I Only Write Saliva Songs? I'm Afraid You Won't Be Able To Sing!

Chapter 99: If I Wrote This Song! Then Let Me Die Now, I Am Willing!


No matter how careful Manager Mu Fei is!

Worried that Li Yu's album sales for Mu Fei may explode!

No matter how honest Manager Mu Fei is!

Confess out all her thoughts about changing the contract this time around!


What does this have to do with Li Yu?!


Switch to a new contract!

As Mu Fei's manager, you are also the leader of your company.

You two may indeed be a little less troublesome!


But what good is it for Li Yu?!


Not only is there no benefit!

The income between these two contracts is quite different!


Looking at Manager Mu Fei in front of him.

Li Yu shook his head!

Then he spoke bluntly.

"Feel sorry!"



After hearing Li Yu's voice.

Manager Mu Fei's face...

Immediately, there was a touch of helplessness!


It's now!

She still didn't give up!

But after thinking about it for a while.

Continue to speak persuasion.

"Teacher Li Yu!"

"Have you ever thought about something!"

"I came here this time to exchange a contract with you..."

"this matter!"

"It's because of me and the company's leaders......"

"I think the sales of your next album for Mu Fei may explode!

"That's why we prepared a new contract ahead of time!"


"But what if sales don't explode?!"


"The previous contract, and the new contract we are preparing now..."

"But the new contract is more cost-effective!"

"after all………………"

"After all, the highest price of the new contract is 8 million plus a 6% sales share!"

After a short pause.

Mu Fei's manager continued to speak.

"We also simply do the math!"


"Suppose you made Feifei's next album."

"Sales are not exploding!"

"And the sales volume of the album is probably around one million!"


"According to the contract we signed before!"

"Teacher Li Yu, what you can get is probably 10 million!"

"And under the new contract..."

"You'll get something like eleven million!"


"Which contract is more cost-effective..."

"Mr. Li Yu, do you already have the answer in your heart?!"

"That's a million!"


Just when Mu Fei's manager was saying these words.

But she saw...

On Li Yu's face!

Still no fluctuations!


This immediately made Mu Fei's manager a little helpless!


After thinking about it.....

Mu Fei's manager still hasn't given up on anything!

She continued speaking.

"Teacher Li Yu!"

"How about this!"

"If you are willing to change to a new contract..."

"I'm the ruler!"

"Me and the company's leaders, in private.

"Everyone is giving you an extra two million!"


"Compared to the previous contract..."

"You took five million more!"

"Teacher Li Yu..."


"what do you think?!"

When saying these words!

Mu Fei's manager...

It hurts so much!

after all………

After all, if it is in accordance with the contract.

That's the company's money!

But now...

extra money

But she had to do it together with the company's leaders!


And that's what she's saying now!

It's not what the company's leadership told me!

If Li Yu agrees with her idea...

Then she estimates...

The two million led by the leader!

She probably did it herself!


This is four million!

I have to earn at least one or two years before I can earn four million!

How could this not make her heart ache?!


But what she didn't expect was...

Just after she finished speaking.

Li Yu smiled!

Then he spoke.


"What you said!"

"Based entirely on the album I made for Mu Fei, the sales may be dismal!"


"But if I make this album for Mu Fei, the sales will be very good?!"

"In comparison..."

"It's still the first contract, I can get more money!"

Hear Li Yu's voice.

Mu Fei's manager suddenly felt a little helpless!

she feels...

Li Yu…………

It's too greedy!

I have already offered such a price myself.

Li Yu still doesn't agree?!

This is even if it is replaced by an ace composer!

I guess they all agree now!


She still spoke as much as possible.


"But Teacher Li Yu, you can guarantee that you will make this album for Feifei..."

"Sales will definitely be good?!"

"Don't say it's you!"

"Even those ace composers..."

"While they were making albums for the singers!"

"Even they can't guarantee that the sales of the album will explode!"

"Because of releasing an album and releasing a song..."

"It's two different things!"

He heard the voice of manager Mu Fei.

Li Yu nodded in agreement!


Manager Mu Fei is right!

Release songs and albums...

It's two different things!

Although both of them are essentially singing!


But these are two different things!

Because of the song...

Just post it when you're done!

But if you release an album...

Consider the whole album!

It's been said before...

until now!

want to release an album...

We must consider the concept of the album!

After all, today's society!

That kind of era when relying on the title song of the album to beat sales!

It's long gone!


But what Manager Mu Fei didn't know was...

Li Yu has already made a decision!


The current album needs to consider the integrity and the concept!


The method of relying on the title song to boost sales has long been outdated


But if an album contains...

all songs!

All are title songs!


Do you still doubt the sales of this album?!

after all…………

Even according to the production mode of the current album!

Need to think holistically and conceptually...

But on the album!

There are still a few songs that don't work!

It may be used for transition, the quality is not good!

It may also be that the audience does not like it!

It's like a song, the part where the verse and the chorus are connected!

this part.…………

Audiences don't care too much!


There may be no audience!

But if an entire album………

all songs!

Are they all title songs?!

Are they all masterpieces?!


every song!

All different styles and types!

Listeners may not like this song...

But might like another song!

After all, in an entire album!

All are title songs!

There is always a song you like!

If this is placed in a fantasy world...

When many people are pursuing the subtlety of spells...

there is a person!

But suddenly came a powerful proof!

No matter how subtle your spells are!

No matter how gorgeous you are when you cast it!

#TE …

All it takes is a simple punch!

My song is good!

And not one or two is good!


All songs are good!

