I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 564 【564】When did I accept you as a disciple?

Until then, the group of people behind Ye Chengze reacted.

They rushed up to protect him, and then glared at Ye Feng.

"Ye Feng, you are looking for death, do you know if you do this, there will be any consequences?"

"You dare to beat Ye Shao, you are dead this time, and Zhao Fulin can't protect you."

"Do you really think this is your Zhonghai? How dare you run wild in Yangcheng?"

"Boy, you are dead today, don't even want to walk out of this gate."

Ye Chengze's eyes flushed red, and he waved his hands at several bodyguards, "Give me all of them, I want him to die today!"

These words almost all popped out of his teeth, showing how angry he was at this time.

The bodyguards got the order and immediately rushed forward.

Zhao Fulin's complexion sank, and now he can't bear it anymore, just when he is about to order his bodyguard to take action.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a yelling from outside, "Stop!"

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the box was pushed open immediately.

Then I saw an old man slowly stepping in from outside.

When Ye Chengze saw him, he was stunned for a moment, "Han genius doctor?"

His father had suffered a serious illness before, and it was the genius doctor Han who was looking after him, so he immediately recognized him.

The genius doctor Han walked in sternly, "Ye Chengze, what are you doing? Lawless?"

Ye Chengze hurriedly replied respectfully, "Mr. Han, this little bastard just hit me, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, the genius doctor Han suddenly slapped him over.


This slap slammed firmly on his face.

It was even harder than Ye Feng's two slaps.

Ye Chengze was dumbfounded.

Ye Feng and Zhao Fulin were also dumbfounded.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Which one of the genius doctors sang this?

Ye Chengze covered his face, staring at him blankly, "Mr. Han, why are you hitting me?"

The genius doctor Han snorted and pointed at Ye Feng, "Why? What did you just say he was?"

Ye Chengze couldn't turn his mind a little, "Little... bastard..."

Before he could finish speaking, the genius doctor Han slapped him over again.

Ye Chengze didn't react, and slapped again firmly.

The genius doctor Han turned to look at Ye Feng respectfully, "This genius doctor Xiaoye is my master, you call him a bastard, then what am I?"

When everyone heard his words, they suddenly opened their mouths in surprise?

"What is it? I heard it right? Ye Feng is the master of the genius Han doctor? What's the joke?"

"The genius doctor Xiaoye? Ye Feng knows the medical skills? Or is the master of the Han genius doctor? Wait a minute, let me stroke..."

"Han genius doctor is Taishan Beidou in the medical world, how could he worship Ye Feng as his teacher? Isn't this a big joke?"

"No, I'm a little confused, what is going on?"

Don't talk about them, even Ye Feng himself is a little bit confused, "Wait a minute, when will I accept you as a disciple? Don't talk nonsense."

Han's genius doctor smiled "shamelessly", "Sooner or later, regardless of whether you recognize me as an apprentice, I will assume that you are my master."

Xia Qiu on the side looked at Ye Feng blankly.

How does she feel that the longer she has been in contact with this guy, the less she will recognize him?

He was treated respectfully by a group of top second generation ancestors like Zhao Fulin, so why even the old man called him "Master"?

And from the expressions of everyone, we can also see how virtuous this old man is.

Such a respected old man should be his apprentice with a stubborn face?

This is too incredible, right?

Ye Chengze gritted his teeth and turned to look at the genius doctor Han, "I respect you the genius doctor Han. But... Ye Feng just hit me. If I don't get my face back, how can I get involved in Yangcheng in the future?"

The genius doctor Han turned and looked at him, "Do you want to get back face, don't you? Okay, then you slap me twice, you should be able to get back face, right?"

Ye Chengze twitched his cheeks, "The genius doctor Han said and laughed, how dare I hit you?"

Han's genius doctor didn't sneer, "I gave you the opportunity. It's because you don't use it, so you can't blame me."

Ye Chengze frowned, "Mr. Han, this is a personal grievance between me and Ye Feng. Do you really want to get involved?"

The genius doctor Han nodded immediately, "Yeah, Ye Feng is my master. If you want to beat my master, my apprentice will naturally stand up and share the worries for the master."

Ye Chengze suppressed the anger in his heart, "Mr. Han, I respect you, but I am not afraid of you. Are you sure you want to do the right thing with the Ye family?"

Hearing his threat, the genius doctor Han smiled dismissively, "Frighten me with your Ye Family? Then I will put it here today, and if you are an enemy of Ye Feng, you will be an enemy of Han Qi. If you are not convinced by the Ye Family, , Do you have any tricks, just use it."


Ye Chengze suddenly felt helpless when he saw that the other party didn't eat soft or hard.

Don't think that the Han genius doctor is just a doctor, but the energy behind him is extremely terrifying. Almost every big family in Yangcheng has been blessed by him.

Even their Ye family owed each other a favor.

No one will easily offend such a genius doctor even if he has never received favor.

After all, people are born, old, sick, and die, and no one can guarantee that they will never get sick.

Once you get a bad disease, no matter how much money you have, it's useless, you have to ask someone else to ask a genius doctor.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the genius doctor Han speaks out, countless families will immediately volunteer to help him settle everything.

Their Ye family can challenge the Zhao family, and can even offend any big family in Yangcheng.

But in the face of people like Han Shenyi, they have to retreat.

To be an enemy of Han's genius doctor is to be an enemy of the entire Yangcheng family.

He Ye Chengze didn't have the guts yet.

The genius doctor Han snorted coldly when he saw him confess, "Don't you get out? Wait for me to do it yourself?"

Ye Chengze gritted his teeth, and finally glared at Ye Feng bitterly, "Let's go."

As he said, he walked out first.

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