I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 580 【580】Come, let me squeeze it for you

Zhuang Xiaoqiao looked at him blankly, "Are you not afraid that Xue Cong will see through your tricks?"

Ye Feng smiled confidently, "Interlace is like a mountain, how can their anatomical forensic doctors understand this? Let alone him, even an old Chinese doctor may not be able to see through my techniques."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was completely speechless now, and didn't know what to say.

Unexpectedly, even his clever head was deceived by this guy.

That Xue Cong is so stupid, surely unbreakable.

"Well, don't worry about this, we should go to that Wang Hongda."

Ye Feng didn't say much, and started the car directly.

According to the news that Zhuang Xiaoqiao heard, this Wang Hongda was hiding in Gao Junming's villa on the outskirts at this time.

When the two arrived at this villa, the sky was already dark.

The two surreptitiously came to the front of the villa and found that the door had been closed tightly and they couldn't see what was inside.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao hurriedly lowered his voice and asked, "What should I do now?"

Ye Feng pointed to the surrounding wall, "Let's climb over the wall and go in."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw that the wall was three meters high, and he was dumbfounded, "So high, how can I get in?"

Ye Feng didn't say much, he stepped back a few steps, and then rushed forward quickly. He tapped his toes twice on the fence and jumped directly onto the three-meter-high wall.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao's mouth was so big that he was about to swallow an egg.

"Flying over the wall?"

Ye Feng didn't have the time to tell her more. He took off his coat and hung it towards her, "Hold tight."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao hurriedly grabbed his coat with both hands.

Ye Feng slammed her hard and pulled her up directly.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao sat on the wall, extremely excited, "Wow haha, it's so fun."

Ye Feng hurriedly covered her mouth, "Miss, we are thieves, not here to play."

As he said, he jumped down first.

He landed very lightly and made no sound.

Then he opened his arms and looked up at Zhuang Xiaoqiao, "Jump down, I will follow you."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was suddenly a little afraid, "I dare not..."

Ye Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Aren't you brave? Why don't you dare now?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao flinched, "How do you jump so high?"

Ye Feng waited for a long time, a little impatient, "Then you are on the top, I'll go first."

With that, he turned around and walked away.

"Can't I just jump?"

After Zhuang Xiaoqiao finished speaking, he jumped down directly.

Ye Feng didn't expect that she, who was so scared just now, would suddenly jump down.

He hurriedly reached out to pick it up.

Because he was not sure of the position, he felt that his eyes were dark, and the two soft and delicate balls directly slapped him on his face, causing him to suffocate for an instant.

The two fell straight to the ground like this.

"Ah, it hurts..."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao immediately clutched his chest and cried out in pain.

Ye Feng hurriedly covered her small mouth, "Be quiet, don't let the people inside hear it."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao broke off his hand disgustingly, "People don't even say they can't dance. You have to let someone dance. If they jump, you can't catch it again. The big liar doesn't hurt..."

Ye Feng hurriedly stretched his hand to her chest and joked: "Come on, I'll rub it for you."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao grabbed his hand and immediately opened his mouth to bite.

Ye Feng grinned in pain, but did not dare to make a sound.

He knew he had made a fatal mistake, and he shouldn't have agreed to bring her over.

Women are trouble!

At this moment, I suddenly heard a man's voice inside, "What's the sound outside?"

Ye Feng was startled, and hurriedly covered Zhuang Xiaoqiao's mouth again.

She was also obviously aware of the danger and did not dare to make any more noises.

Immediately, I heard a woman's coquettish voice, "How can there be any noise? You are too sensitive, right?"

"Sensitiveness can lead to a long life. I'll go out and see."

Soon, a shirtless man wearing big pants and walking out with a flashlight.

Ye Feng hurriedly pushed Zhuang Xiaoqiao down in the grass, and his body naturally pressed up.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao subconsciously pushed him away.

At this time, the beam of light from the flashlight was shining over here.

She was so frightened that she quickly stopped resisting.

The two looked at each other, and they could feel each other's breathing.

This kind of strange feeling is something Zhuang Xiaoqiao has never had in his life.

A heart immediately jumped wildly.

The man patrolled outside for a long time, but finally saw nothing unusual, then turned around and walked back.

Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay."

With that, he looked down at Zhuang Xiaoqiao.

Although it was getting late, she could still be seen ashamed by the light from the window.

Feeling the softness of the tender body under him again, his heartbeat speeded up a bit, and his breathing began to become dignified.

His head fell involuntarily.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao stared with a pair of big eyes, watching this guy approaching a little bit.

In addition to panic, there was a faint expectation in his heart.

But I feel like something is wrong.

Didn't the two come here to be thieves? Why did it suddenly become ambiguous?

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