I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 613 【613】Who do you think of me?

"I heard that right? Mr. Wei actually wanted to dedicate his wife to Ye Feng? This..."

"It's unbelievable, this is actually said from Mr. Wei Tangtang? It's just a beast."

"Is this Ye Feng so terrible? In order to please the other party, even his own wife had to fight it out?"

"But having said that, Wei Changfeng's wife is really attractive. If I were Ye Feng, I might have agreed with him..."

"Shamelessly, how can you say such disgusting words?"

"Don't pretend, if Wei Changfeng gave you his wife, would you like it?"



Zhou Zhaoping, who was dying on the ground, was even more struck by lightning.

He just wanted to give Ye Feng's girlfriend to Mr. Wei.

Unexpectedly, it was the other way around now, it turned out that Mr. Wei gave his woman to Ye Feng.

His brain can't turn around a bit, the world is different from what he understands.

The whispers of everyone present came into Wei Changfeng's ears, but there was no expression on his face.

When he chose to bear Jing's sin today, he had already disregarded all honor and disgrace.

As long as he can ask for Ye Feng's forgiveness and spare him this time, he can secretly accumulate energy and wait for the opportunity.

When he makes a comeback, who will remember his humiliation today?

To be honest, Ye Feng's heart moved for a moment.

This Lei Chunfang is indeed very attractive, especially the milf-like charm on her body, which young girls like Chen Xuan, Xia Qiu and Lu Xiaoya don't possess.

For a young man like him, there is a fatal attraction.

At this moment, Chen Xuan on the side suddenly "hummed".

Looking back, she saw her face mask cold and murderous.

Ye Feng immediately woke up.

Of course, he knew in his heart that, with Wei Changfeng's arrogance, to be able to plead guilty to him in public today and send his wife to him, it can be said to be humble into the dust.

He must have resentment in his heart, and he wants to learn from Goujian, and play with it.

Once he finds a chance in the future, he will inevitably jump up and give him a heavy blow.

The other party can learn Goujian, but he can't learn from the bad, and must not be dazzled by beauty.

Thinking about this, Ye Feng sneered again and looked at Wei Changfeng.

"Wei Changfeng, who do you think of me? You think you can lose my mind if you use a beautifying trick? You too underestimate me, Ye Feng, right?"

Wei Changfeng shivered when he heard the words, "Don't get me wrong, Mr. Ye, I didn't mean that..."

Ye Feng interrupted him mercilessly, "Then what do you mean? I advise you to put away these careful thoughts, I don't take this set."

After that, he was still a little guilty, and he almost ate this set just now.

When everyone present heard his response, they couldn't help but secretly admire him.

It is really rare for this Mr. Ye to have this firm will at a young age.

They asked themselves, if a stunner like Lei Chunfang was sent to them, it would be difficult for them to refuse.

No wonder people can achieve great things, but they can't.

Alas, this is the gap.

But only Wei Changfeng heard what he meant.

What Ye Feng said was "don't eat this kind of thing", but didn't say anything. The implication is that I don't want this.

He knew that if he didn't bleed a lot today, he wouldn't be able to impress him.

Gritting his teeth, he looked up at Ye Feng again.

"I have a piece of land in my hand. It is located in a prime location in the center of Yangcheng City. I spent more than 2 billion in the auction a few years ago, but it is now worth at least 5 billion."

"If Mr. Ye is interested, I can transfer it to you at the original price."

After saying this, his heart began to bleed.

This piece of land is not just as simple as 2 billion. He also spent a lot of money on managing up and down and dredging the relationship, and he owed countless favors.

Now, that piece of land is already an inch of gold, and there is still a lot of room for growth.

When the surrounding schools, subways, shopping malls, hospitals and other facilities are all complete, the value of that piece of land is likely to double again, perhaps reaching nearly tens of billions or more.

Asking him to spit out this piece of cake is actually plucking his heart with a knife.

But he has no choice now. If he doesn't come up with a price that is enough to make the other party's heart beat, he may pay a higher price.

Ye Feng didn't have deep research on real estate, so he immediately turned to ask Chen Xuan's opinion.

Seeing Chen Xuan's face with unconcealable excitement, attached to his ear, she explained in a low voice.

"That piece of land is indeed a very high-quality resource. I don't know how many real estate companies are thinking about it."

"With the size of our Lingyun Real Estate, we were originally not eligible to participate in the competition. If we could really take over at an ultra-low price of 2 billion, it would definitely be a big bargain..."

After listening to her introduction, Ye Feng immediately understood it and looked at Wei Changfeng again, "I feel ashamed of giving me such a good place at the price of cabbage."

Wei Changfeng hurriedly waved his hand, "Because this piece of land is very high-quality, I wonder if I can't develop it well, so I need Mr. Ye to develop it."

"I believe it can only play its maximum value if you have it in your hands..."

His flattering shot can be said to have played the art of flattering to the extreme.

It's like if Ye Feng didn't accept this piece of land, he would be sorry for the motherland and the people.

Ye Feng had no choice but to reluctantly nodded, "If this is the case, then I have to reluctantly accept it, and I will definitely live up to Mr. Wei's high hopes and let it maximize its value."

Wei Changfeng breathed a sigh of relief. Although it hurts a bit, he at least saved his life, and there is hope for a comeback in the future.

Today’s insults under the crotch will be returned a hundred times in the future.

Just when he secretly made up his mind, he listened to Ye Feng to continue speaking.

"My industry will soon enter Yangcheng, and I hope that Mr. Wei will give way at that time."

"As long as I am involved in the industry, you can withdraw as soon as you can."

Wei Changfeng was struck by lightning immediately.

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