I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 127 [127] God's Destiny Arrangement

On the day of the Sotheby’s auction, the auction house originally started at 8 o’clock that night, but Ye Feng set out two hours earlier.

He can't wait to get another piece of the treasure map now.

Because, he really wanted to find out what secrets were hidden in this legendary King Xiang's secret.

As he drove the Ferrari Enzo towards Sotheby's auction house, a system prompt suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Opportunity navigation detected-help Xu Jingxin to resolve the crisis."

"The system navigation is on, please drive 20 meters along the current road and turn right..."

Ye Feng was taken aback for a moment, Xu Jingxin was in danger?

Not daring to hesitate, he speeded up the car immediately.

After turning around two intersections following the system navigation, Ye Feng saw Xu Jingxin walking in front of him from a distance.

She is wearing very casual clothes today.

It should have just come back from shopping, still carrying big and small bags in hand.

And ten meters behind her, followed by a sneaky man.

Judging from the man's tracking skills, he is definitely a habitual offender.

Ye Feng directly accelerated the car and rushed to the man, blocking his way.

Just when the man panicked, he pushed the door and got out of the car.

Then he rushed for two steps, and jumped up when he was still about two meters away from the man, and made a swift kick.

The man's reaction was not unpleasant, and he immediately dodged aside.

But he was still kicked in the shoulder.


After Ye Feng's body was modified by the system, his strength was surprisingly strong.

Hearing a "quack" from the man's shoulder, his arm was immediately dislocated.

The man's cheeks twitched because of the pain, and big beads of sweat rolled off his forehead.

Ye Feng didn't stop, and continued to fly, kicking towards his head.

This man is obviously a veteran too.

The incident just happened suddenly, and Ye Feng made a decisive move.

That's why I was caught off guard.

At this time, he had reacted, and immediately avoided his attack.

However, his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced due to a dislocated arm.

Ye Feng didn't have the strength to fight back.

Keep retreating back.

If this continues, I am afraid that it will not be long before he will be captured alive.

At this time, Xu Jingxin had already seen Ye Feng and immediately exclaimed.

"Ye Feng? Get out of the way, you are not his opponent..."

While talking, walked towards this side.

Upon seeing this, Ye Feng hurriedly shouted: "Don't come here..."

His distraction immediately gave his opponent an opportunity.

The man immediately flew a kick and forced him away.

Then he gave him a spiteful look, and he was about to turn around and run away.

How could Ye Feng let him go so easily and immediately pursued him.

Seeing to catch the man.

At this time, the man didn't know when he had an extra dagger in his hand, and he swiped it straight back.

"Ye Feng be careful!"

Xu Jingxin suddenly screamed, and the whole person was shocked.

In fact, she didn't need to remind, Ye Feng had already reacted.

Hastily stopped the forward body, and withdrew back abruptly.


Although hiding in time, the clothes on his chest were still torn by the dagger.

If he takes one more point slower, he will probably be cracked.

"Boy, I will let you know the end of nosy."

The man turned his head and threw a word away, and ran away quickly.

Ye Feng will continue to chase.

Xu Jingxin hurriedly grabbed him, "He has a murder weapon in his hand, don't chase him."

As he said, he winked in the distance.

Uncle Liu, who was protecting her in secret, nodded immediately, and chased in the direction that the man fled.

In fact, she had already noticed that she was being followed.

He just pretended not to know, and deliberately led the man to remote areas.

Then let Uncle Liu, who secretly protected her, act to subdue her.

But unexpectedly, Ye Feng appeared suddenly and disrupted her plan.

However, instead of blaming the other party, she was very moved.

She could tell that Ye Feng didn't know how to martial arts, but even so, Ye Feng was still able to stand up for her.

How could she not be moved by such a situation?

"Are you okay? Did you hurt anything?"

Xu Jingxin was a little worried when she saw Ye Feng's chest being cut.

Ye Feng immediately shook his head, "It's okay. Fortunately, I hid in time, otherwise I might die young today."

Xu Jingxin covered her mouth and smiled, "I'm still joking at this time, it seems to be really fine. By the way, why are you here?"

Ye Feng looked at the man's escape direction, "I'm going to Sotheby's auction house, just to see this man sneaking behind you."

"The latter thing, you don't need to describe it, you have also seen it."

Xu Jingxin was a little surprised, "So we really have fate. You can appear at this place at this time and relieve the crisis for me. Is this a destiny arrangement?"

Ye Feng hurriedly coughed twice.

What is the arrangement of fate?

Is it clearly the systematic arrangement?

At this moment, the system reminder sounded in the ear again.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the opportunity navigation. The system rewards the ownership of the Zhonghai branch of Swire Mall, worth 1.5 billion."

He was satisfied when he heard the rewards of the system.

It's not in vain that he risked being ripped apart to take care of this nosy.

"By the way, I just heard you say that you are going to Sotheby's auction house? What are you going to do?" Xu Jingxin suddenly thought of what Ye Feng said just now and immediately asked.

"Sotheby's auction house has an auction tonight, I will go over and take a look." Ye Feng answered honestly.

"Really? I really haven't been to an auction. Isn't it convenient for Fang to take me to see and see?" Xu Jingxin was immediately aroused.

Ye Feng hesitated, and immediately nodded in agreement.


"Then...Do you want to change a dress first?"

Xu Jingxin pointed to his worn clothes.

That suit that was pretty good, not only had a big hole broken, it was also stained with a lot of dirt, and looked somewhat embarrassed.

Ye Feng looked at the time.

Because of the delay for this period of time, plus the time spent on the road.

I'm afraid there is no time to change clothes.

"No need, let's go."

After speaking, he took Xu Jingxin on the supercar.

With a kick of the accelerator, he disappeared in place.

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