Brother Hu was very scared at this time.

He has a very good relationship with Zhou Tiejun. Yesterday Zhou Tiejun came to him to borrow someone and said that he was beaten by a blind boy in an antique shop.

He didn't say anything at the time, so he loaned it to a dozen people.

He also asked, "Do you need me to go with you?"

Zhou Tiejun looked full of confidence, "It doesn't need to be a stinky boy from outside, he doesn't need to be a man. These people alone can scare him into peeing his pants."

Then, he took people away.

He didn't care at the time either, thinking it was just a trivial matter.

But not long after, someone came to report that Zhou Tiejun's gang had been abandoned.

When he rushed over, he saw Zhou Tiejun's group lying on the ground, each with their hands and feet broken, and howling in pain.

He can be considered to have experienced a lot of bloody scenes, but when he saw that scene, he felt a stomach cramp and almost vomited.

Later, I learned that these people were actually abolished by one person, and this person was named Ye Feng.

He also specifically checked Ye Feng's information and remembered the other person's looks.

Later, Zhou Tiejun was sent to the hospital, and soon there was bad news that he died.

This morning I received another news that Ye Feng, who killed Zhou Tiejun, had been arrested.

He thought that this matter was over.

But he never expected that he would encounter this great demon here.

Wasn't Ye Feng arrested?

Why is it released again so quickly?

And like a okay person, sitting here and eating with a woman?

This series of questions immediately popped up in his mind.

He is just a little boss, and he doesn't know the ways behind these things.

He would only feel that the reason why Ye Feng was able to come out so quickly must be because of his vast magical powers and profound background.

Killing people can be safe and sound?

I am afraid that the strength is at least as high as Boss Gao!

Such a person is really qualified to say that he is going to settle accounts with Boss Gao.

Zhou Zhaoping on the side saw him standing there, and there was no movement for a while, so he immediately moved forward, "Brother Tiger, this kid is disrespectful to Boss Gao, please let the brothers do it quickly."

Brother Hu turned his head to look at him, "That blind boy you just said on the phone, is this gentleman?"

Zhou Zhaoping didn't know why, but he nodded immediately.

"Yeah, it's this stinky boy, Brother Tiger, you must give me this nasty breath for me, don't worry, you must be the good thing..."

Before he finished talking, he was kicked in the lower abdomen by Brother Tiger, and immediately arched his body like a shrimp.

"Brother Tiger... what are you doing hitting me? This kid..."

Just halfway through, Brother Hu kicked him again, and this kick hit his mouth directly.

Zhou Zhaoping's mouth was immediately bloody, looking very crippled.

"Asshole, dare to offend Brother Feng? Brothers, give me a fight..."

Brother Hu cursed, and greeted the stunned subordinate next to him.

Although those subordinates haven't figured out why they suddenly switched their guns, since Brother Tiger has spoken, they naturally have to act on orders.

A group of people rushed up immediately, punching and kicking Zhou Zhaoping.

Everyone in the restaurant is already scared.

How is this going? Don't you want to hit that kid? Why did you beat up this boss Zhou suddenly?

Even Chen Xuan was a little confused at this time.

When Brother Tiger came in with a murderous gang just now, she was still very nervous in her heart.

She has even made up her mind, once she does start, she must give up her life to protect Ye Feng and let him escape first.

But the tiger brother just glanced at Ye Feng as if he had seen a ghost, and then beat the Zhou boss violently without warning.

Although her IQ is very high, she can't figure it out at this time.

As for the Song Kang under Zhou Zhaoping, he had already seen a bad situation and ran out of sight.

Zhou Zhaoping had already been beaten up to be inhumane at this time, and he hurriedly asked for mercy, "Brother Tiger, forgive me, I don't know what the younger brother is doing wrong, please explain clearly..."

Brother Hu waved his hand to stop the younger brother, and grabbed his hair, "Keep your dog's eyes wide open and see clearly, you just offended Mr. Ye. If you want to die, don't take Laozi with you."

Zhou Zhaoping looked at Ye Feng dizzyly, "Ye...Mr. Ye? Which Mr. Ye..."

Before he could finish speaking, Brother Tiger's 44-yard big foot had already stepped on his face.

"I don't even know Mr. Ye, you deserve to die and you don't know how to die. Even our boss, we are full of praise for Mr. Ye, do you dare to offend a crippled man?"

While scolding Zhou Zhaoping, he did not forget to help his boss to show his favor to Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng knew very well in his heart that he had completely offended this Mr. Gao who had fought Chaoxinhui in public.

It would be nice if the other party didn't hate him deeply, and would still say good things about him?

Brother Tiger grabbed Zhou Zhaoping's hair and looked up at Ye Feng, "Mr. Ye, you can speak, those who want to die must live? As long as you say something, I promise to help you clean it up."

Zhou Zhaoping was taken aback and hurriedly yelled, "You can't kill me, will regret..."

Brother Hu actually dared to threaten him when he heard that he slapped him again, "CNM, still dare to scare Laozi? Laozi will kill you now..."

At this moment, I suddenly heard Zhou Zhaoping roar again, "I'm Mr. Wei's person, you try to move me again?"

Brother Hu's raised hand stopped suddenly and frowned, "Mr. Wei? Which Mr. Wei?"

Zhou Zhaoping pushed him away, struggling to stand up from the ground, and said loudly, "Of course it is Wei Changfeng, Mr. Wei!"

When Brother Tiger heard the words, he was stunned, "Are you from Wei Changfeng?"

All the diners present also looked at him in surprise.

Wei Changfeng still has great influence in the Yangcheng business community.

The people who can come to eat in Western restaurants of this grade are basically business elites, and naturally they have heard of Mr. Wei's name.

Unexpectedly, this week's boss turned out to be Wei Changfeng's person.

It seems that today's business is not over yet.

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