I Only Write Saliva Songs? I'm Afraid You Won't Be Able To Sing!

Chapter 98: She Knows The Art Of Speaking! Manager Mu Fei's Frankness!


Mu Fei's manager......

Undoubtedly, he knows the art of speaking very well!

Even in Li Yu's opinion...

The manager of Mu Fei...

They are all very talkative!

Because even Li Yu was on the earth in the previous life!

I don't know how many people I've seen...

I don’t know how many stories I’ve heard behind the scenes!

This moment!

He couldn't help looking at Mu Fei's manager in surprise!

this woman......

Yes, speaking is an art!

After all, just from what Manager Mu Fei said just now...

As soon as she comes up!

Didn't say anything else!

Come up to apologize!

Then tell me why you're apologizing!


It's because when I saw Li Yu for the first time!

Neither she nor the company's leaders believe in Li Yu!


I just don't believe that Li Yu can support the sales of Mu Fei's album!

This kind of...

Such "frankness"!

That's something many people can't do!


But Mu Fei's manager just said it out!

First come apologies!

Then there's the reason to "frankly" say the apology!

Then there is another apology!

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of compliments and praises!

to be honest..…….…

What if it was someone else!

If Li Yu is really a college student now!

Even the current Li Yu is still the predecessor......


Li Yu really believed in Mu Fei's manager!


It's also the art of manager Mu Fei's speaking!

Three points true!

Seven minutes off!


true intentions!

It was never exposed either!



Still very true!


But alas!

Mu Fei's manager met Li Yu!

For what she said...

Li Yu, who already knew her true purpose!

I don't believe a word!


on his face...

No mood swings whatsoever!

And seeing this scene.....

Manager Mu Fei immediately became suspicious!


This really shouldn't be!

Replace it with someone else!

Even if it is replaced by a composer who has been in the entertainment industry for many years!

When she said those words...

At least there must be some mood swings!

after all..……………

After all, speaking like this...

Who can stand it?!


It's like being a student!

The school is organizing a competition!

As a 217 student, you want to participate in the competition!

But your teacher told you ruthlessly...


Because you are a poor student!


But in the next test!

Your test paper got a high score!

at this time.......

The teacher came to tell you...


The teacher underestimated you before!

The teacher thought that before you...


Then you can go to the competition with confidence and boldness!

The teacher won't stop you anymore!



Not only will the teacher not stop you!

A set of stationery for the competition is also prepared for you!

At this moment.....…

How would you feel?!

Definitely excited!

It will definitely be a relief!

You might even be proud of it!

Even without these emotions...

It will definitely feel good too!


This can be regarded as a slap in the face of the teacher!


Like in the workplace!

The company has a project!

You as an employee!

Would love to go on to this project next!

But the company leaders tell you!


You can't do this project!

for nothing else...

It's because I don't believe it as a leader!


At work, you have solved a difficult problem that everyone in the company finds embarrassing!


at this time!

The leader tells you!

Solve this puzzle through you!

I've decided to send you to the next project!

Because you have proven yourself!


I apologize to you!

at this time....…….

How would you feel?!


I must finish this project well!

after all…………

Scholars die for their confidants!!!

Just now.....…

What Manager Mu Fei said just now...

That's pretty much what it means!


But what Mu Fei's manager didn't expect was...

For her set!

But Li Yu doesn't like her at all!

Not even the expression on his face changed!

This immediately surprised Mu Fei's manager!


However, Mu Fei's manager didn't know about it!

Previous life on Earth!

As a behind the scenes!

Even Li Yu who made it to the management of an entertainment company!

Who hasn't he seen?

What did he not hear?!

Manager Mu Fei's thoughts...

He already guessed it!

It's nothing more than fear that the sales of the album I will make for Mu Fei next will explode!


That's why I chose to come over and apologize to myself!

But the real purpose...

Or change the contract first!

This is different from the teachers and company leaders in the example above!

Not a sincere apology!


Another purpose!


How could Li Yu accept her apology?

How could it be possible to have the feeling that a scholar would die for his confidant?!

How can there be mood swings?!

Mu Fei's economic man....

Li Yu is like watching a clown!


Just Mu Fei's manager.

Get ready to reorganize the language a bit!

When I want to say something to Li Yu.........

at this time

The door to the living room!

But suddenly it opened!


Mu Fei came out of the lounge!

After seeing Mu Fei...

Manager Mu Fei's face.

Immediately, a smile appeared!

Then he hurriedly smiled and talked to Mu Fei.

"Feifei, are you out?!"

"I was apologizing to Li Yu just now!"


"It was me and the leader who underestimated Li Yu!"

"That's why I came here to apologize to Li Yu!"

"By the way..."


Don't even wait for the agent to finish!

Mu Fei interrupted her with a cold face!

Then he spoke bluntly.

"Miss Jia!"

"Stop talking!"

"The purpose of your coming here..."

"Teacher Li Yu and I knew about it a long time ago!"

Hear Mu Fei's voice!

The smile on Manager Mu Fei's face froze instantly!

She looked at Mu Fei in front of her in disbelief!

However, Mu Fei continued to speak without pausing.

"It's nothing more than you and the leader watching the third round of the game!"

"After listening to the song "I Miss"!"

"I feel that the album that Mr. Li Yu made for me..."

“Quality could be good!”

"Sales could explode too!"


"So you and the leader feel that the contract you signed with Teacher Li Yu last time may lose money!"

"That's why you guys came here to apologize to Teacher Li Yu!"

"Then change to a seemingly good contract!"

"But how is this possible?!"

Hear Mu Fei's voice!

