I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 126 [126] Dreams are still necessary

However, Sun Minghui was also a bigwig anyway, and soon recovered from the shock.

"Since Sister Wang and Brother Ye know each other, it would be better. These two girls are Brother Ye's...friends, please sign under Sister Wang in the future. You have to take them well."

With that said, the two girls were introduced to Sister Wang.

Sister Wang heard the words and immediately looked at the two girls carefully.

She is also an old fritters in the entertainment industry, how can she not see the situation clearly?

The entertainment industry has not been praised for no reason.

It must be the sacrifice of these two girls that they will be "appreciated" by the boss.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly looked at Ye Feng.

There was a sense of crisis in my heart immediately.

It seems that after going back, Xia Qiu must be urged to take the initiative.

Otherwise, Mr. Ye would have to "transferred love".

I hope he and these two girls are just married.

After all, Xia Qiu is her cash cow.


It was precisely because of these thoughts from Sister Wang that Ye Feng received a call from Xia Qiu within a short time after returning from Sun Minghui.

"I heard Sister Wang say that she just signed two new people. Are you friends?"

Xia Qiu didn't go around the corner, and straight to the point.

"They're not friends, I just saw that they were pitiful, so I helped."

Ye Feng answered honestly.

"Are you really a good person, even if you are not a friend, you are willing to spend so many resources to support two new people?"

There is a bit of sour taste in the words of summer and autumn.

Ye Feng frowned slightly, "It's not that I want to favor them, it's my friend's company that wants to favor them. What does it have to do with me?"

Xia Qiu was a little excited, "Then you can guarantee that you really have nothing to do with them?"

Ye Feng became angry, "Do I have to assure you? Do you believe it or not."

"You...Big villain!" Xia Qiu hung up angrily.

Sister Wang, who was standing next to her, was suddenly anxious, "Auntie, I just asked you to chat with Mr. Ye, how can you quarrel with him?"

Xia Qiu was still sulking, "He... did such a nasty thing without any regrets. Can I not be angry?"

Sister Wang suddenly had a headache, "Maybe what Mr. Ye said is true. He didn't do anything last night. He just wanted to help those two girls?"

Xia Qiu's face became paler, "Do you believe this?"

Sister Wang was a little confused, "Even if they did something, why do you blame them? Are you his girlfriend?"

This time it was Xia Qiu's turn to be speechless.

She was angry just now, completely forgetting her identity.

To be precise, she and Ye Feng are just ordinary friends.

Even if Ye Feng is messing around outside, what right does she have to blame others?

And, more importantly, these are all my own guesses now.

However, how could she not control the anger in her heart!

Sister Wang hurriedly said at this time, "You quickly call Mr. Ye to apologize and seek his forgiveness."

Xia Qiu put her head aside, "I don't."

Sister Wang suddenly became anxious, "Miss, now is not the time for you to play Missy's temper."

"If you don't hurry up to please him, he will be snatched away by others, and you will have nowhere to cry by then."

"Snatch it away, who is rare! I... I hate him!"

As Xia Qiu said, tears came out of her eyes, and then she got up and ran out.

Sister Wang looked at her back and suddenly sighed.

This girl, why bother?

Since you like people, take the initiative.

If you don't hurry up, when the time comes, I'm afraid it will be too late to regret.


Ye Feng was depressed when Xia Qiu came here inexplicably.

At this time, the phone rang again.

He thought she was calling again, and the call was about to be connected.

"I said you are endless? I have explained to you. I and the two girls are innocent. Why don't you believe it?"

Following his machine gun-like words, the opposite fell silent.

After a while, Chen Qiushan's voice came through the receiver, "Why, brother Ye had a quarrel with his girlfriend?"

Ye Feng realized that the caller was Chen Qiushan, and he was a little embarrassed, "It's Big Brother Chen, I thought...Oh, TMD is so annoying."

Chen Qiushan immediately laughed heartily, "Well, it's okay to coax coaxing. There is nothing that an LV can't solve. If there is, then another Chanel will ensure that she is obedient."

Ye Feng immediately joked, "Brother Chen really has rich experience in this area. When my sister-in-law is angry, how do you coax me?"

Chen Qiushan coughed hurriedly, "How can your sister-in-law be so vulgar, reasonable, understanding, gentle and virtuous?"

At this time, I heard a woman's voice, "It's pretty much the same, you count it as acquaintance."

Ye Feng couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, "Stop kidding, Brother Chen, are you looking for me?"

Chen Qiushan became serious now, "The auction I told you last time will be held tomorrow night. I'll let you know."

Ye Feng just remembered the incident, "Okay, I will attend on time tomorrow."

Chen Qiushan chatted with him a few more words, and then hung up the phone.

Ye Feng threw the phone aside, and took out the treasure map of Xiang Wang secretly collected from the ancient city.

After looking at it carefully for a while, I still didn't see much clues.

I can't help but look forward to tomorrow's auction.

I hope I can successfully photograph the treasure map tomorrow.

Although there is little hope of gathering them all, he still wants to give it a try.

There is still a dream.

What if it happens?

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