I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 513 【513】Three hundred years of Ganoderma lucidum

Just when everyone was worried about Ye Feng's safety.

Seeing him grabbing a raised stone in one hand.

The body was swaying in mid-air.

It was so scared that everyone stopped breathing.

Fuck, this young man is too courageous.

Ye Feng only paused slightly before continuing to climb.

The cliff of more than one hundred meters soon reached the end.

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed, "No, there is a mountain eagle."

When everyone looked up, they saw a mountain eagle flapping its wings and leaping towards Ye Feng.

"be careful!"

Everyone panicked and shouted loudly.

Actually, they didn't need to remind him, Ye Feng had already noticed the mountain eagle that leaped towards him.

But he did not panic.

Grasping the rock wall with both hands, his body shook fiercely.

The mountain eagle immediately rushed to the air.


The crowd watching below suddenly took a breath.

This is really dangerous.

One carelessness, you may fall from a height of 100 meters, and you will undoubtedly die.

The mountain eagle rushed into the air, immediately turned around in the air, and continued to rush towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng is a bit hot, it's not over?

Grasping the rock wall with one hand, digging a stone from the rock wall with the other hand, and throwing it fiercely.


The stone hit Shanying's head directly.


Shanying let out a stern cry, and his body began to fall.

Everyone below saw this scene, they were a little dumbfounded.

In mid-air, he could still make such a difficult movement and successfully hit the mountain eagle?

This is too fierce, right?

They thought that the crisis had been resolved.

But never expected that the mountain eagle fell halfway, and suddenly fluttered its wings, and continued to rush towards Ye Feng.

This time the speed is faster, and there is a posture to die together.

Ye Feng didn't have time to pick the stone again, and his body swayed again, avoiding the collision of Shanying.

But the mountain eagle had already killed the red eye, and it took a hit, and immediately turned back and continued to pounce.

Ye Feng's body swayed back and forth in the air.

It looks precarious.

The people below have stopped breathing.

Everyone was startled in a cold sweat.

At this moment, the mountain eagle swooped down again and collided again.

Ye Feng seized the opportunity this time, and made a jerk with his right hand.

Grasp the mountain eagle's neck directly in his hand, and force his hand.

With a "click", he directly squeezed its neck and threw it from the air.

Looking at the lively people below, a hanging heart has just landed.

Everyone felt numb in their hands and feet, unsteady in their standing, and found a place to sit down one after another.

Then stared at Ye Feng's figure blankly.

The whole process of avoiding the mountain eagle in the air and finally sacking him was extremely dangerous.

It's more exciting than watching any Hollywood blockbuster.

Those participating players also retired at this time.

They also felt numb all over, and they were sweating.

And that Zhang Chao was even more unbearable, the yellow liquid did not stay on the trousers.

Really scared to pee?

Ye Feng who was still on the cliff breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time a doubt arose in his heart.

Why did this mountain eagle attack him suddenly like crazy?

Does it have its old nest on it?

With doubts, he continued to climb up, and soon reached the top of the cliff.

Then his eyes straightened suddenly.

I saw a large group of mushroom-like plants under a rock on the top of the cliff.

This is...Ganoderma?

He has been studying medicine recently and recognized this plant all at once.

But most of the Ganoderma in his impression is the size of a palm, at most the size of a basketball.

But the Ganoderma lucidum in front of me is nearly one meter in diameter.

Ganoderma of this size must be at least three hundred years old, right?

Although he had seen too many peerless treasures, he still took a breath.

Three hundred years of Ganoderma?

This is simply a masterpiece!

It is no wonder that the mountain eagle has to fight him desperately. If he eats this ganoderma lucidum, it is estimated that its lifespan will increase by at least ten years, or even twenty years.

After the exclamation, he immediately got a headache.

How can I get such a big Ganoderma lucidum?

Frowning for a moment, he immediately took off his jacket, tied the two sleeves to the rhizome of Lingzhi, and then put it on his back.

The weight is a bit heavy, at least about 30 kilograms.

It is too dangerous to go down the mountain with such a heavy thing on his back.

But thinking of the value of this Ganoderma lucidum and the generous rewards that the system will definitely give after the navigation is completed, Ye Feng finally decided to take a risk.

And when he saw him carrying a large group of things on his back, he began to climb down the cliff.

The people below were all dumbfounded.

"What is on his back?"

"It's too far to see clearly, but it seems that the weight should not be light."

"Is he crazy? It's very difficult to come down, so he still carries such a big thing?"

"Yes, after the weight is increased, the difficulty of going down the mountain will increase a lot, and one may fall off by accident."

"Falling down from a height of hundreds of meters, I'm afraid you will have to fall into meat sauce, right?"

Fortunately, everyone's worry is unnecessary.

Ye Feng climbed down the mountain without any risk. Although he was not as fast as he did when he went up, it was already very rare to get down smoothly.

It wasn't until he landed that everyone's hanging hearts fell.

Then he cast his eyes on what was on his back.

"What is this? It looks like a mushroom."

"This...this seems to be Ganoderma lucidum? But this is too exaggerated. How can there be such a large Ganoderma lucidum?"

"This seems to be Ganoderma lucidum. I have seen it in a Chinese medicine store before. It is exactly the same as this one, but not that big."

"Oh my God, such a big Ganoderma lucidum should be worth tens of thousands, right?"

At this time, a staff member who knew the goods stammered.

"Tens of thousands? This Ganoderma lucidum is at least more than a hundred years old, at least... tens of millions, right?"

"More...how many? Tens of millions?"

Everyone was stunned.

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