I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 514 【514】Bronze medal, I don't like it

The staff member immediately explained: "I have a friend who is in the Chinese medicine business, and he often tells me something about Chinese medicine. I heard him say that ten years of Ganoderma lucidum have to sell for hundreds of thousands. Each additional ten years, the price It has to be doubled."

With that, he turned to look at Ye Feng's Ganoderma lucidum.

"The size of this Ganoderma lucidum is simply shocking. It is conservatively estimated that at least over a hundred years, the price is definitely tens of millions, or even higher."

After listening to his explanation, everyone looked at Ye Feng and the Ganoderma lucidum in a daze.

"Did you pick the Ganoderma lucidum on the top of the mountain? This luck is too bad, right?"

"Is there any on it? If there is, I will climb up and get one."

"You think too much, how can there be so many such babies? I can only say that people are lucky."

"It's not just good luck, it's so good! Tens of millions, my goodness!"

"So this is Ganoderma? Can I live forever after eating this thing?"

"You think too much. Immortality is definitely not possible, but it's probably a great tonic effect, right?"

Everyone was amazed at Ye Feng's luck against the sky.

Climbing a rock can pick up treasures worth tens of millions.

What kind of luck is this?

Ye Feng wanted to laugh.

Centennial Ganoderma?

He has this ganoderma for at least three hundred years.

The price is simply incalculable.

However, he didn't bother to explain to this group of people, and immediately unzipped the Ganoderma lucidum and put it in the trunk.

"You don't have to be envious. I just climbed up at the risk of my life and almost died here."

Everyone nodded after hearing the words.

"Yes, when the mountain eagle pounced on it just now, I was almost scared to death."

"This brother is really amazing. If I was replaced by me, he probably fell off."

"You were so handsome at the time, how did you do it?"

"I can guarantee that no professional player can make that kind of action. It's amazing."

"I've decided, you will be my idol from now on, idol, can you take a picture with me?"

"I want too. I can remember this matter for a lifetime."

"I want to take pictures..."

Everyone now regards Ye Feng as an idol, and they are all rushing to take a group photo.

But Ye Feng declined.

He doesn't want to be an idol, it's better to keep a low profile.

At this moment, Zhang Chao came over and handed the bronze medal over, "You have won, this bronze medal is yours."

From the look in his eyes, one can see the dismay.

It can be seen that this bronze medal is very important to him.

Ye Feng took the bronze medal and squeezed it, and finally threw it back to him, "You should keep it for yourself. If it is the gold medal, I will accept it. I don't like the bronze medal."

After speaking, he waved to everyone and drove away directly.

At this time, the system prompt sounded in the ear.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the treasure hunt. System reward: 1 billion in cash."

Ye Feng felt even better when he heard the reward.

The system is really getting more and more generous, and it directly rewards ten small goals.

But before he was happy for too long, he suddenly thought of a date with Lu Xiaoya.

It's over, I'm patronizing Ganoderma lucidum, and almost forgot about it.


Although he had raised the speed to the highest, he was still more than half an hour late.

When he arrived at the farmhouse, he could see Lu Xiaoya sitting at the door waiting for him from a distance.

"I'm really sorry, there was an accident on the road."

When he got out of the car, he immediately apologized.

Lu Xiaoya snorted coldly, "It doesn't matter, you are now Mr. Ye, who is respected by everyone in China Shipping, so you should be late."

Ye Feng hurriedly smiled, "This time it was really an accident. I sincerely apologize to you. I will definitely not next time."

Seeing his sincere attitude, Lu Xiaoya's anger suddenly disappeared in half, "What accident did you have? You weren't injured, right?"

Ye Feng waved his hand quickly, "I'm fine, I just saw a rock climbing competition on the road, so I went to join in the fun."

Lu Xiaoya suddenly became interested, "Do you know how to rock climbing? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"I am also the first time."

"Then you should have lost badly? Didn't you pee your pants in fear?"

"I disappointed you. Not only did I not pee my pants, but I climbed directly to the top of the 100-meter mountain."

"Just brag, you can climb to the top of a 100-meter mountain the first time you climb a rock?"

"You still don't believe it? Look, this is the trophy I found on the top of the mountain."

Ye Feng opened the trunk while talking.

When Lu Xiaoya saw the huge Ganoderma lucidum, she was stunned, "This... such a large Ganoderma lucidum? This is probably more than a hundred years old, right? This is a priceless treasure!"

Ye Feng immediately gave a thumbs up, "As expected of Tan Bohong's granddaughter, good eyesight!"

Lu Xiaoya was praised by him, but was not at all happy, "Why don't you call me for such a fun thing?"

Ye Feng immediately rolled his eyes, "Fun? I almost fell from a height of 100 meters and fell to death. Is it fun?"

Lu Xiaoya suddenly became nervous, "What the hell is going on?"

Ye Feng briefly recounted the incident about Shanying's surprise attack.

He described the dangerous scenes at the time, vividly and vividly, making people feel like they are on the scene.

After listening to Lu Xiaoya, she was startled in a cold sweat.

Although Ye Feng stood in front of her with ease, she was still a little afraid.

"You...you are not allowed to participate in this kind of activity anymore, it's too scary."

Ye Feng was moved when she saw her worried expression, "Don't worry, am I okay? By the way, what do you have for lunch?"

Before Lu Xiaoya could answer, a middle-aged woman suddenly walked out of the small courtyard.

"Miss Lu, this is your boyfriend? Is that possible for dinner?"

Lu Xiaoya's pretty face flushed suddenly, "Aunt Wang, what are you talking about? He...he is not my boyfriend."

Aunt Wang looked at her with a look through everything.

"Auntie is here, you just waited for him at the door, like a little daughter-in-law, how could I read it wrong?"

Lu Xiaoya hurriedly covered her pretty face. "Aunt Wang, I...ignore you."

After speaking, quickly stepped into the courtyard.

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