I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 563 【563】I’ve grown up so much, I’ve never heard of this kind of request

Ye Chengze looked at Ye Feng very arrogantly, "I give you two choices, either kneel down and apologize to my brother, or I will let someone throw you out, you choose one."

Facing his aggressiveness, Ye Feng still looked the same as usual, "Ye Dashao, has your mother told you that you are too arrogant? Xia Qiu is my friend. You forced her to accompany the wine. I stopped it and just let him say. Apologize, what is wrong with me?"

There was a sneer on Ye Chengze's face, "Your mistake is to be nosy. Xia Qiu is the person I like, and I let her find her. If you take her away, you just slap me in the face. I don't want face. Is it?"

Xia Qiu hurriedly pulled Ye Feng's arm, "Ye Feng, let me go back with them, don't be embarrassed because of me."

Ye Feng patted her shoulder and turned to look at Ye Chengze again, "I am here in Yangcheng this time, I just want to act low-key and don't want to be an enemy of anyone. Don't force me."

Ye Chengze immediately laughed arrogantly when he heard his threat, "Are you demonstrating to me? Then I will force you today. I think what you can do to me?"

The group of people behind him also laughed.

"Hahaha, this kid is dying, how dare you threaten Ye Shao?"

"A stinky boy from outside, dare to be so arrogant? It's time to teach him a lesson."

"With your ability, you still want to play heroes to save the United States? Then take a look today, who can save you?"

"Ye Shao, what are you talking nonsense with him? Can someone just throw him out?"

Ye Chengze had lost his patience and immediately waved his big hand, "Since this kid is still stiff-mouthed, then treat him as a dead dog and throw it out for me."

The bodyguards following him were about to start their hands immediately.

"I see who dares!"

At this time, Zhao Fulin on the side suddenly said, "Ye Chengze, I am still sitting here, are you taking me as a dead person?"

Ye Chengze turned his head and glanced at him, "Zhao Fulin, this is between me and Ye Feng. I advise you not to be nosy."

Zhao Fulin slapped the table "Bang", "Ye Feng is my brother, and his business is mine. If you want to touch his hair, you have to ask me if I can agree."

A cold light flashed in Ye Chengze's eyes, "Zhao Fulin, I'll give you face, don't you know how to promote it. Do you really think I'm afraid of you? I'm forced to take care of it with you."

Zhao Fulin thought that he had heard it wrong, and suddenly smirked, "Oh, what a promise? Forgot to call Big Brother Zhao behind my butt? Now that the wings are stiff, you dare to challenge me, right?"

Ye Chengze smiled confidently, "It used to be before, now is now. Before, your Zhao family was in full swing, of course I have to respect you. But your old man will soon die. Your Zhao family will not be able to reach for a few days, you Be arrogant with me again and see how I deal with you."

Zhao Fulin finally understood why the other party had the confidence to challenge him.

It turned out that I heard that my father was critically ill, so I came to take the opportunity to fall into the pit.

Where is this to clean up Ye Feng? Obviously came to slap him in the face.

"Hahaha, do you want to take advantage of the danger? Even if our Zhao family is in trouble, but it is easy to clean up your bastard. If you have a kind, come and try, and see if I dare to lick you with your mouth. Damn it."

Ye Chengze immediately raised his head and laughed when he heard the words.

With that, he walked straight to Zhao Fulin.

Zhao Fulin didn't expect that he really dared to come over, and immediately raised his hand.

But suddenly thought of the plan with his father, ready to do a round, ready to smash this group of people fiercely.

Little intolerance leads to chaos, and now I can only endure it temporarily.

Thinking of this, he put his hand down again.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chengze became more arrogant, "Hahaha, where's the arrogant and domineering Zhao Fulin before? How come you have become a slapstick now? I put my face together, and you dare not fight? Or? Not a man?"

The group of people following him laughed frantically.

It seems that the Zhao family is really dying. Facing Ye Chengze's provocation, he didn't dare to fight back.

Zhao Fulin clenched his fist, "Ye Chengze, let you be arrogant for two days. One day, I will beat you so that your mother doesn't even know you."

Ye Chengze leaned his face together again, "Don't have a day, just today, if you have a seed, please try it. I beg you, hit me quickly..."

He bet Zhao Fulin wouldn't dare to do it, so he became more arrogant.

At this moment, the eyes suddenly went dark.

A big hand slapped it without warning.


A loud slap in the face slapped Ye Chengze directly.

Looking back, I saw that Ye Feng was slowly retracting his hand, "I've grown up so old and haven't heard this kind of request, then I have to satisfy you."

Everyone present looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.

Doesn't he know who is standing opposite him?

This is Ye Chengze's first genius in the Ye family.

Even Zhao Fulin didn't dare to do it, he actually did it first?

"Little bastard, you are looking for death!"

Ye Chengze covered his face, and was about to withdraw his hand.

He grew up so big that no one had ever dared to touch his finger.

Today, he was slapped in public by a kid from outside.

For him, this is simply a great shame.

Lost his sanity immediately.

But his counterattack was seen in Ye Feng's eyes, just like a child tickling it.

With a light touch, he removed his attack, and then slapped his hand again.

This time, he used even more force, directly hitting Ye Chengze and turning around twice.

Only then did Zhao Fulin "react", "Brother Ye, I can't help it."

With that said, he hurriedly pulled Ye Feng behind him, in fact, to protect him.

At the same time, my heart screamed for joy.

Ye Feng's two slaps could be regarded as a breath of malice for him.

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