Manager Mu Fei's face suddenly became stiff!

Even with a touch of embarrassment!

She can't think of it...

own intentions...

Is that how it was seen through?!

And it is at this time...

Mu Fei's manager.

And finally reacted!


Why when I was talking just now.

Li Yu's face.

Why is there no half-point mood swings!


Feelings because he already guessed his own thoughts?!


But how is this possible?!

Li Yu is such a young person.......


Very good at writing songs......

She can understand!

But I want to change this contract...

How could he guess it?!

This is simply impossible!

Even if it is replaced by a composer who has been in the entertainment industry for many years!

Impossible to guess!

after all..………

After all, the leader of himself and the company!

It's only based on the song "What I Miss"!

I'm afraid Li Yu's album for Mu Fei will really explode in sales!


They're just saving for a rainy day!

They are really worried that Li Yu's album for Mu Fei will sell well!

But this (cefh) does not mean

They thought that Li Yu's album for Mu Fei would definitely sell well!


Something they can't even be sure of!

Even they just want it in case something happens...

How could Li Yu guess it?!

But at this moment!

Mu Fei continued to speak.

"Miss Jia!"

"Just before you came!"

"I have already settled an account with Teacher Li Yu!"

"According to the contract you signed with Teacher Li Yu before!"

"According to the contract you gave to Teacher Li Yu this time!"

"Based on the sales volume of my next album, 2 million

"The difference in price!"

"It's not a small number!"

Hear Mu Fei's voice!

Manager Mu Fei immediately understood!

But at the same time......

She was also a little confused!

after all…………

After all, myself and the leader...

I'm just worried that Mu Fei's sales will explode!

Just in case!

That's why I came here to change a contract!


But Li Yu and Mu Fei!

Be more precise!

It should be Li Yu!

How can he be sure that the album he made for Mu Fei......

Sales will definitely


For a moment, she wasn't sure whether Li Yu was conceited or confident!


Now that it's all said and done!

Mu Fei's manager......

No more hiding it!


She put away that smile on her face!

Then he spoke seriously to Li Yu and Mu Fei in front of him.

"Since you all already know!"

"Then I won't hide it anymore!"

"Just like Feifei said..."

"After listening to that song "What I Miss"!"

"I and the leader..."

"I really think that the next album that Mr. Li Yu made for Feifei may sell well!"

"And if Teacher Li Yu gives Feifei your next album..."

"If sales are really good..."


"I'm talking to the leader!"

"I will definitely be held accountable by the company for the contract I signed last time!"

"Even this is for me and the leader..."

"It's a professional blemish!"

"From now on, the leader and I, both of us, may become jokes in the industry!"


"I came here this time because I really want to apologize!"

"Then give Teacher Li Yu a new contract!"

After a short pause!

Mu Fei's manager continued to speak.

"This new contract to be replaced...."

"I'm not hiding it either!"

"I came out after discussing with the leader..."

"It's 8 million plus 6% of album sales!"

"This new contract . . . . "

"Even for an ace composer..."

"It can be regarded as a very high contract!"


"I took out this contract with the leader..."

"I will definitely be held accountable by the company!"

"But if this is related to Feifei, the sales of your next album will explode..."

"Then the last signed contract was known by the company..."

"This price is simply too small!"

After a short pause.....

It seems that Mu Fei's manager has already said this!

Then there is no need to hide it!


She continued to speak!

"What if!"

" Teacher Li Yu's album for Feifei sold very well!"

"The last contract..."

"Maybe the company won't say anything now!"

"But if the sales of the album come out..."

"Just like I said!"

"The company must be held accountable!"

"The reputation of me and the leader will be very embarrassing!"

"But if it is replaced by the current contract!"

"Me and the leader..."

"Maybe I will be held accountable immediately!"


"But wait until the sales of the album come out..."

"The company may stop holding us accountable!"

"Even some compensation and praise!"

"Another angle........."

"Even the album that Mr. Li Yu made for Feifei didn't sell very well!"


"According to the last contract!"

"Of course nothing will happen between me and the leader!"

"In exchange for this contract I took over today..."

"Me and the company's leaders..."

"You may be held accountable immediately!"

"And this may also be a stain left by me and the leaders in the hearts of the company's senior management!"

After taking a deep breath!

Mu Fei's manager continued to speak!

"Whatever the contract..."

"Both me and the leader will be in trouble!"


"If it is replaced by this new contract!"

"The two of us might be in less trouble!"


"Even if the company's top executives come to ask me and the leader because of the 8 million plus 6% of the album sales!

"The two of us..."

"You can tell the higher-ups."

"It's because of your excellent performance on the program "My Song", Li Yu, that's why I gave this contract!"

"The reason for giving such a high price..."

"On the one hand, you can really write songs!"

"on the other hand...……."

"You can also catch the heat!"

"I believe that our company's top management will not punish us after scolding us for a few words at most!"

After speaking......

Mu Fei's manager!

He sincerely looked at Mu Fei and Li Yu in front of him!



She looked directly at Li Yu!


After all, you can't hide it!

It's better to be crisper!

Just say it all!


Maybe it can restore some of the lost image points in Li Yu's heart!


However, after Mu Fei's manager finished speaking!

Li Yu finally understood!


Exactly what he thought!


For Mu Fei's manager, there are also the company's leaders.

Li Yu is also somewhat admired!


They are really careful!

Just because the sales of the next album I made for Mu Fei may explode!

They rushed over to replace a new contract!

to be honest!

this care and prudence

It's something that not many people have!


But no matter how careful you are!

Be cautious!

No matter how frankly......

And what about Li Yu?!.

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