I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 609 【609】A good knife, where did you buy it?

When Zhou Zhaoping heard what Ye Feng said, it was like he heard a joke, and he immediately leaned forward and closed with a smile.

"What did you just say? Are you going to settle accounts with Boss Gao? Hahaha, I'm so ridiculous, what are you, and you deserve it too?"

Not only him, but even the people who dine on the spot couldn't help but sneer.

"This guy is bragging. He actually said he wanted Boss Gao to settle accounts?"

"I found out now that this kid is a neurotic. I'm afraid he still doesn't know what Chaoxin Club does?"

"Boss Gao is the head of the underground organization department in Yangcheng. How cruel the methods are, I'm afraid this kid doesn't know yet, right?"

"Dare to find Boss Gao to settle the account, I think this kid is living impatiently."

"Do you believe what he said? It's probably just to brag and frighten this boss Zhou, right?"

"This kid, I don't believe a punctuation mark."

Everyone was obviously very suspicious of Ye Feng's remarks.

Gao Junming can be said to be notorious in Yangcheng. His arrogance and cruel methods make people scared to hear.

Find someone to settle the account?

The old birthday star hangs himself, it's a long life!

Ye Feng looked like a lunatic with an abnormal mentality in their eyes.

How can a normal person say that kind of thing?

Ye Feng didn't explain much, and didn't mean to run away. Instead, she pulled Chen Xuan to find a place to sit down, and began to whisper and laugh.

The whole restaurant was quiet, except for the laughter from two people from time to time.

Zhou Zhaoping looked at him confidently and couldn't help sneering in his heart.

Let your kid be arrogant for a while, and later make you cry even though you can't cry.

Without letting him wait too long, he soon saw a group of arrogant bullies, all carrying saws and clubs in their hands, coming from the opposite street.

Pedestrians on the road dodged all around, for fear of getting into trouble.

Zhou Zhaoping hurried forward and pushed the store door open, "Brother Tiger, I am here."

The group saw him and immediately stepped into the shop.

The leader is a man with a sturdy head.

The man was nearly 1.9 meters tall, and standing there was enough to shock many people.

Many people at the scene have already recognized him.

This person is a small boss of Chaoxinhui. Because of the wrinkles on his forehead, he looks like a "king", so he is called Brother Tiger.

This person has always been a fierce name. It is said that someone said bad things about Boss Gao behind his back. When he knew it, he immediately took a group of people and chased him down a few streets, sprinkling blood all the way.

In the end, the man bleeds and died before being sent to the hospital.

And this tiger brother was also arrested. He was supposed to be guilty of intentional homicide.

But Boss Gao didn't know how to operate it for a while, and in the end he abruptly got into a fight, and he came out after being locked up for half a month.

And this tiger brother also became famous in the first battle and became the famous leader of the new trend.

Therefore, when seeing this person coming, everyone did not even dare to breathe.

And Zhou Zhaoping immediately pleased him and moved forward, "Brother Tiger, you are finally here, brother, I was bullied, you must help him out."

Judging from his age, he is obviously much older than this tiger brother, but one mouthful and one "brother" claiming to himself makes people feel nauseous.

The tiger brother glanced at him indifferently, "No problem, as long as your price is in place, even if the king Laozi provokes you, I will help you chop him into meat sauce."

Zhou Zhaoping was like a pug in front of him.

"Brother Tiger, please rest assured, one million will be credited to your account immediately after the matter is completed."

"Also, the little movie that our company just became popular some time ago told me yesterday that when I saw Brother Tiger from a distance in KTV last time, I was overwhelmed by your domineering, and I really want to have a dinner with you tonight. Meal..."

Brother Hu immediately smiled and patted his face twice, "Sure enough, Boss Zhou will come, don't worry, I will definitely let that kid kneel in front of you and call him Grandpa today."

As he said, he looked around with cold eyes, "Which one is not long-eyed, dare to provoke my brother? It's a man, stand up by yourself."

Everyone in the restaurant met his gaze, and couldn't help shaking.

One after another, they focused their eyes on Ye Feng, as if they were helping this tiger brother lead the way.

Ye Feng was facing this side with his toothpick inserted an apple and sent it to Chen Xuan's mouth, as if he hadn't heard anything here.

Zhou Zhaoping immediately laughed arrogantly, "Boy, now I know that I'm afraid? Wasn't it arrogant just now? Didn't you still need to find Boss Gao to settle accounts?"

"Now Brother Tiger is here, why are you pretending to die?"

When Brother Hu heard this, his face immediately showed a murderous look, "What are you talking about? We need our boss to settle accounts?"

Zhou Zhaoping hurriedly explained, "This kid said that, he said that he happened to have an account and he had to settle with Boss Gao."

Brother Tiger smiled angrily, "Hahaha, have to settle accounts with our boss? I have never seen such an arrogant person before, okay, then grandpa will do a good job with you today."

With that said, he immediately walked to Ye Feng's table and smashed the machete in his hand.

The blade of the machete immediately cut into the tabletop, causing everyone present to shiver.

Looking at Ye Feng, there was pity, worry, and gloat.

This kid was so arrogant just now, now he won't be scared to pee his pants, right?

At this moment, Ye Feng slowly raised his head, with a slight smile on his face.

"Good knife, where did you buy it?"

Brother Hu originally had an arrogant expression on his face, but when he saw Ye Feng's face, his expression froze immediately.

"You... why are you?"

As he said, he staggered back, as if he saw a ghost.

Zhou Zhaoping and the diners present watched this scene blankly.

This...what's the situation?

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