I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 566 【566】You played with my sister's feelings

The atmosphere at the scene was embarrassing.

Zhao Fulin hurriedly came out to complete the game, "Brother Ye, don't take it to your heart. My brother-in-law has been a leader for a long time. He always likes to be a leader. When he sees young people, he likes to train a few words. In fact, people who can be trained by him They are often people he is very optimistic about. Most people are really not qualified to talk to him."

Ye Feng didn't take it to heart, but was about to say a few words to take the matter over.

But the middle-aged man refused to give up, and continued the yin and yang weirdness: "Who said that I am optimistic about him? With good luck, he has a little achievement, and he starts to float away? Wandering in the flowers every day, what can I do? ?"

If what he said just now was unintentional, but now it is obviously very targeted.

Just pointed to the nose and cursed.

The expressions of everyone present changed.

Even Old Man Zhao frowned, "Changming, what are you going crazy suddenly? Xiao Feng asked you to provoke you?"

Xu Changming sneered, "He didn't provoke me, but he played with the feelings of many girls. He was so romantic and shameless."

Ye Feng couldn't bear it, and immediately glared at him.

"I think it's because of the face of the old man and my brother Zhao. I will bear with you again and again. You don't know what is good or bad. You said I played with girls' feelings, then I want to ask you, whose feelings have I played with? You today If you don’t make it clear, I’ll never finish with you."

The man looked at him coldly, "Do you really want me to tell?"

Zhao Fulin hurriedly came out to be the peacemaker, "Brother Ye, forget it, just treat him as nonsense."

Ye Feng did not back down and looked directly at the middle-aged man, "You said, as long as you can name one, I will immediately kneel down and apologize to you."

The man's next words directly confused Ye Feng.

"You played with my sister's feelings."

"You...your sister? Who is it?"

Ye Feng looked at him blankly, his face full of doubts.

The man immediately reported a name, "Xu Jingxin."

Ye Feng was completely stunned, "Xu Jingxin? Are you Xu Jingxin's brother?"

Isn't this man Zhao Fulin's brother-in-law?

Why is Xu Jingxin's brother again?

Do the two families still have this kind of relationship?

There was a sneer on the man's face, "My name is Xu Changming, and Xu Jingxin is my sister."

Ye Feng's momentum immediately weakened, "Xu... Big Brother Xu, I think there seems to be some misunderstanding between us..."

Xu Changming snorted coldly, "Misunderstanding? While you hooked up my sister, you were confused with other girls, so you actually said it was a misunderstanding?"

Ye Feng felt that he was more wronged than Dou E, "When did I hook up with her?"

Xu Changming's face was full of anger, "Do you dare to deny it? My sister has had more smiles on her face since she met you, her personality has suddenly become cheerful, and she has started to learn makeup..."

Ye Feng hurriedly interrupted him, "Isn't this a good thing? Why are you angry?"

Xu Changming's eyes widened, "Good thing? All these signs show that she likes you."

"Now chatting with me, you can't leave your name in three sentences. You are still carrying her, and you are not clear with other women. Are you worthy of her?"

Ye Feng cleared his throat, "Brother Xu, I think I need to explain."

"I really don't think much about Miss Xu. We are just better friends. We have never done anything beyond the status of friends. You may really have misunderstood."

Xu Changming recovered his calm, "What are you telling the truth?"

Ye Feng looked at him seriously, "If there is a lie, I will leave it to you."

Xu Changming nodded, "Okay, I believe Mr. Ye is a person who dares to be a dare to act."

"Since you don't have any wrong thoughts about my sister, you'd better tell her clearly and don't let her waste her feelings on you."

Ye Feng nodded, "Okay, I will find a chance to tell her clearly."

When the old man saw the two talk aside, he said, "That's right, there is no misunderstanding that can't be solved."

"Changming, I was able to survive this time thanks to Xiaofeng. He is my savior, don't treat him with this attitude."

Xu Changming regained his refined temperament and bowed to Ye Feng. "You saved my father-in-law's life this time. You are my benefactor of Xu Changming."

"In the future, as long as it does not violate the principle, I can help you once if it is useful to me."

Ye Feng hurriedly waved his hand, "The reason why I saved the old man is not that I want anything in return..."

Xu Changming didn't wait for him to finish, so he stretched out his hand to interrupt, "What do you think, that's your business."

"I don't like to owe someone to my family. If you think about it, please contact me."

With that, he took out a business card and handed it to him.

Ye Feng couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly, but still accepted the card.

Zhao Fulin felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, and hurriedly changed the subject, "Brother-in-law, are you coming over today, do you have anything else?"

Xu Changming shook his head, "It's okay. I'm going to Yanjing for a meeting tomorrow. Before I leave, come and see the old man."

Hearing this, Mr. Zhao hurriedly stood up, "Are you going to Yanjing? That just happened to get me on."

Xu Changming was taken aback for a moment, "What are you doing in Yanjing?"

Zhao Fulin also hurriedly asked, "Yes, you have just recovered, why are you running so far?"

Old man Zhao sighed, "This time walking around Guimenguan, I clearly realized that the strength of the Zhao family is still too weak. It seems that I have to spare this old face and go to Yanjing to find my old men Friends, pave the way for you."

Zhao Fulin and Xu Changming both showed joy.

The old man can also be regarded as a hero of the Long Kingdom, and many old comrades-in-arms are already in high positions.

But he has been reluctant to use the relationship of those old comrades in these years.

Otherwise, the strength of the Zhao family would be much stronger than it is now.

Now that the old man finally figured it out, they naturally couldn't ask for it.

Next, Xu Changming personally cooked, and Ye Feng and Xia Qiu stayed at Zhao's house for a meal.

This also shows from the side that the Zhao family has completely regarded him as his own.

When Xia Qiu learned of Xu Changming's identity, she was even more stunned.

Unexpectedly, Ye Feng's contacts were already so terrifying.

This, who else can stop his rise?

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