I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 555 【555】Do you know you want a face too?

The handover process went smoothly.

After all the procedures were completed, Ye Feng, accompanied by a group of executives, inspected the overall situation of the company.

The employees of Leading Investment were shocked to see the new boss so young and handsome.

Many daring female employees frequently secretly give him a go.

Ye Feng couldn't stand it in the end, so he hurriedly made excuses to slip away.

A group of executives of Leading Investment, led by the chairman of the board of directors Shi Hao, sent Ye Feng out of the office building.

Don't mention how luxurious the pomp is.

Yang Dongmei was walking out of the elevator holding the box at this time. Seeing this scene, she suddenly felt sour.

At the beginning, she relied on her to work in a big company and despised Ye Feng, a poor student.

And now the identities of the two have reversed.

She has become a big business tycoon who has embraced her, but she has been swept out of the house.

The experience of life is so bizarre.

No one knows what will happen in the next second.

They are already people in the two worlds, and the gap will only get bigger and bigger.


After leaving Linghang Investment, Ye Feng simply went to the Xia Qiu crew to visit the crew.

When he came to the crew of "Like a Dream", he was told by the staff that Xia Qiu did not come to the crew today.

Asked him if he knew where she was, the other party hesitated for a long time and couldn't answer why.

Ye Feng didn't continue to question, so he had no choice but to leave.

A person walked around in Yangcheng and got acquainted with the environment.

Yangcheng is worthy of being a metropolis, and it is much stronger than Zhonghai in terms of the size of the city and the degree of modernization.

This is the big stage where you can really display your skills.

This also gradually strengthened his determination to march into Yangcheng.

After traveling in Yangcheng for a day, when it was evening, seeing that the time agreed with Zhao Fulin was approaching, he rushed to Zhennan Xinjiang without a hassle.

This is the second time he has come, and he is already familiar with it.

Without the waiter to lead the way, he went straight to the second floor and was about to walk towards the box.

At this moment, I suddenly heard an angry voice from a woman, "Get out of the way, I want to go home."

Ye Feng's movements suddenly stagnated, why is this voice so similar to Xia Qiu?

He immediately took two steps back and looked back.

At the end of the corridor, a girl in a white evening dress with delicate makeup painted on her face.

Isn’t it Xia Qiu?

And the man who stopped in front of her was the director of "Like a Dream". He remembers it was called Yu Dacheng, right?

The two seemed to have a very unpleasant quarrel.

Xia Qiu was staring at Yu Dacheng angrily.

But Yu Dacheng stopped her firmly and refused to let her go.

"Xia Qiu, you just treat me as a face, okay?"

"I'm sorry, I can't give this face, you should find someone else."

After Xia Qiu finished speaking, he would push him away.

Yu Dacheng showed a ruthless look on her face and grabbed her arm, "Xia Qiu, don't shame your face."

"You let me go, you hurt me..."

Xia Qiu began to struggle.

"Today's wine, you have to drink, or if you don't, you can't help it."

After Yu Dacheng finished speaking viciously, he grabbed Ye Qiu and walked towards the box inside.

How could Xia Qiu's weak strength be able to resist, and he was dragged inward abruptly.

Ye Feng couldn't help it anymore and immediately shouted, "Stop it for me."

While talking, walked towards the two of them.

Yu Dacheng was taken aback by the scolding, and immediately let go of his hands.

Seeing Ye Feng, Xia Qiu ran towards this side as if he saw a savior.

"Ye Feng, save me..."

Then he clung to his arm and didn't let go.

Ye Feng first calmed her emotions, then looked at Yu Dacheng coldly, "What do you want to do?"

When Yu Dacheng saw him, he was a little panicked, "Ye... Mr. Ye, I... I was joking with her..."

Ye Feng obviously didn't believe it, and looked back at Xia Qiu, "What the hell is going on?"

Xia Qiu until now, his body is still trembling slightly, "He...he told me that if our movie is to be released smoothly, we need to have a good relationship with some of the theater owners in Yangcheng. As the movie heroine, I have an obligation to help together. I didn’t think much about the negotiation, so I came with him..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Yu Dacheng bitterly, "Who knows, he arranged me next to the big boss, and he kept pouring me drinks, and they also made some disgusting jokes. They also said... and said let I have fun with that big boss..."

As he spoke, tears flowed down.

Although she has been in the entertainment industry for almost two years, she has always been well protected by the company.

Although I have participated in some dinners, they are basically just walks through the scene.

Encountering such a nasty thing today is obviously an unspoken rule often said in the circle.

After Ye Feng listened, his eyes immediately turned dark, "Where's Sister Hong? Why didn't she come with you?"

Xia Qiu's eyes were red, "Sister Hong has been ill these few days and is now in the hospital. Yu Dacheng dared to do this by seizing this gap."

Ye Feng looked up at Yu Dacheng, "Is what she said is true?"

Yu Dacheng was very pleased, "Mr. Ye, please forgive me. I'm just a small director. Whether the movie can be released after the filming is finished, I still have to look at the face of the big guy in the theater, I can't help it..."

Ye Feng took a step forward, "You can't help it, so let Xia Qiu come to accompany the wine? Why don't you call your mother to accompany the wine?"

At this time, many people in the corridor stopped to watch.

Many people immediately recognized Xia Qiu and took out their mobile phones to take pictures and videos.

Yu Dacheng glanced around, and hurriedly lowered his voice, "Mr. Ye, if we have something, we can solve it in private. It will not affect Xia Qiu and our new movie in the public."

Ye Feng couldn't help but sneered when he heard the words, "Do you know that you want a face? Then don't do shameful things."

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