"About your eldest sister's situation, it's actually quite easy to understand."

For Alice Lijie's inquiry, Qin Zheng pondered for a moment, and then said slowly.

Elitia Lunebilisi IX!

She is mature and steady, cheerful, has a unique charm, and is a peerless beauty.

Not only that, except for the disadvantage that the star spirit's combat power is not good, all aspects can be said to be perfect.

But helplessly this world is so cruel, the problem of the empire, plus the royal hall, so it created the problem of Elidia.

To put it bluntly, it's all the world's fault.

Besides, whether it is the Empire or the Imperial Hall, there is essentially no difference.

One is to persecute the Star Spirit Envoy, and the other is to respect the strong.

The imperial side does not talk about it, and the imperial hall is no better.

For example, the great queen daughter Elitia is because she has no combat power, and a good first heir to the throne can only be reduced to a candidate, isn't this miserable?

Besides, she also paid a lot of money from the royal hall, so it is not surprising that Elitia would have the idea of destroying the empire and the royal hall.

What she wants is not as simple as peace, but that people with weak stars are also valuable, can survive, and can be looked up to.

The empire kills people who have the power of the star spirit, and the royal hall is honored by the strong, and the weak cannot be seen at all.

So, this is the 593 of the dead cycle.

The only solution is to make both the empire and the royal hall cool.

Thinking of this, Qin Zheng fixed his mind and stared at Alice Lijie, who was dazed, before he said softly: "Your eldest sister's ideal is not simple, you just want to create a world without persecution, but your eldest sister wants to make the empire and the royal hall cold, and then establish a country where weak star spirit messengers are also treated equally, understand?" "


Alice Lijie was naturally stunned, she really didn't think about this problem.

Without waiting for Alice Lijie to react, Qin Zheng continued: "Of course, this process is cruel, and what she has to do is not recognized, because the empire does not agree, and the imperial hall does not agree, so she wants both to disappear." "

After a pause, Qin Zheng looked at Alice Lijie, who looked shocked, knowing that the other party was in a complicated mood now, but since they had said everything, they had to continue.

"Your eldest sister is crazy and uses all means, she has become crazy for her own goals, so if you underestimate her, it will overturn."

Alice Lijie finally reacted, and she quickly asked, "What do you mean?" My eldest sister..." (AFCH)

Qin Zheng raised his hand to stop her, and said lightly: "If you want to change everything, then you must treat everything equally." "

After hearing this, Alice Lijie's face changed slightly, she took a few steps back and couldn't stop chanting: "Treat all equally..."

Obviously, Alice Lijie's heart was greatly shocked because of Qin Zheng's words, and she would not be able to return to her senses for a while, but as an onlooker, it was different.

"It's easier said than done, at least I'm not optimistic, and it can even be said that no one can do it." Nagato looked at Alice Lijie, whose face had changed, and thought of his past innocence, naturally he wanted to come to a wave of mouths.

Of course, Nagato's mouth escape ability is too low, plus he was spoiled by Konan, knowing that he was deceived, plus now that Konoha soldiers are strong and strong, and there is a big tube of wood Kaguya, the ancestor of the ninja world, the idea that makes the world feel pain can no longer take off.

After all, if you want to make the world feel pain, you must first pass the first hurdle... Uh, wrong, not Konoha's person, nor the ninja ancestor, but his own partner - Konan!

"Nagato, don't make a mistake, let's get ready and fight for the fourth place in the battle!" Sure enough, as soon as Nagato spoke, Xiao Nan hurriedly interrupted him, warning him by the way to prepare questions and answers, instead of talking to others.

Nagato: "..."

Okay, I run out of words.

Facing Minami, whose fist was bigger than his own, Nagato said that there was nothing he could do.

Xiao Nan is more and more domineering, and has a wide range of connections, and his ideas are stronger than his own, so listening to Xiao Nan's words, it is naturally right.

It's just that every time I think about it, it's still a little sad!

"This place is not yours, it is mine." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Urrutia showed her ambition, and she couldn't let this opportunity slip away.

Yuko Samisi, Takahashi Takahashiko, Alice Lijie, they have all ended one after another, so it is time for themselves to go next.

To say that it is not as good as Yuko Narrow Mist and Alice Lijie, she endured it.

As for Takahashi Takahashiko... Qin Zheng directly named her, she couldn't help it.

So like Yuko Sayori and others, Urrutia believes that she is indeed unable to compete with Yuko Narrowmisi, slightly inferior to Alice Lijie, but she is stronger than Takahashi Junko.

But helplessly, these were all assigned by Qin Zheng to ask and answer first, plus the situation was unknown, so when she asked to be the first to fight, she naturally hesitated.

After all, like Urrutia's words, when the situation is not clear, it must be based on stability.

And after the demonstration of Yuko Sayiki, Takahashi Takahashi and others, the question and answer was also confirmed and proved to be not false.

Therefore, Urrutia naturally had to seize the opportunity so that she could turn over, otherwise she would have been pressed by Elusha, but she was not happy to see it.

"Urutia, it's not yours, it's not your turn to say it." Before Xiao Nan could fight back, this was mocked by Elusa first.

As soon as Urrutia heard this, she naturally knew that Elusha was coming at her, but she didn't want to conflict with Elusa, so she stopped paying attention.

After all, it is a matter involving questions and answers, and Qin Zheng will definitely not mess with Elusha, so she is still very relieved.

Sure enough, Elusa just said this, and did not continue, obviously knowing the weight.

And Elusha did not continue, Urrutia had a number in her heart.

She planned to attack in front of Xiaonan, but Rimuru came at this time, "That... The first three are all women, isn't it time for a man? "


Urrutia's face was full of puzzlement, her brows couldn't help but furrow, and she said coldly: "What do you mean?" "

When I was about to go up, you gave me the whole out, what are you planning to do?

However, Limuru didn't care about this, ignored Urutia, obviously not afraid, and said to himself: "Even if you can't go alone with a man, at least you have to go to a man and a woman, right?" I can't do it anymore, but Brother Zhen'ao and Miss Megumi should be able to, right? "

And the two people mentioned by Limuru Zhenao Sadao and Yusa Emi were immediately stunned, and they were a little surprised that Rimuru would mention himself.

However, since Limuru mentioned them, it is certainly not possible to miss this opportunity, so let's go together.

Qin Zheng fell into deep thought and said softly, "Your suggestion... Well, how to say? It can be considered, but I don't know if they are happy or not...".

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