I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 575 【575】There will always be people who want to harm me

Ye Feng's powerful driving skills, coupled with this purely hand-built top supercar, is simply even more powerful.

The charming blue night turned into a purple lightning, swiftly walking through the streets of Yangcheng.

The passing drivers looked at the direction where the supercar disappeared in disbelief, unable to return to their senses for a long time.

This kind of super sports car is simply the car that every man dreams of.

Many women sitting in the co-pilot also looked at the man next to them with disgust.

See what kind of car they drive? What car does his man drive?

This is the gap!

Ye Feng now knows the performance of this car very well. Compared with his previous two supercars, it is much stronger.

In the city, it is impossible to fully utilize the performance of this car.

If he were to go to Xiejiawan again now, it is estimated that he would be able to break the record again.

Just as he was enjoying the excitement brought by the supercar, the phone rang suddenly.

He hurriedly slowed down, then picked up the phone and looked at it.

The caller ID turned out to be Zhuang Xiaoqiao.

Since the last time they separated from Binhai, the two have not had much contact.

I don't know why she called him suddenly?

Although he was puzzled, he still connected the phone.

A sweet voice from Zhuang Xiaoqiao came from the other side, "You are really a wooden bump."

Ye Feng was a little bewildered when she heard the words like this when she came up, "What's wrong with me?"

"If I don't call you, will you never take the initiative to contact me?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao's tone seemed to be acting like a baby with her boyfriend.

Ye Feng couldn't help smiling bitterly, "I have nothing to do with you, why should I contact you?"


Zhuang Xiaoqiao was so angry that he couldn't speak. After a long time, he continued to say, "Did you come to Yangcheng?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Hmph, what the lady wants to know, is there anything that can escape my eyes?"

"So amazing?"

"Of course. Besides, you came to Yangcheng without being low-key at all, punching Wei Changfeng, kicking Ye Chengze, and now you are starting to provoke Gao Junming again, either, or on the way to death. Even if I don’t want to hear you I can’t do the news."

"Ahem...Don't say that. They provoked me on their own initiative. I was just forced to fight back."

"Huh, I heard that you were alone today, so you brought down a dozen people from the New Trends Club? Why don't you take me with you if you have such a fun thing?"

"What are you doing with you? Being chased and chopped by someone with a knife?"

"Anyway, you didn't take me, just didn't regard me as a friend. Fortunately, I always care about your movements so much, you don't care about me at all."

"Okay, I'm wrong this time, I will definitely bring you next time, okay?"

"It's pretty much the same. For the sake of your sincere confession, let me tell you something."

"what news?"

"Someone wants to hurt you."


"Aren't you surprised?"

"What's so surprising? There are always people who want to harm me. No way, good people are always easy to be jealous."

"Cut, you are stinking. I don't see how good you are, I only see your glib tongue, not like a good person."

"That's right, good people have no way to survive, only if they are worse than bad people can they survive."


"Okay, can you tell me? Don't tell me I'm hanging up."

"You...who are we asking? Okay, let me tell you directly, it's Ye Chengze who is going to kill you."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao finally revealed the news.

When Ye Feng heard the name, he smiled disdainfully, "Ye Chengze? A spoiled second generation ancestor, wants to harm me?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was immediately anxious when he heard that he didn't pay much attention to it.

"You are really in trouble this time. Just now, a person who was injured by you died in the hospital without rescue. The forensic doctor gave an identification result, saying that you hit the vital part. It was initially determined that you were deliberate. Kill, I'm afraid the police will find you soon."

Ye Feng's expression immediately became serious when he heard the words, "Impossible, I am very measured, and the injuries of these people are not fatal at all."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao nodded immediately, "Of course I know, because this is Ye Chengze's conspiracy. It was he who sent someone to the hospital to use his hands and feet, and then bought the forensic doctor and deliberately planted it on you."

Ye Feng was a little surprised, "How do you know this?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao "hehe" smiled, "I know a lot, but I can't tell you. I only know his plot, but there is no evidence of his crime, and I can't help you much. You still have to do everything. Find a way to break the game by yourself."

Ye Feng frowned and thought for a moment, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Okay, I know, since he wants to frame me, then I will give him a way to do it and give him back."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was immediately aroused by curiosity, "What are you going to do?"

"Temporarily confidential."

"Keep it secret with me?"

"It's boring to say it, just wait for a good show."

"Since you refuse to say, then take me. Where are you now? I'll go find you."

"You still don't come here, there are some things, it is not convenient to bring you."

"Do you dislike me? I don't care. If you don't take me to play, I...I will deal with you with Ye Chengze."

"Miss, can you stop being so childish? This is a matter of life or death, not a child's play."

"He was a child in the first place, so I would like to ask you one last sentence, will you take me to play?"

"I...well, I am waiting for you at the junction of Longquan Road and Guoxing Road."

"Well, I can be there in ten minutes, you must wait for me."

After Zhuang Xiaoqiao finished speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry.

Ye Feng reluctantly leaned on the seat.

What a grinning little fairy!

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