I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 576 【576】Who instructed you to frame me?

Sure enough, Zhuang Xiaoqiao did what he said, and it took less than ten minutes to reach the place agreed by the two.

When he saw Ye Feng's Charm Blue Night, his mouth opened wide in surprise.

"My God, is this your new car? Isn't it too cool? How much did it cost?"

"Not expensive, only 500 million."

Ye Feng leaned on the sports car and put on a pose that he thought was very handsome.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao stared at him, and only after a long while he said, "It's really inhumane!"

Spending five hundred million to buy a car is simply not an ordinary prodigal.

Ye Feng opened the car door and made a "please" gesture.

"You are still the first person to get in this car, do you feel honored?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao's eyes turned into crescents with a smile, and he hurriedly sat in, "Well, it's not bad."

Ye Feng also turned and sat in the driving position, then turned sideways to help her fasten her seat belt.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was in physical contact with him, feeling his breath, suddenly feeling a little strange in his heart, and his pretty face flushed.

Ye Feng glanced at her, "Why is your face flushed like a monkey butt?"

The strange thing that Zhuang Xiaoqiao had just risen immediately disappeared, and he gave him an angry look, "Do you know how to use adjectives? At least you should say "red apple", "fire cloud" and so on, what is monkey butt? what?"

Ye Feng had to change his saying, "Why does your monkey butt look like a red apple?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao almost vomited blood with anger, "You... are really a straight man of steel!"

Ye Feng smiled, stopped joking with her, and started the car directly.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao looked at him curiously again, "Where are we going now?"

Ye Feng smiled sideways, "Hospital."


Xue Cong has been doing forensic medicine for more than 30 years.

This work is very hard, dealing with a pile of corpses every day, people's mood will become very depressed.

That's fine, the main reason is that there is very little oil and water in this work.

Unlike those serious surgeons and emergency doctors who receive big red envelopes from time to time.

Who would give a red envelope for dissecting a corpse?

Could it be that he begged him to make the autopsy more beautiful?

But today, he really received a red envelope, and the amount was scary.

A full one million.

The other party's request is also very simple, let him issue a fake appraisal report.

Point the cause of death of the deceased to a person named Ye Feng.

He subconsciously refused at the beginning, because it violated his professional ethics as a doctor.

But when the other party put the big box of banknotes in front of him, he didn't hold on for two seconds and nodded in agreement.

It is easy for him to open a fake appraisal report.

And that one million is enough to offset his shame.

While blowing his whistle, he walked briskly towards his office.

The passing doctors and nurses all looked at him with a surprised look.

"What are you saying about Dr. Xue's happy event today? I have never seen him so happy as today."

"Yes, he usually pulls a face as if someone owes him a million. Today, it looks like he has picked up a million."

"Isn't he winning the lottery? It makes him happy, and the corners of his mouth are almost grinning."

"I used to think he was ugly holding a face, but I didn't expect it to be even more ugly when he laughed."


Xue Cong ignored everyone's comments and quickly returned to the office, then locked the door behind him.

Still feeling uneasy, he pulled a chair to block it again, which was relieved.

Then pull out a password box from the bottom of the bed.

"Congratulations on your wealth, congratulations on your wonderful, the best, please come over, and the bad ones, please go away..."

While humming a small song, Dr. Xue couldn't wait to open the lockbox, and wanted to count his "red envelopes" again.

However, when the lockbox was uncovered, the originally piled banknotes disappeared.

Instead, a pair of broken sneakers.

This surprise is not trivial.

On the one hand, of course, it was because of a huge loss of a million.

On the other hand, since someone can steal his million, it is very likely that he also knew about his bribery.

The latter is even more terrifying than the former.

His brain is blank and he doesn't know what to do now.

Call the police? Don't be kidding, it's all stolen money, isn't it a self-inflicted snare to the police?

What else can I do?

Could it be that nothing happened?

If the other party reports that he has taken bribes and issues a false appraisal report, his future will be ruined.

"What to do? What to do..."

He was so anxious that he almost cried.

Just when he was desperate, he suddenly heard a voice rang behind him, "Doctor Xue, are you looking for this?"

Xue Cong was shocked, there are others in the room?

Hastily looked back.

I saw a man and a woman coming out from behind the curtains, holding a lot of banknotes in their hands.

"Who... who are you? Who let you into my office?"

Xue Cong hurriedly yelled.

There was a smile on Ye Feng's face, "You can speak louder and let the people outside listen to you. You actually have so many banknotes hidden under Dr. Xue's bed. Everyone can't help but wonder, where did these banknotes come from? Did it fall from the sky?"

Xue Cong's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly lowered his voice, "Who are you guys? What do you want to do?"

Ye Feng threw the banknotes in his hand on the desk, then slowly sat on the chair and put his legs on the table.

"Doctor Xue, don’t be afraid. We don’t want to know how you got the money, and we are not going to grab your money. We just want to ask you a few questions. If the answers are good, maybe we will give you more money. money."

Xue Cong looked at him suspiciously, "What question do you want to ask?"

Ye Feng stared straight at him, "Who instructed you to frame me?"

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