I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 589 【589】I finally know what makes people leave the tea cold

Lu Xiaoya first called Chen Qiushan.

Because he has known Ye Feng for the longest time, he should be more concerned.

But when Chen Qiushan listened to her story, he just said indifferently, "Oh, I see."

Lu Xiaoya couldn't hear the surprise or eagerness from the other party's tone, and she was a little confused, "What do you mean by knowing? You can find a way to rescue him quickly."

Chen Qiushan coughed slightly, "Xiaoya, don't worry, I believe Ye Feng will have a way to get out on her own."

When Lu Xiaoya heard this, she almost vomited blood, "What do you mean by having a way to get out by yourself? He has been taken away by business. You and him are good friends, aren't you in a hurry?"

Chen Qiushan "hehe" smiled, "Even if I'm in a hurry, what's the use? Would you let me go to jail?"


Lu Xiaoya only felt a surge of energy and blood, "How can you say this? Ye Feng used to have such a good relationship with you, and now he has something wrong, you don't hurry to think of a solution, and you are talking coldly?"

Chen Qiushan replied lightly: "I still said that, Ye Feng has a way to get out of his own, so don't worry about it."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Lu Xiaoya was so angry that she had a cerebral hemorrhage, but she didn't expect Chen Qiushan to be such a person.

I used to call Ye Feng a brother and sister, but now seeing him in trouble, he has changed his face.

Ye Feng was really blind, why did he have such a white-eyed wolf?

After finally calming down, she called Hu Renyu, Luo Jingyuan, Zhao Fulin and others one after another.

However, the answer received was similar to that of Chen Qiushan.

When these people heard the news of Ye Feng's arrest, they were not surprised at all, but were calm and scary.

Then he comforted her a few words, but didn't say anything to help save people.

It was like being indifferent to Ye Feng's life and death.

After hanging up these calls, Lu Xiaoya's heart was completely cold.

"I finally know what makes people take the tea and cool it off haha..."

When Ye Feng was in the midst of the sky, the group of people would push his cups and change their cups and call him brothers and sisters.

Now he is in trouble, and all of them are not saved, and the human feelings are so indifferent to this point, which is too chilling.

Liu Ling hurriedly comforted her, "Xiaoya, don't worry too much, let's think of other ways."

Lu Xiaoya hurriedly grabbed her hand as if grabbing the last straw.

"Liu Ling, I only have you as a good friend in Yangcheng. You must help Ye Feng, just as I owe you a favor."

Liu Ling frowned and thought for a moment, "Wait for me to find out what happened."

After speaking, he called his father Liu Yunpeng.

"Dad, let me ask you something, do you know Ye Feng?"

"I know, this kid is very restless in Yangcheng recently, why do you suddenly want to ask him?"

"He is a good friend of my best friend. He was just taken away by a tolerance. Can you help me find out what happened?"

"Take away by a tolerance? Don't hang up, I'll help you to ask..."

After the call stopped for a few minutes, Liu Yunpeng's voice rang again, but this time, instead of the calmness he had just now, he became extremely anxious.

"Lingling, you immediately ask your girlfriend to separate from Ye Feng, otherwise, you just separate from her directly. In short, don't get involved with Ye Feng anymore."

Liu Ling was stunned when he heard his father's words, "Dad, what happened?"

"This Ye Feng clashed with Chaoxinhui yesterday morning and killed a person. Now he has been sued by his family. It is estimated that he is dead this time."

"What? Chaoxinhui? This...is there any misunderstanding?"

"Regardless of whether it is a misunderstanding or not, this kid is dead this time. He has offended too many people in Yangcheng. Wei Changfeng, Ye Chengze, and Gao Junming now are not good things. People who are implicated in him will probably be Being liquidated, you must not take this muddy water trip."


"Don't worry, Ye Chengze just sent someone to send an invitation card to feast the guests at the Qunxianju, I have to go. You must not get involved in this matter, or else our Liu family will all be implicated."

"Dad, I... I know."

After Liu Ling hung up the phone, he didn't recover for a long time.

Seeing her look different, Lu Xiaoya hurriedly pushed her, "How is it? What happened?"

Liu Ling shivered and looked at her blankly, "Ye Feng...killed."

Lu Xiaoya's face also turned pale, "Kill...Who did you kill?"

Liu Ling swallowed hard, "People from Chaoxinhui...Gao Junming from Chaoxinhui, that is a big demon, and those who offend him will have nothing to end. Ye Feng is probably... NS."

Lu Xiaoya's legs softened and almost fell, and hurriedly supported the cabinet next to her.

"Then... what should I do now? Is there any way to save him?"

"Xiaoya, my dad said that he offended too many people in Yangcheng, so let us not take this muddy water. I think you still..."

Liu Ling hesitated to say something but stopped, and the following words were already self-evident.

Lu Xiaoya turned her head and looked at her coldly, "Are you going to let me learn from those people and stand by?"

Liu Ling spread his hands, "I want to help, but what else can we do now?"

Lu Xiaoya bit her lip, "It's a big deal, I'll go to rob prison, and then take him away and fly away..."


Liu Ling was suddenly amused by her laughter, "Robbery? Do you know which way the prison's gate opens? Stop teasing."

Lu Xiaoya glared at her angrily, "Anyway, I want to save Ye Feng. If I can't save it, I won't live anymore."

Liu Ling hurriedly comforted her, "Miss, I'm really afraid of you, you let me think about it again..."

She lowered her head to ponder for a moment, her eyes lit up suddenly, "My dad just said that Ye Chengze was banqueting guests at Qunxianju. Would it be useful if we go and beg him?"

Lu Xiaoya was already in a hurry and went to the doctor, without thinking about it at all, and immediately walked out.

"Whether it's useful or not, you have to give it a try."

Liu Ling had no choice but to follow.

I completely forgot my father's warning.


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