I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 579 [579] Your poison hasn't expired, right?

Zhuang Xiaoqiao obviously realized this, and hurriedly attached to Ye Feng's ear, "What if he bites back then?"

Ye Feng looked at Xue Cong and deliberately said loudly, "Are you afraid that Doctor Xue will take a bite back then? But I believe in Doctor Xue's character, he would definitely not do this. Right, Doctor Xue?"

Xue Cong nodded quickly, "Yes, since I have already admitted, why would I take a bite back? Absolutely not."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao looked at Ye Feng speechlessly. Is this guy really stupid or pretending to be stupid?

If Xue Cong can betray once, he can betray a second time. How can he believe his words?

At this time, I heard Ye Feng slowly say: "Although I believe in Dr. Xue's character in my heart, I don't believe in my heart, so I still have to be a little precautionary."

With that, he took a white pill from his pocket and walked to Xue Cong.

Xue Cong's expression changed, "What is this? You...what are you going to do?"

Ye Feng didn't give him too much chance to talk nonsense, so he opened his mouth and threw the pill in.

The pill has a sweet taste in the entrance, which is quite delicious.

Xue Cong didn't have time to taste, so he hurriedly looked at Ye Feng, "What did you eat for me?"

Ye Feng wore a beating smile on his face, "This is my exclusive secret seven-day soul-breaking pill. If you don't get the antidote after seven days, the Qiqiao will bleed and die."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao on the side suddenly widened his eyes in surprise, "Is there such a magical poison?"

When Xue Cong heard this, he sneered, "You are a little trick like to scare people who don't understand medicine. I have been in medicine for decades, and I have never heard of this kind of poison. I still want to scare me. Go dreaming."

The corners of Ye Feng's mouth curled up slightly, "You haven't heard of it. It only shows that you are ignorant. If you don't believe it, you can take a breath and try."

Seeing what he said so mysterious, Xue Cong sighed.

Immediately afterwards, I felt a tingling pain in my abdomen like a needle stick, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on my back.

"This...what the hell is going on?"

He looked at Ye Feng blankly as if he had seen a ghost.

Ye Feng showed a gloomy smile on his face, "Do you feel the pain in your abdomen is unbearable? This is the effect of the Seven-Day Broken Soul Pill. If you don't get the antidote after seven days, it will be 10,000 times more painful than this. ."

Xue Cong was already pale with fright, "What do you want? I have already told you everything I know, please give me the antidote."

Ye Feng put his hands in his pockets, "Don't worry, what good will your death do to me? As long as you testify for me and prove that I am innocent, I will naturally give you the antidote."

Xue Cong didn't dare to be clever at this time, and nodded hurriedly, "I will testify for you, and I will definitely testify for you."

Ye Feng's face returned to a smile, "That's right, our lives are now tied together. If I'm finished, you won't survive. With Dr. Xue's cleverness, I must be able to figure it out."

After that, he nodded to Zhuang Xiaoqiao next to him, "Let's go."

Both of them had walked to the door, and heard Xue Cong's uneasy questioning, "Your poison hasn't expired, right? Can it last for seven days? Don't attack early..."

"Don't worry, seven days will be seven days if you say it is good, one day will not be more, and one day will not be less."

Ye Feng waved to him without looking back, and pushed the door out.


After leaving the hospital, Zhuang Xiaoqiao didn't know who to call, and within five minutes he got the details of Wang Hongda's whereabouts.

Ye Feng couldn't help but gain a new understanding of the power behind this girl.

When Wang Hongda did this kind of thing, he would definitely find an extremely hidden place to hide, and he could only come out after the limelight passed.

However, it took less than five minutes for Zhuang Xiaoqiao to dig out the other side's hiding place.

This energy is really scary.

Even if he asks Zhao Fulin for help, I am afraid it is impossible to do it in such a short time.

But he didn't ask her about her background, everyone has their own secrets.

Since the other party did not take the initiative to inform, it must be inconvenient to let him know, and there is no need to root out the problem.

After Zhuang Xiaoqiao informed him of Wang Hongda's address, he looked at him with a flattering look, "Well... you just had the seven-day pill, can you give me one?"

Ye Feng immediately looked at her with a watchful look, "What do you want to do?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao "hehe" smiled, "I just think it's fun, so I'll use it for research."

Ye Fengbai glanced at her, "What are you doing studying poison? Who are you trying to harm?"

A sly look flashed in Zhuang Xiaoqiao's eyes, "I want to give my grandfather one and let him agree to my request."

Ye Feng couldn't help but shudder, "What a crazy woman, even your grandfather will not let it go?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao hurriedly took his arm and shook it to and fro, "You just give me one, anyway, you have an antidote, and you can't die. People have helped you so much today, don't you express it? "

Ye Feng was really helpless by her, so she took out a snow-white pill from her pocket.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao immediately grabbed it, first squeezed, and then sniffed, "How does this look like... a sugar pill?"

Ye Fengqiang suppressed a smile, "Do you know if you taste it?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao hurriedly shook his head, "I don't want to eat it. In case you don't give me the antidote, you force me to do some nasty things..."

Ye Feng immediately rolled his eyes, "You are really big enough, am I that evil?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao glanced at him disgustingly, "It seems that your understanding of yourself is not clear enough."

Ye Feng had a smirk on his face, "Since you say I am evil, then I will show you evil once."

With that, he snatched the pill from her hand and threw it directly into her mouth.

The pill melts in the mouth.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao swallowed before he could vomit it out, and her pretty face paled in fright.

"Ye Feng, are you crazy? Give me the antidote..."

Seeing her embarrassment, Ye Feng was immediately amused.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao almost cried, "Are you still laughing? Give me the antidote quickly."

Ye Feng spread his hands, "I have no cure."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao stared at him with red eyes, "How could you not have an antidote? You just told Xue Cong clearly that you have an antidote."

Ye Feng touched his nose, "I lied to him."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao stayed, "What do you mean?"

Ye Feng had to tell the truth, "In fact, it's not a poison at all, it's just an ordinary sugar pill."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was dumbfounded, "Sugar Pills? But...why did he feel unbearable pain when he held his breath?"

Ye Feng explained with a smile, "Because I made some hands and feet when I used a silver needle to prick his acupuncture points. As long as I hold my breath, those two acupuncture points will sting. It will disappear automatically after a few days."


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