According to Wei Changfeng's understanding, Ye Feng's current industry has spread across real estate, tourism, catering, hotels, shopping, film and television, transportation, building materials, advertising design, e-commerce...

Many of these industries are profiteering industries, which can be said to be a battleground for businesses.

Including his own, many industries overlap with each other.

Now Ye Feng suddenly proposed to let him withdraw from these industries and make way for his subordinate industries. This is undoubtedly killing him.

"Ye... Mr. Ye, I..."

He looked up at Ye Feng, his voice trembling.

"What? You disagree?"

Ye Feng's eyes sharpened again, "It doesn't matter if you disagree, then we will have our own abilities and see if I can conquer the city in your domain."

His words undoubtedly blew the charge to Wei Changfeng, and wanted to meet him in battle.

Wei Changfeng couldn't hold on anymore, so he had to compromise: "I...I agree with Mr. Ye's proposal. As long as your industry enters Yangcheng, I... will gradually withdraw from these industries."

When he said these words, he felt that his soul was half taken away, and he became a lot older all at once.

This kind of humiliating treaty, I'm afraid it was only signed in the past, right?

After doing this, he almost abolished his martial arts, and I am afraid that he will lose the opportunity to break his wrist with Ye Feng forever.

But now he is under the eaves, what choice does he have?

Self-abolition of martial arts can at least survive.

Negative Yu stubbornly resists, only the bones are gone.

He knew that the era that belonged to him Wei Changfeng had completely ended.

And it ended in such a tragic form.

Everyone at the scene watched this scene blankly.

They also know that they have witnessed the end of an era with their own eyes.

And the beginning of a new era.

"Wei Changfeng also blames the poor, he has already bowed to this point, and he still ended up like this."

"What's so pitiful? It's nothing more than a winner. I believe that if Mr. Ye loses, he will end up worse than him."

"This Mr. Ye is too cruel, he is so cruel at a young age."

"A shopping mall is like a battlefield. The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself. Only this kind of person can truly stand on top."

"Wei Changfeng is over. After this time, the vitality is bound to be severely injured, and there will never be a chance to turn over."

"Even so, it is not something we can compare. It can only be said that he will never be able to look up in front of this Mr. Ye in the future."

And Chen Xuan stared at her boyfriend blankly.

Without making any changes, Wei Changfeng was completely "dismembered", so that he would never have a chance to stand up again.

With this mind and this domineering, how many men can do it?

She was full of pride in her heart, and she wished to tell everyone in the world that this is her man!

Ye Feng didn't have much feeling, as if he had just done a trivial thing, waved his hand, "You can leave now."

Wei Changfeng thanked him again and again, and then took his wife and left sadly.

Looking at his slightly rickety back, it was in stark contrast with the kind of talk and laughter of the strong man when I first saw him.

However, Ye Feng didn't have much sympathy. The shopping mall was like a battlefield. Since he chose to enter the game, he must be ready to go out at any time.

Stepping into this battlefield, you have to charge constantly, fearful of the head, and will only be cut by others.

If he is the one who loses today, I believe Wei Changfeng will be more ruthless than him, and he will do even better.

The entire restaurant fell into a deathly silence, and everyone looked at the man who "told a man in a chat and laughter, and was wiped out in smoke", and didn't even dare to breathe.

Ye Feng drank, then turned to glance at Zhou Zhaoping, who had been beaten twice in a row.

Seeing his gaze swept over, Zhou Zhaoping felt cold all over his body, "Ye...Mr. Ye, please beg your life..."

Even Wei Changfeng, who was about to hold his thigh, was "dismembered" by the other party in a few words.

And the little boss of a small film and television company in his neighborhood, in the eyes of others, it is estimated that even ants are not counted.

To abolish him is a matter of one sentence.

Before Ye Feng could speak, Chen Xuan hurriedly pulled his arm, "Xiao Feng, forget it."

There have been too many things experienced today. First, Ye Chengze was sent to prison, and then Wei Changfeng was also punished.

To say a little bit superstition, Ye Feng's "killing karma" today is a bit too heavy, it's better to be forgiving and forgiving.

Ye Feng originally planned to vent her offensive anger, but when she saw her stopping, he turned his head to look at Zhou Zhaoping.

"I wanted you to pay a little price. Since my girlfriend intercedes for you, I will let you go today. Brighten my eyes and don't touch my hands again."

Zhou Zhaoping hurriedly got up and thanked him, "Thank you Mr. Ye, Ms. Chen, thank you..."

After speaking, he slipped away.

At this time, the owner of Simma Western Restaurant rushed over, "Hello, Mr. Ye, I am the owner of this restaurant, Wu Pleia, and I hope to get to know you."

With that, he handed over his business card.

Ye Feng took the business card, didn't even look at it, and threw it into the trash can next to it.

"When we were making things difficult before, you were a tortoise, but now things are settled, you just ran out to show you? What?"

After finishing speaking, she immediately took Chen Xuan and left.

That boss Wu wanted to give himself two big mouths.

If he had known that this young man had such a strong background and strength, he would have leaned in to flatter him.

This is a super gangster who can make Wei Changfeng kneel and beg for mercy.

It's a pity that he missed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because of a difference in his thoughts.

Even the people who dine in the restaurant can't eat anymore at this time.

This may be the closest they have been to such a super boss, but none of them took the opportunity.

I even ridiculed others just now, and missed an opportunity to change my destiny in vain.

Relying on the strength of the other party, just a word from others can make them rise to the top of their lives.

But the opportunity was given to them, but they didn't grasp it. Maybe it was fate, right?

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