I Only Write Saliva Songs? I'm Afraid You Won't Be Able To Sing!

Chapter 88: Is That The Song You Wrote For Me? Are You Sure You Don't Want To See Me Make A Foo


Many people think so.

What He Qingyue said just now......

It's a disguised form of being soft on Li Yu!

But before they had time to think about why He Qingyue gave in to Li Yu...

But He Qingyue suddenly changed his voice!

Then he spoke.

"There is no doubt!"

"Li Yu wrote this song "What I Miss" for Sister Mu Fei in this issue!"

"It's a good song!"

"at the same time......"

"It also proves that Li Yu's songwriting skills are extremely high!"

"But that's exactly what happened!"

"I really want to ask Li Yu about you!"


"Why are you so good at writing songs!"

"But in the first two periods, when the two of us formed a team.

"You didn't write such a good song for me?!"

"First, the first issue of "Learning to Meow"!"

"It's totally a mouthwatering song!"

"The second issue of "Digital Life" will follow!"


After a short pause.

He Qingyue spoke again.


"The song "Digital Life" is indeed a good song!"


"But the song "Digital Life", can I sing it?!"

"You as a songwriter!"

"When you write songs..."

"You can't just focus on writing good songs!"

"You also have to think about it, can the singer sing well?!"

"And the song "Digital Life"."

"Do you think I can sing?!"

"Don't even say it's me!"

"In the entire music scene..."

"How many singers can sing?!"

"It doesn't even need to be said that I sang the song "Digital Life" in full!"

"Only on the Internet!"

"The digital challenge extended because of the song "Digital Life"!"

"It's a numbers challenge alone. …"

"How many people can complete it?!"


"Li Yu, you obviously have such a high level of songwriting!"

"Why did you write me such a song "Digital Life?!"

"Is that the song you wrote me?"

"Are you sure you don't want to see me make a fool of myself?!"

"If in the last issue..."

"You wrote it for me like the song "What I Miss" that you wrote for Sister Mu Fei in this issue!"

"It's simple, but it's not a slobbery song.

"Isn't it good?!"


"In your heart!"

"You never thought about writing me a 103 good song?!"

Hear here!

Everyone was shocked immediately!


Feeling He Qingyue is waiting for Li Yu at this place?!

He Qingyue praised Li Yu just now.

What the hell is it for the sake of suppressing desire?!

And to their surprise...

And so much more!

If they heard correctly...  

Just now He Qingyue seemed to say...

A song as simple as "What I Miss"?!


Many people were shocked immediately!

This is so...

The song "I Missed".

Is it a simple song?!

Even Mu Fei who was still standing on the stage at this moment.

They all couldn't help looking sideways at He Qingyue!

She can't think of it...

He Qingyue actually said that this song is a simple song?!

If only it were an easy song!

Does she still need to pull Li Yu and practice this song crazily?!

Even until now!

Don't look at how good the performance was when I sang this song on stage just now!

But Mu Fei knew it...

at your current level!

But there is still no way to record this song into the album!

I want to record this song "What I Miss" in the album...


I still have to practice for a while!

And just after He Qingyue finished speaking...

Everyone also looked at Li Yu!

They want to hear it.

How will Li Yu respond to He Qingyue's questioning!


What they don't know, though.

After hearing He Qingyue's questioning!

But Li Yu is very asshole!


This is so clear.

Doesn't she have a little bit of compulsion in her heart?!


He Qingyue's memory...

Could it be the memory of the fish?!

Did she forget everything about the previous two episodes?!


She thinks she is right and she is wrong?!


Look at He Qingyue who is looking at him right now!

And the eyes of many others who are also looking at me!

Li Yu knows...

Even if I don't want to talk to He Qingyue anymore!

This time...

I have to break up with her too!


Li Yu couldn't help it too!

He also wanted to say something to He Qingyue!


Li Yu immediately picked up the microphone!

He looked at He Qingyue!

Then he opened his mouth and said.


"Let me correct you a little first!"

"The song "What I Miss"."

"It's not as simple as you understand!"


"With your barren brain and professional musical knowledge."

"It may be difficult for you to understand why I say this song is not as simple as you understand!"

"But I'm too lazy to explain to you now!"

"I suggest you wait until after this issue is over..."

"Go online and see what the music critics are saying!"

"I believe you will understand!"


Li Yu continued to speak.


"I'll answer your question now!"

"That's right!"

"I just don't want to write you good songs!"

"Because of your attitude!"

"Because of your rubbish singing skills!"

"Not worthy of me writing you a good song!"

"That way..."

"Totally insulting my song!"

Hear Li Yu's voice!

He Qingyue was shocked immediately!


She is also a little angry!

"What is my barren brain and professional music knowledge?!"

"What is because of my attitude?!"

"What is because of my singing skills?!"

"What's wrong with my attitude?"

"Didn't I just follow other composition teachers and comment on your songs?

"And my singing skills..."

"From the very first issue!"

"You're just talking about my singing skills!"

"Is my singing really that bad?!"

"It's clear that you are deliberately making things difficult for me!"


He Qingyue felt that Li Yu's words were difficult to accept.

Immediately the argument began!


However, at the same time as He Qingyue was speaking.

She didn't find out!

When many people looked at her...

The eyes gradually began to change!


Those people didn't say anything!

Instead, it was in the official live broadcast room of "Song of You and Me"!

Those who are watching the live broadcast!

Everyone laughed!




"Killing me!"

"I really want to know..."

"How did He Qingyue have the face to say these words?!"


"I have some doubts..."

"Is she really stupid or fake stupid?!"

"Is her attitude okay?"

"From the first issue to now..."

