Li Yu who was sitting not far from Wang Hanfei!

And all of them......

But bewildered!



This is the end?!

When people were commenting on Mu Fei's singing skills.

Which one is not eloquent and analyzes from various angles?!

From pitch to breath!

From pitch to treble!

From control to emotion!

How are you?!

In a few sentences, just say that Mu Fei is your idol, you should learn from her in the future!

This is the end?!

That's all...

Can't wait to talk to Li Yu?!


You hate Li Yu that much?!

Just when everyone was a little confused!

He Qingyue looking at Li Yu!

But he spoke.

"This song "What I Miss" by Li Yu."

"I think like every other teacher!"

"no doubt!"

"It's a great song!"

"And it's a really good song!"

"Good enough for me as a professional singer!"

"I can't help but want to sing a song by (Zhao Qianhao)!"

He Qingyue's voice was heard.


Everyone was dumbfounded again!




What is this nonsense?!

Everyone looked in disbelief at He Qingyue who stood up, holding a microphone, and talking freely!

They couldn't believe it!

This is what He Qingyue can say?!


Are you still He Qingyue?!

After all, in their impression...

When did He Qingyue praise Li Yu?!

Wasn't that sarcasm or sarcasm?!


Is this transgender?!


Especially when Li Yu stepped on her just now!


Everyone is dumbfounded!


You are definitely not He Qingyue!

Who has you been taken away by?!

Even the host standing in the middle of the stage at the moment.

They all looked at He Qingyue who was talking in a daze!

She couldn't believe it...

This turned out to be something He Qingyue would say!


Between thoughts!

In the host's mind, there was an idea!


Is this figured out?!

Through this song "What I Miss" written by Li Yu tonight.

He Qingyue finally figured it out?!

Did she finally realize how good Li Yu is at writing songs?!

Then want to be soft?!

By the way, how can I find Li Yu to invite me to sing in the future?!

And after thinking about it...

The host thinks!

Your guess must be correct!


After all, if not, why would He Qingyue say that?!

And not just hosts!

In the hearts of many people at this moment!

Basically, there is such a guess!


However, when they guessed like this!

He Qingyue changed his voice!

Then he continued to speak...

And after hearing what He Qingyue said next...


Confused again!.

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