I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 556 [556] Why are you fighting each other?

Yu Dacheng saw that there were more and more people watching, and he immediately showed a trace of anger.

"Mr. Ye, this matter is an internal matter of our crew and has nothing to do with you. I hope you will not be nosy."

Seeing that he actually dared to fight back with confidence, Ye Feng immediately turned angrily back and laughed, "I just want to be nosy today, what can you do to me?"

Yu Dacheng gritted his teeth, revealing a ruthless look, "Ye Feng, I admit that you have a bit of power in Zhonghai, but this is Yangcheng, you still want to be majestic here? If you know, get out of it, or else you won’t be able to eat. ."

Ye Feng couldn't help laughing when he heard his threat, "Can't eat and walk around? I really want to try it!"

Halfway through the smile, his face sank, and he slapped his hand over.


A loud slap in the face resounded throughout the corridor.

Unexpectedly, the crowd of onlookers would suddenly move their hands and exclaimed.

Xia Qiu was also taken aback, and hurriedly took Ye Feng's hand, "Ye Feng, don't be like this..."

Yu Dacheng covered his face and looked at Ye Feng in disbelief, "You dare to hit me? Bastard..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Feng slapped his other cheek with his hand.

"If you have a kind, continue to scold, and see if your mouth is hard or my hands are hard?"

Yu Dacheng is almost mad now.

At any rate, he is also a director of a large and dignified crew, and he is also a well-known figure in the entertainment industry.

At this time, he was so humiliated by a young boy.

If this incident spreads, where will his face go?

"Okay, don't go, there is a kind of you just here to wait for me!"

He took a cruel word, turned and walked into the front box.

Xia Qiu looked at Ye Feng with some worry, "Ye Feng, let's go quickly, we can't afford these people..."

Ye Feng patted her little head, "Don't worry, I want to see what waves he can make."


After Yu Dacheng entered the box, he immediately changed into a pug-like flattering appearance.

A dozen people were sitting in the box at this time.

Sitting on the main seat was a young man in his twenties who was very handsome.

Seeing him coming in in such an embarrassed manner, the young man was a little surprised, "Director Yu, what's the matter with you? What about Miss Xia?"

Yu Dacheng was full of grievances, "I persuaded her to come back and drink with you, but she refused to live and die. I was about to bring her back, but at this moment I ran into an old acquaintance of her in Zhonghai, and the bastard came up and gave it to me. Two slaps..."

The young man's complexion sank, "Why, a foreigner from Zhonghai dare to be so arrogant?"

Yu Dacheng squeezed out a few tears, "You have to be the master for me, he is hitting me in the face, he is hitting your face!"

The young man frowned and thought for a moment, then turned to look at the man sitting at the end, "Wenhao, go out and solve it."

If Ye Feng were here at this time, he would immediately recognize the man sitting at the end.

It was Yang Wenhao who gave him the bell before Wei Changfeng's order.

Hearing the young man's order, Yang Wenhao immediately bowed and stood up, "Don't worry, I will take care of it properly."

Seeing his pleasing expression, I wanted to kneel down for this young man.

After speaking, he immediately greeted the two bodyguards and followed Yu Dacheng out.

"Mr. Yang, you must not let this kid go, you must teach him well. Let him know whose site Yangcheng is."

Yu Dacheng clutched his hot cheeks and said viciously.

"Director Yu, please rest assured, if I can't even deal with a stinky guy from outside, what face is there to mess around in Yangcheng? Wait a minute and see how I can breathe for you."

A confident smile appeared on Yang Wenhao's face.

A group of people rushed out of the box.

But when Yang Wenhao saw the "outsider who was overwhelming", his smile suddenly froze.

If you don't say anything, you have to go back.

Yu Dacheng hurriedly stopped him, "Mr. Yang, where are you going? It was the kid who hit me. Go and give me this nasty breath."

Yang Wenhao was dragged by him and couldn't help but want to scold his mother.

His point is too memorized.

Yesterday, he humiliated Ye Feng on behalf of Wei Changfeng, but the other party took care of it and made him embarrassed.

I wanted to take this opportunity to vent my anger.

Who would have thought, ran into this evil star again!

This product is simply the nemesis of his own hit!

Those onlookers were immediately excited when they saw Yu Dacheng leading a few people out.

"This young man is miserable. He wanted to be a hero to save the United States, but he didn't expect to be kicked on the iron plate."

"Isn't that Yang Wenhao? The chairman of Haotian Investment Co., Ltd., a big man in the investment industry in Yangcheng."

"I know him. I heard that he has a net worth of at least several billions. He is definitely a big boss."

"Chairman Yang brought people out personally, this kid probably won't be able to eat."

"If I were him, I will apologize to them now, maybe they can let him go."

Xia Qiu was also very worried at this time, and hurriedly pulled Ye Feng's arm, "Ye Feng, leave me alone, go quickly."

She knew that Ye Feng was very capable, but that was in Zhong Hai after all.

Facing these local snakes in Yangcheng, it's not easy at all.

Instead of panicking, Ye Feng showed a weird smile, "Isn't this Mr. Yang? It's really Yuanjia Luzhai."

Yang Wenhao hurriedly pulled out a smiling face, "It turned out to be Mr. Ye, what a coincidence hahaha..."

Ye Feng looked at the bodyguard behind him, "What? Are you trying to beat me?"

Yang Wenhao denied, "No, no, don't get me wrong, how can I dare to beat you?"

Yu Dacheng on the side was dumbfounded, "Mr. Yang, what do you mean? Didn't you just say that you want to give me this bad breath? It was this kid who beat me, you have to do it for me..."


Before he could finish speaking, Yang Wenhao had already slapped him, "You fart, what is Mr. Ye's status? Will he hit you? Who do you think you are?"

His slap is not only stunned by Dacheng.

Xia Qiu was also dumbfounded.

Those onlookers who eat melon are also dumbfounded.

What's the situation?

Why are you fighting each other?

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