I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 590 【590】I will definitely save you

On the other side, the crew of "Like a Dream".

Xia Qiu just finished taking a set of shots and was enjoying the cool under the parasol.

At this time, I saw a staff member who hurriedly walked to Sister Hong and whispered a few words in her ear.

Immediately afterwards, seeing sister Hong's face changed drastically, she glanced at her, and then pretended to be okay.

Xia Qiu thought carefully, and immediately became suspicious, and she waved to Sister Hong, "Sister Hong, come here."

Sister Hong walked over with an expression, and handed over a water bottle, "Is it thirsty? Drink some water first, and then let the makeup artist touch up your makeup..."

Xia Qiu pushed the water bottle away, "Speak, what the hell is going on?"

Sister Hong hurriedly looked away and did not look at her, "Where is it? You think too much."

Xia Qiu snorted coldly, "Don't think I didn't see it. That person was Zhang Qiang from the company's legal department, right? What did he tell you?"

Sister Hong was forced by her gaze, and she was a little unnatural at once, "Oh, don't ask, you will have to shoot later, you should quickly smooth the lines."

Xia Qiu's face was cold, "If you don't tell me, then I won't shoot today."

Sister Hong looked embarrassed, "Even if you tell you these things, you have nothing to do, so just leave it alone."

Xia Qiu stared at her stubbornly, "Sister Hong!"

Sister Hong was forced by her helplessly, so she lowered her voice and said, "It's...about Ye Feng."

Xia Qiu immediately became nervous, "What's the matter with Ye Feng?"

Sister Hong looked around, then hesitated and said, "Ye Feng... was arrested."


Xia Qiu was shocked to get up from the recliner immediately. Because she stood too hard, she stepped on the air and fell directly to the ground, her knees being scratched.

Sister Hong suddenly came over to help, "Xiao Qiu, are you okay?"

Xia Qiu got up quickly and grabbed her arm tightly, "Sister Hong, what happened to Ye Feng? Why was he caught? When did it happen?"

Sister Hong was dumbfounded by her bunch of questions, she sorted out her thoughts, and then continued: "It's what happened just now, saying that it was... deliberate murder. Now she has been arrested in the detention center..."

Xia Qiu felt dizzy and almost passed out.

Sister Hong hurriedly supported her, "Xiao Qiu, don't worry, it may just be a misunderstanding, let's inquire again..."

Xia Qiu nodded repeatedly, "It must be a misunderstanding, how could he kill someone? Someone must have framed him..."

Having said that, she suddenly remembered what happened in Zhennanjiang that day.

Ye Feng clashed with Ye Chengze because of her.

And Ye Chengze even let out a word to retaliate against him.

Could it be... Ye Feng was framed by Ye Chengze because of her own business?

Thinking of this, she felt even more disturbed.

"Sister Hong, you go to find out where Ye Chengze is now, I want to find him right away."

Sister Hong was stunned when she heard the words.

What is she going to do to Ye Chengze now?

Could it be that he saw that the big tree Ye Feng was about to fall, so he rushed to hug another big tree?

Although intellectually speaking, this is not wrong.

But emotionally speaking, she still couldn't accept it.

But after all, her interests are tied to Xia Qiu, and both glory and prosperity will be damaged.

Since Xia Qiu wanted to understand herself, she could only help her inquire about Ye Chengze's whereabouts.

Xia Qiu looked at the back of Sister Hong's departure, clenching her fists tightly.

"Ye Feng, I will definitely save you."


Chen Xuan has been busy re-signing contracts with major suppliers in Yangcheng these days.

Today I finished my work with great difficulty, and I am going to return to Yangcheng in the afternoon.

At noon, I can spare time to have lunch with Ye Feng.

Thinking of her boyfriend who hadn't seen her for many days, a smile appeared on her tired face.

Dang Even took out his cell phone and called Ye Feng.

The phone kept ringing, but no one answered.

Chen Xuan couldn't help frowning.

As usual, as long as her call is over, Ye Feng will definitely answer it within three seconds. What happened today?

After a few minutes, she dialed again.

It's still the same this time, and no one has picked it up.

This gave her a bad premonition.

Just when she was about to continue calling, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and immediately after that, Zhang Youting walked in quickly.

"Sister Xuan, I just got a news..."

Zhang Youting's face was a little pale, and her body was still trembling slightly.

Chen Xuan has known her for so long, and she has never seen her look like this. Even if the company almost couldn't make it through, she had never been so panicked.

"What happened?"

She hurriedly asked.

Zhang Youting opened her mouth, "You should be mentally prepared first, this incident may... it will hit you a lot, but you must hold onto it..."

"Okay, you can say it quickly, do you want to die me?"

Seeing her hesitating, Chen Xuan urged her.

Zhang Youting took a few deep breaths, trying to calm her mood first, and then looked at Chen Xuan again.

"Ye Feng... was arrested."

Chen Xuan heard the words, her pretty face immediately turned white, and there was no more human face, but she still calmed down, "Because of what?"

Zhang Youting bit her lip, "Intentionally...Killing."

Chen Xuan immediately closed her eyes and tried her best to calm the rising blood.

Thinking back to Ye Feng's usual way of facing a crisis, he quickly calmed himself down.

"I believe Ye Feng. He has always done things well and will not make such low-level mistakes. Someone must have framed him. You should investigate immediately. Who has offended him in Yangcheng recently? You need to find out in detail. Inquire clearly. , Come and report to me right away."

Listening to her calm analysis, Zhang Youting couldn't help secretly admiring her.

If you change to yourself and learn that your boyfriend has been arrested for "intentional homicide," I'm afraid he would have collapsed long ago.

However, Chen Xuan was able to respond calmly in the face of danger.

This alone is much stronger than her.

During the time she was with Ye Feng, the improvement was really great.

Sure enough, those who are close to Zhu are red and black are those who are close to ink, and with good people, they will become better.

When Zhang Youting left, Chen Xuan couldn't hold on anymore and immediately fell to the ground.

"Xiaofeng, don't have anything to do, otherwise, how do you make me live?"


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