When all the songs in an album are good songs!

Where do we need to care about the integrity and conceptuality of this album?!


An album of this quality!

Do you still need to consider its sales?!

And because of this!

There was no reason why Li Yu didn't care about the conditions proposed by Manager Mu Fei at all!

But Mu Fei's manager didn't even know about it!

She was still talking.


"Mr. Li Yu, do you understand now?!"

"Me and the leader of the company..."

"I'm just worried that the sales of the album you made for Feifei will explode!"


"But what if sales didn't explode without the album!?"


"The leaders of the company and I have also made compensation to Mr. Li Yu!"

"Except for the eight million in the contract..."

"In private, the two of us will each give you two million!"

"As long as you sign a new contract, the old contract will be void..."

"four million.....…"

"It will be transferred to your bank card later!"

"And I feel..."

"Mr. Li Yu, this is already a good price!"

"After all, even the ace composer!"

"I can't even guarantee that the album I made for a singer will definitely explode!"


"Teacher Li Yu, how are you thinking?!"

What is Li Yu thinking?!

How else can Li Yu think about it?!

Of course he refused!

And after hearing Li Yu's answer.....

Mu Fei's manager.

Immediately, I was annoyed!

Because she already said so!

Still did it!

Li Yu.......

Why does Li Yu look like a hob meat?!

Is it really not oily?!

She looked at Li Yu again!

Take a deep breath!

Do your best to suppress your anger!

Then he opened his mouth and said...

"Teacher Li Yu!"

"I really think you can think about it!"


"not any

A composer!"

"Dare to have confidence in the market of your works!"

"Even if it's Father Qu..."

"They dare not have such a guarantee!"


"After all, there is such a thing as a good song but no market..."

"It's so common!"

……ask for flowers…

Regarding the words of Manager Mu Fei...

Just like that sentence: releasing a song and releasing an album are two different things!

Li Yu also agrees very much!


The song is good but there is no market........

This sentence is so true!

Many composers!

After writing a song.....

Put it in the same room!

Put it in the industry!

Basically rave reviews!

Even many composers can't wait to pay their respects!


But after the song was recorded and released...

People don't like it!

This kind of thing...

Simply too common!

Even in a previous life...

This kind of thing happens all the time!

Just like on the earth in the previous life!

There is such a song........

"May Long Live"!

Is this song good?!

There is no doubt about it!

This song is great!

And it's explosive!

After all, the lyrics of the song.

But Su Shi!


It is Su Shi, one of the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties!

The representative poet of the unrestrained school!

Also known as the God of Poetry!

The song "May I Live Long"...

Lyrics in this song!

I used the lyrics of Su Shi's "Shui Tiao Ge Tou"!

And the lyrics of "Shui Tuo Ge Tou"......

But it is known as the first word to chant the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival for thousands of years!


Still need to doubt the quality of this poem?!

And the song "May I Live Long"......

Still need to doubt the quality of this song?!

If in doubt.....

So who are the singers who sang this song?!

Deng Lijun on Earth in the previous life!


It's the one who sang "Sweet Honey"!


He is also the idol of many parents!

And the princess from the previous life on Earth!


It's the one who talked about sibling love with Ting Fung!

There are also fellow song gods from the previous life on Earth!


It's the one who sang "Legend of Hungry Wolf" and "Kiss Goodbye"!

And besides them....

And that brother who made a big joke with everyone on April 1st!


It's Zhang Guorong!

And Tan Jing!

It's the national team!

The existence known as the Great Demon King!

There is even Lu Guanding!


This is the existence who wrote the song "The Love of My Life" for Master Xing's "A Chinese Journey to the West"!

There is even Gong Lina...


This is the one who sang "Uneasy"!

On the previous earth!

There are so many first-tier, super first-tier, even national team and even international singers who have a certain reputation!

Everyone is scrambling to sing this song....

#B4 …

Still need to doubt the quality of this song?!

Don't this group of singers know if a song is good or bad?!


The quality of the song "May I Live Long"!

it goes without saying!

But such a great song!


How many still remember?!


How many people are willing to listen to this song?!

This song…………

It is a typical song that is good but not popular!

This is a typical applause but not a seat!

Even apart from this song...

And that song "Farewell"!

This song.....…

It's also applauded or not!

The singer who came out to sing only when he had no money to pay the rent!


It's simplicity!


It is the one who sang "Ordinary Road" and "Life is like a Summer Flower"!

He once commented on the song "Farewell"...

Said to be……

"If only I had written this song!"

"Then I am willing to die now!"

It is conceivable.....

How good is this song!

It doesn't even have to be plain to prove...  

This song is on the earth in the previous life!

The country will regard this song as a national art treasure to record and spread!

But it's such a song...


And the above two songs......

Just the most representative example of good songs but no market!

And many more songs...

The same is true!

Even in terms of quality, it can't compare to these two songs!

But it is still of good quality!

But it is still applauded but not popular!


Of course Li Yu agrees with what Mu Fei's manager said!


But Li Yu disagrees with Mu Fei's manager, and puts this sentence on himself!


Because what Manager Mu Fei doesn't know is!

These songs Li Yu put out...

How could it be the kind of song that was well-received but not well-received?!

The songs he put out!


They are all songs that have proven their own market in previous lives!


That is the kind of song that is good and marketable!

It's different from those composers who only know their songs are good after writing them, but don't know whether the market will accept them or not!

Li Yu is 90% sure!

After taking out these songs...

There must be a market!

after all……………

After all, in the previous life!

These songs have already proven themselves!.

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