I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 567 【567】White Porcelain Beauty Pillow

After dinner, Zhao Fulin and Ye Feng agreed to take him around tomorrow.

Ye Feng sent Xia Qiu back to the crew first, and then returned to the hotel.

Early the next morning, he was about to go to Zhao Fulin to meet.

At this time, the system's prompt sound suddenly sounded in the ear.

"The system has detected a new treasure hunt navigation. Please drive straight along the current road for 300 meters and turn right..."

Ye Feng was overjoyed, and first sent a text message to Zhao Fulin, saying that there was something wrong with him, so that he didn't have to wait.

Then he changed the driving route according to the system prompts.

Soon, he came to an antique street.

There are so many people on the street that cars can't get in at all.

He had to park the car on the street and walk in.

The navigation eventually pointed to an antique shop called Yongqingfang.

The store is not large, and the total area is less than two hundred square meters.

The shopkeeper is holding a magnifying glass and looking down at a piece of jade pendant.

Seeing a guest coming in, I didn't mean to stand up and say hello.

Following the system's prompts, Ye Feng walked a few more steps to the front of a shelf, and his eyes fell on a ceramic pillow.

He immediately turned on the system's deep scan function and began to appraise it.

"Song Dynasty Ding Kiln White Porcelain Pillow, Appraised as True, System Estimate: 360 million..."

Ye Feng immediately took a breath. The ceramic pillow worth more than three billion yuan was almost unheard of.

This is definitely considered a peerless treasure.

I didn't expect to see this kind of baby in such a small shop.

Although shocked in his heart, he remained calm on the surface and turned to look at the boss, "Boss, what is the price of this ceramic pillow?"

The boss glanced up at him, "The ceramic pillow is already sold, you can look at others."

After speaking, he began to lower his head to study the jade pendant.

Seeing his attitude, Ye Feng couldn't help frowning, "I don't know what price the other party made? I'm willing to double the price."

The boss was a little displeased, "Can you not understand? The ceramic pillow has already been taken by someone, so I won't sell it for any price."

Ye Feng couldn't help but wonder, did he see the value of this ceramic pillow when he met someone who knew the goods?

Listening to the boss's tone, the other party must have offered a sky-high price to make him so firm, right?

Just when he was suspicious, he saw a foolish man walk in.

"Boss Zhu, are the things I want ready?"

The man was wearing a vest, big trousers, plus a pair of flip flops, and a toothpick in his mouth.

At first glance, he was a little ruffian.

The boss who had a bad attitude towards Ye Feng immediately stood up enthusiastically after seeing the man.

"Brother Jun, what you want is ready, do you see this one?"

With that, he pushed Ye Feng aside and pointed at the ceramic pillow to show the man.

The man stared at the ceramic pillow twice, a little impatient, "I don't understand these shit stuff, this thing is for Mr. Gao, you just wrap it up."

As he said, he took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket and patted it on the table, "I said 10,000 yuan, do you want to count it?"

The boss hurriedly waved his hand, "No, can I still trust Brother Jun?"

Ye Feng on the side was dumbfounded.

He originally thought, how high was the price the other party paid?

Unexpectedly, it was only 10,000 yuan?

A treasure worth 300 to 400 million yuan, only sold for 10,000 yuan?

At this moment, I saw that "Brother Jun" grabbed the ceramic pillow with one hand, as if grabbing a piece of brick.

It is simply a shame that such a baby falls into the hands of such a person.

Ye Feng couldn't help but said, "Wait a minute, boss, I'm willing to spend a million to buy this ceramic pillow."

When the boss heard the words, his eyes widened in surprise, "More...how much? One million?"

Ye Feng nodded, "As long as you agree, I can transfer money to you now."

The boss showed a greedy expression.

One million is definitely a huge sum of money for him.

But when he looked at Brother Jun, he couldn't help but shudder.

He knows the background of the other party very well. If he goes wrong now, he will inevitably incur revenge from the other party.

One million is good, but it has to be spent.

The "army brother" turned his head and looked at Ye Feng fiercely, "Boy, I'm working for Mr. Gao. If I want to grab Mr. Gao's things, I have to ask if your head is iron enough."

Facing his threat, Ye Feng's expression remained as usual, "I don't know Mr. Gao, I only know that fair competition, the higher the price, don't come out and pretend to be B if you don't have money."

"Fuck, look for death!"

Without a word, the "brother army" grabbed the ceramic pillow and hit Ye Feng's head.

The boss wanted to stop, but was afraid of the other party, and hurriedly took two steps back.

Ye Feng didn't expect that this man had such a hot temper, he would do anything if he didn't agree with him.

It can be seen that I am used to being arrogant.

In his opinion, the opponent's combat power is not worth it.

But he was afraid of breaking the ceramic pillow, and hurried back two steps, "Is there anything I can't say? Why do you want to do it?"

Seeing him retreating, the military brother thought he was afraid, and became more and more careful, "Speaking of you MLGB, dare to be disrespectful to Mr. Gao, Laozi will kill you first..."

While talking, he continued to hit Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was also angry at this time, and his hands struck like lightning.

First, he grabbed the opponent's wrist and quickly grabbed the ceramic pillow.

Then he fell directly over his shoulder and threw him heavily to the ground.

Don't look at the vicious look just now, this guy is actually a paper tiger.

After falling like this, he started to twitch and scream on the ground.

The boss was completely frightened when he saw this scene.

"You...you beat Brother Jun? You..."

Ye Feng spread his hands innocently, "You have seen it too, I was forced to fight back because I was forced to fight back."

The boss was suddenly speechless.

Brother Jun got up from the ground with babbles, and looked at him bitterly, "You bastard, don't go if there is a kind of thing. If I don't kill you today, I will write the three characters upside down, Wu Tiejun."

After speaking, he ran out of the antique shop in a hurry.

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