"Although Lingmeng is sometimes not very reliable, but this suggestion... We think we can still listen to it. Yakumo Zi waved the folding fan that had been opened in his hand and said slowly.

She actually just looks at the lively mentality, but since Lingmeng has given advice, it must be supported.

It's your own person, you can't leave it alone, right?

Support, that's still needed.

After Alice Lijie thought of what happened to Yuko in the mist, she asked suspiciously: "Can you really listen?" "

Yayunzi's face froze, and said in a deep voice: "I said yes, Alice, we monster sages can still be trusted, can't they?" "

Alice Lijie saw that Yakumo Zi was angry, naturally she didn't delve into it, and because she had no other choice, she finally planned to gamble.

After all, my luck is still very good, the front... Ahem, I was a matter of strength, not luck.

But on this issue, I have to gamble on my luck.

Alice Lijie's expression was solemn, and she had already made a decision in her heart.

She knows it's time to bet on luck, and can she win the bet?

I don't know, but I have to gamble.

"I choose myself, which is 2!"

"Don't worry, you won't be wrong." Yakumo Zi saw that Alice Lijie had made a choice, nodded with satisfaction, and said that you are already stable.

"Yakumozi, don't be too confident, the possibility of being punched in the face is very high." Seeing Yakumo Zi so proud, Elusha couldn't help but remind her out loud.

You know, the more proud you are, the higher the probability of overturning.

Although the person who answered the question was not Yakumo Zi, because of Lingmeng and her Yayunzi's suggestion, Alice Lijie would choose to believe them.

Therefore, if Yakumozi and the others are too floating, they may overturn.

"It's okay, it's okay, it won't..."

Yayunzi smiled softly, his face was very relaxed, waved his hand and spoke.

But before she could finish speaking, Qin Zheng announced the results.

"Unfortunately, you answered incorrectly!"

At this moment, Yakumo's smile was gone.


How so?


Although she didn't answer the question, she supported Lingmeng because of Lingmeng, and it was also because of her support that Alice Lijie firmly chose the option of 2.

But now what... How can it be repaired, is it possible to overturn if it comes true?

Alice's face was not very good, but she quickly accepted it.

Then she had to think about who else had a big plan.

It can't be her sister or sister, right?

Can it only be a mother?

Alice Lijie didn't plan to think about it, but asked Qin Zheng directly, wanting to know the right answer.

"What is the correct answer~?"

Qin Zheng shrugged his shoulders and replied expressionlessly, "Your sister! "

"My sister?"

Alice Lijie was stunned, frowned and said, "How did she..."

How could it be my sister?


My sister doesn't look like someone who has a secret plot!

Thinking back to her sister, Alice thought that Elitia had a cheerful personality, and she didn't look like the kind of person who would do things in secret.

If it weren't for the Star Spirit's lack of combat power, the heir to the throne would definitely be hers, not like now, who could only be a candidate.

Urrutia was naturally very happy when she saw Alice Lijie's puzzled look, and she smiled: "Haha, it seems that things are really interesting!" "

Elusha's face turned cold, and she said in a deep voice: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a dumb." "

"How? I can't speak yet? "

Urrutia was not afraid in the slightest, but asked a righteous question. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Now that Alice Lijie's questions and answers are over, can't she just speak?

The reason given before is that I will affect people, so after the Q&A, what reason can I give?

"Not really, but... Forget it, you better do it yourself! Elusa glanced at Urrutia meaningfully, she knew that her mother would definitely make a move, so she didn't say anything more to Urrutia.

Urrutia did not immediately mean Elusha's words, she thought that Elusha was provoking herself, and naturally counterattacked back with great momentum.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm not that fragile."

And here Xiao Nan saw Urrutia so confident, thinking of Erin's existence, she couldn't help but interject and said: "In fact, you really may be so fragile." "

If Irene's daughter planned to do something, in terms of Urutia's ability, there was no way to deal with it, so what would happen to the other party at that time?

Well, that's something to look forward to.

"Xiao Nan, you mean..." Narrow Mist Yuko raised her eyebrows, she had already noticed something wrong from it, but because she didn't understand Elusa's situation, she just set her skeptical eyes on Qin Zheng's side.

She also thought that Qin Zheng would intervene, so if Qin Zheng targeted Urrutia for Elusha... Wait, wasn't the lily bell a success earlier?

Urutia's face changed slightly, and she obviously remembered Lily Suzu's abuse of herself.

And why can Lily Bell abuse herself?

Isn't it still Qin Zheng who engages in double standards?

If you can't do it in the answering space, then I'll change your place... Alas, this wave of operations really made Uruti flax.

Of course, because she didn't know the horror of Lily Bell, she thought she could win, so she went full of confidence, and then experienced the horror of Lily Bell.

Wouldn't it be worse if it were to be done again now?

Although Urrutia knew that she would definitely be troubled by Elusha after going back, she had already made some achievements in answering the questions, not to mention returning with a full load, but she could turn over with just one pair of questions.

Even if you still can't beat Elusa, if you want to save your life and avoid Elusa's pursuit, there should be no problem.

Alas, it can only be said that Uruti is naïve in the Asia-Pacific region.

Because Elusa has the ability to hold space, how is Urrutia going to run?

If you can't run, you can't run, it's hard!

"'Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything.'" Perhaps because Urrutia's face was too ugly, Qin Zheng specially came forward to explain it, so as not to cause any misunderstanding.


It's just that Uruti (Get) Ya has been frightened by the brain supply, so she replied with a pale face, with a thick distrust and trepidation in her tone.

To put it bluntly, she doesn't believe Ah Ren!

Of course, Qin Zheng did not intend to let her believe, nor did he let his mind let her believe.

Because Alice Lijie on this side can't bear it, people are thinking of saying that they want to know what is the situation of their eldest sister, so Qin Zheng has no time to take care of Urrutia's side for the time being.

After all, Alice Lijie is better than Urrutia.

This point, with Qin Zheng's vision, will never be mistaken.

"Sir, I want to know what is going on with my eldest sister!" Alice Lijie took a deep breath and asked with a solemn face, her words were not fake, but sincere.

His eldest sister's star spirit has no ability to fight, and it can be said that it is a flower rack.

As far as the concept of respecting the strength of the royal hall is concerned, it is obvious that if her eldest sister wants to make trouble, strength is a problem, so how can her eldest sister do things? .

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