"She's either complaining about Li Yu, or she's on the way to complain about Li Yu!"

"Does this mean that her attitude is okay?!"

"And her singing skills..."

"Even I don't understand music, I only know whether it's good or bad when I listen to it!"

"People who don't know any professional music knowledge like intonation!"

"I can hear it, her singing skills are beyond words!"

"How did she have such confidence that her singing skills are fine?!"


"Actually, I think..."

"He Qingyue's singing skills..."

"It seems that there is really no problem?!"


"Brother upstairs!"

"Do you want to find a doctor in the hospital to help you look at your ears?!"


"I'm serious about what I'm saying!"

"After all, from beginning to end..."

"I've only heard two songs by He Qingyue!"

"One is "Learning to Meow"!"

"This song......"

"I think He Qingyue's singing is pretty good!"

"One is the (ceee) "Digital Life"!"

"This song......"

"This song is really difficult to sing!"

"Didn't you guys watch that digital challenge on the internet?!"

"A lot of first-line singers can't complete the challenge!"


"You can't say that He Qingyue can't sing "Digital Life" because her singing skills are not good?!"


"Ha ha ha ha……"

"This brother upstairs!"

"After watching the live broadcast, don't you want to watch the exclusive live broadcast rooms of composers and singers?!"



"How did you know?!"


"If you went to see the exclusive live broadcast room of the composer and singer!"

"You would never say that again!"

"You don't know!"

"When the last issue just ended."

"Wang Hanfei is in the lounge, ask He Qingyue to sing him two songs!"

"It's good to know He Qingyue's singing skills and voice!"

"Good guy!"

"You didn't hear that!"

"How ugly He Qingyue sang in the lounge!"


"Just saying this makes me want to laugh!"

"I still remember it!"

"Wang Hanfei was listening to He Qingyue singing..."

"A frown can kill a fly!"


"You don't know how ugly the expression on Wang Hanfei's face was at that time!"

"Even ugly and ferocious!"

"Let me just tell you..."


When He Qingyue was singing to Wang Hanfei..."

"I heard He Qingyue's singing back then..."

"I think I can sing much better than her!"



"real or fake?!"

"Is He Qingyue's singing skills really so outrageous?!"

"Do you think?!"

"If you don't believe me!"

"Wait a minute, the game is over!"

"You can go and watch the replay of the previous live broadcast!"

And the audience in the live broadcast room.

When sending barrage one by one!

Li Yu who heard He Qingyue's voice.

But he didn't have any idea of ​​wanting to make false claims with He Qingyue!

It doesn't matter if it's live or not!

He immediately nodded!

The very bachelor admitted it!


"I'm just making things difficult for you!"

Hear Li Yu's voice.

He Qingyue was stunned for a moment!

Li Yu.…………

Li Yu, he just admitted it like that?!

And at the same time!

Wang Hanfei looked at Li Yu!

There was a look of worry on his face!


As a composer, you can make things difficult for the singer He Qing


But you can't say it!

you say it......

It will leave a mouthful for others!


Just when Wang Hanfei was a little worried!

He Qingyue was surprised by his position!

Even other people are a little surprised!

Li Yu looked at He Qingyue!

Then he spoke again.

"You can do one thing to your face and the other behind your back!"

"Talk about me behind my back!"

"Then why can't I make things difficult for you?!"

Hear Li Yu's voice!


He Qingyue immediately remembered the time in the first issue!

I once said what I said when I called my friend to complain about Li Yu in the fire escape!


The anger on He Qingyue's face disappeared!


It's a fright!

Because she can't figure it out...

Didn't I make the phone call from the fire exit?!

Li Yu......

How did Li Yu know?!


He Qingyue panicked!


They all looked at Li Yu and He Qingyue with puzzled eyes!


After all, what Li Yu said just now.

They all heard it too!

He Qingyue secretly spoke ill of Li Yu behind his back?!


This immediately aroused their curiosity!

And just then...

Li Yu thinks!

Anyway, it's all said and done here!

Why don't you just say it all!


In front of everyone!

Li Yu directly said that He Qingyue was in the fire escape at that time!

What she said to her friend was repeated directly to her!

And after hearing Li Yu's retelling of her original words...

He Qingyue became even more terrified immediately!

Li Yu…………

Li Yu, he actually knew?!

And after hearing Li Yu's retelling.

Everyone was shocked too!

Because they can't think of it at all...

He Qingyue actually said such a thing?!

And at this moment!

Although He Qingyue was terrified!

But she also knows!

at this time.…………

I definitely can't admit it!

After all, speaking ill of others behind their backs...

This is a matter of character!

This is a very dishonorable thing!


Even if it is very frightening!

He Qingyue spoke like a dead duck.

"I don't!"

"You are slandering me!"


Just heard the first two sentences He Qingyue said.

Li Yu's mood suddenly faded!

He didn't want to say anything to He Qingyue anymore!

For one face to face, one set behind the back!

No EQ!

No brains!

Dare to do or not to act!

People who will beat back...

Li Yu thinks...

Confront her!

Even if you win...

It doesn't mean much either!

And he couldn't beat the fox at all, and even made a fuss!


This issue...

He Qingyue is probably going to be eliminated too!

Wait until He Qingyue is eliminated!

Slowly tidy her up!

Li Yu understood it!

Facing someone like He Qingyue!

You can't reason with her!

It should be killed with a stick!

And at this moment in Li Yu's mind...

There is already a plan for how to deal with He Qingyue after this round of competition is over!

To know.………

In the previous life!

Don't look at Li Yu is behind the scenes!


But Li Yu is not a nice guy either!

At this time, He Qingyue...

Still trying to defend myself!

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