Zhang Youting's work efficiency is still as vigorous as before.

It took less than half an hour to list Ye Feng's itinerary in Yangcheng in the past few days, as well as who he met and who had conflicts with, and many other details.

After Chen Xuan accepted the list, she stroked out the less suspected names one by one with a pen.

In the end, only Wei Changfeng, Ye Chengze and Gao Junming remained on the list.

"Wei Changfeng, his suspicion is very big, but with his strength, he is not Ye Feng's opponent, let alone framed him. He can be ruled out for the time being..."

"Gao Junming, although the suspicion is also very high. But according to his past behavior, if he wants to retaliate, he will directly send people to chase and kill Ye Feng, instead of using this method to frame him. So it can also be temporarily ruled out..."

"Then only this is Ye Chengze. The conflict between him and Ye Feng is also deep, and he has enough strength to deal with him. This person is able to achieve current results at a young age, and his mind and methods are probably extraordinary... "

After some analysis, Chen Xuan finally identified the suspect who framed Ye Feng, "I think the real murderer must be this Ye Chengze!"

Zhang Youting has been listening to her analysis and couldn't help but give a thumbs up at this moment, "I think your mental and intellectual methods are also extraordinary."

Chen Xuan smiled faintly, "I have been with Xiao Feng for a long time, and I have learned a little bit with my ears and eyes."

Zhang Youting couldn't help but curled her lips, "If you learn a little bit of fur, it's so good? Then if you learn more, you can go directly to be a private investigator."

Chen Xuan didn't joking with her anymore, and said with a serious expression: "You will check Ye Chengze's whereabouts for me right away. I will never let the man who dare to frame me, I will never let him go."

Zhang Youting went out again and arranged for someone to inquire.


Qun Xianju.

As one of the top restaurants in Yangcheng, it is always extremely difficult to reserve a location.

Today, Ye Chengze took down the entire lobby on the first floor and invited many guests to celebrate.

The kid who was against him has now been arrested.

The next thing he will face is at least life imprisonment.

Eliminating such an enemy, Ye Chengze was naturally very happy.

Seeing that the time was approaching twelve o'clock, the entire hall was already full of guests, mostly people in his circle.

Wei Changfeng, Yang Wenhao and others all arrived early in the morning, and Liu Ling's father, Liu Yunpeng, was also on the list.

At this time, everyone was chatting in high spirits.

"Have you heard? Ye Feng was just arrested."

"How is it possible that you haven't heard of such a big thing? And it was still arrested for intentional homicide."

"Killing deliberately, even if this kid doesn't die this time, he has to be sentenced to life, right? Don't think of it for the rest of your life."

"If you are sentenced to indefinite time, you can perform well in it, maybe it will be out in more than ten years, and there is hope for a comeback."

"You think too much. As long as he is sentenced, his forces will inevitably fall apart. When he comes out of it, the day lily will be cold."

"Oh, to be honest, this kid can lay down this foundation at a young age. He is indeed a rare genius. What a pity."

"Who makes this kid so arrogant? The madness must be harvested, and sooner or later it will be a matter of going in."

"Yeah, it's better to be a low-key person. It's too mad, and you will always stumble. And no one has sympathy for hahaha..."

Ye Chengze's smile became thicker when everyone heard the discussion.

He had already arranged all of this. As long as Ye Feng's charges were completely settled, their Ye Family's power would go to fully harvest Ye Feng's industry.

By the way, the Zhao family's industry will also be harvested. By then, the Ye family's strength will surely rise to a new level.

And he will also become the number one hero of the Ye Family.

He will be the future head of the Patriarch.

He will create an era that belongs to Ye Chengze.

When he thought of the future imperial dominance, he couldn't help himself with excitement.

At this moment, I suddenly saw two people walking in from outside.

Take a closer look, it turns out that it was Chen Qiushan and Hu Renyu who had followed Ye Feng before.

Before Ye Chengze could speak, Wei Changfeng on the side had already asked with a cold face: "What are you doing here? We didn't seem to invite you?"

The two of them fought against him with Ye Feng last time, and he will never forget them.

Chen Qiushan immediately showed a flattering look, "We heard that Ye Shao was hosting a banquet, so we didn't invite him."

Hu Renyu also stepped forward unwilling to show weakness, "We were blinded by Ye Feng before, and we had a bit of misunderstanding with Ye Shao and Mr. Wei, I hope you two adults are a lot, don't care about us in general."

When Ye Chengze heard these words from the two of them, his face immediately showed a playful smile, "Are you here to show me good?"

Chen Qiushan nodded quickly, "Yeah, that kid Ye Feng died on his own. Now that he can't protect himself, we don't want to die with him."

Hu Renyu also followed with a smile, "We want to follow Ye Shao in the future, and hope that Ye Shao will not dislike it."

Ye Chengze immediately got up and opened his arms when he heard the words, "Welcome, welcome, it is really wise for the two of you to give up the dark and cast the light."

After speaking, he cordially put his arms around the shoulders of the two of them, and turned to look at Wei Changfeng.

"Changfeng, since Mr. Chen and Mr. Hu are both his own, the little conflicts before, depending on my face, have passed."

No matter what Wei Changfeng thought in his heart, at least on the surface he didn't dare to sing against Ye Chengze, and immediately nodded, "I listen to Ye Shao."

Ye Chengze became more pleased, and smiled at everyone: "Mr. Chen and Mr. Hu, I will be my good friends from now on, everyone is welcome."

Everyone applauded, with sincere smiles on their faces, but they despised their behavior in their hearts.

When Ye Feng was in full swing before, the two of them followed behind their ass like pugs.

Now that Ye Feng is in trouble, he can't wait to change the door?

Are you stubborn as a fart?

Although the business community does not place much emphasis on morality.

However, this behavior of the two still made many people feel very difficult.

However, Chen Qiushan and Hu Renyu did not show any shame, as if they should be.

Ye Chengze also showed the face of these two new friends who came to surrender and arranged them on the main table.

Just when everyone was seated and ready to start.

There was a burst of hearty laughter outside, "Ye Shao, you just got rid of a major problem, it's really gratifying."

Everyone looked back and saw Luo Jingyuan walk in with a smile.

Another one?

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