I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 565 【565】The Zhao family son-in-law

After leaving the box, Yang Wenhao was a little unwilling to follow.

"Ye Shao, did we just let this kid go? You were slapped twice by him just now..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Chengze suddenly slapped him over, blinding him.

"Ye Shao, what are you hitting me for?"

"I was beaten, you all sucked into my stomach. If anyone dared to spread it, I would kill him first. Did you hear that?"

Ye Chengze's gaze swept across Yang Wenhao and others coldly.

Everyone hurriedly nodded in agreement, but couldn't help but slander in their hearts.

Don't dare to find Ye Feng to retaliate.

However, they dare to think about it in their hearts, but they dare not say it.

Ye Chengze glanced back at the box, his eyes full of hatred, "Let this kid jump around for two days, and wait until I finish cleaning up the Zhao's house, then I will ask him to settle the account."

After speaking, he left without looking back.

Everyone followed and left.


Inside the box.

The genius doctor Han looked at Ye Feng anxiously, “The genius doctor Xiaoye, this Ye Chengze has always been harsh. He ate a flat with you today, and he will definitely find a way to retaliate back. You must be careful.”

Ye Feng glanced at him, "Why, you are not called Master now?"

The genius doctor Han smiled, "I just called it that way just to calm Ye Chengze. Without the admission of the genius doctor Xiaoye, how dare I pretend to be your apprentice."

Ye Feng didn't continue to struggle with this question, and instead asked: "You come to me, what's the matter?"

The genius doctor Han remembered what was going on, "That's it, the old man of the Zhao family recovered very quickly, and he has now been discharged from the hospital. I think it's too abnormal, so I came to ask you for advice."

Ye Feng looked at him suspiciously, "Isn't it a good thing to recover quickly?"

The genius doctor Han couldn't help smiling bitterly, "But I always feel something is wrong with the recovery too fast. You should go and take a look yourself, so everyone can rest assured."

Zhao Fulin on the side also hurriedly said, "Yeah, brother Ye, just go and take a look. I am also a little worried that the old man gets better too quickly. Will there be any side effects?"

Father Zhao is too important to the Zhao family, there must be no difference.

Ye Feng had no choice but to nod his head, "Okay, then."

The banquet ended in a hurry.

Ye Feng, Xia Qiu, Zhao Fulin, and the Han genius doctor rushed to Zhao's house together.

The others left on their own.

I heard from Zhao Fulin that Mr. Zhao doesn't usually live at home, but in another courtyard in the suburbs.

Although the area is small, it is better than quiet.

The car drove for more than an hour before it rushed to the small courtyard where the old man lived.

At this time, at the entrance of the small courtyard, there was still a black Audi parked with red letters on the license plate on a white background, which turned out to be the leader's car.

"have a guest?"

Ye Feng turned to look at Zhao Fulin.

"It should be my brother-in-law here."

When Zhao Fulin talked about "brother-in-law", a trace of fear flashed across his face inadvertently.

Ye Feng couldn't help being curious.

What kind of person is his brother-in-law? Can Zhao Fulin, who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, show such an expression?

Mr. Zhao's small courtyard is not big, with a total area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters.

There are various kinds of vegetables in the yard, a lot of green.

And Father Zhao, at this time, was wielding a hoe, weeding in the yard.

Behind him, there was a middle-aged man with an elegant temperament.

"Dad, you just got a serious illness, don't do these jobs for now."

The man eloquently persuaded.

But the old man Zhao had a stubborn temper. The more he persuaded, the more vigorous he was. "During this period of time I was sick, the vegetable plots were not in charge. If I don't take care of them, the vegetables I grow will die."

The man couldn't help smiling wryly, "Then I'll do it for you. Go and rest next to you."

But the old man glanced at him disdainfully, "Just you? How can you do this kind of dirty work as a leader?"

The man touched a soft nail and couldn't say more.

The genius doctor Han hurriedly said at this moment, "Master Zhao, I have invited the genius doctor Xiaoye, quickly let him see if there is any problem with your body."

When Mr. Zhao saw Ye Feng, his eyes lit up, he hurriedly threw the hoe down and greeted him barefoot.

"Oh, Xiaofeng is here? Come in, come in..."

"Master, slow down."

Ye Feng hurriedly walked two steps and held him.

"You don't need to help me, I'm in good health now. Your medicine is amazing. I feel like I'm at least a teenager younger. Is there any more? Give me some more to make me a few years younger."

As soon as he saw him, the old man Zhao talked endlessly.

Ye Feng was a little bit dumbfounded, "Do you think my medicine is an elixir? Can you rejuvenate? You can only say that your body is good enough to recover so quickly."

Grandpa Zhao immediately patted his chest, "Of course, I was the fastest in our company on the battlefield back then. Every time I fight the enemy, they haven't caught up..."

Ye Feng helped him get his pulse while listening to the old man's nagging.

Mr. Zhao's pulse is very stable and there is no abnormality.

He breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Zhao Fulin, "Don't worry, the old man is very healthy."

Zhao Fulin and others immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the old man is in good health, their Zhao family can stand upright, and no one can be shaken.

Father Zhao noticed Xia Qiu next to him at this time, and immediately became interested, "Xiao Feng, is this your girlfriend? What a beautiful little girl."

Xia Qiuqiao blushed, "Grandpa, don't get me wrong, I'm not his girlfriend."

Father Zhao smiled "hehe", "Not now, but I can do it in the future. Xiaofeng is a very good child, you must seize the opportunity."

Xia Qiuqiao blushed even more, not knowing how to answer.

At this moment, the middle-aged man standing behind the old man suddenly gave a cold snort.

"There are flowers and weeds everywhere. Even if you have a little skill, you can't become a master."

The original lively atmosphere instantly cooled down.

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