I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 615 【615】This person is really terrible

Wei Changfeng pleaded guilty to Ye Feng and entrusted his wife and son, and finally gave up the golden land with unlimited potential at the price of cabbage. He also promised to withdraw from all industries that Ye Feng was involved in...

The news seemed to have grown wings, and it spread quickly in the Yangcheng business community.

Everyone who heard this news was shocked.

At the beginning, many people even thought this was a rumor.

But after many inquiries, I realized that all of this is true.


When receiving the news, Zhao Fulin, who was drinking with a group of "hupengou friends", couldn't help but pat the table to applaud.

"As expected of my brother, he really took a sigh of foul for my brother."

"The former Wei Changfeng, relying on the Ye family's support, dare to blow his beard and stare at me? This time he finally suffered a lot."

Others here also echoed.

"Haha, indeed, I've seen Wei Changfeng displeased a long time ago, and Brother Ye also sighed for me this time."

"This Wei Changfeng is also a ruthless person, he can actually put his hands down to beg Ye Feng, even his wife sent it out."

"It's really cruel. Anyway, I can't do this kind of thing. This person is a vicious wolf. If you let him turn over, it would be terrible."

"Brother Ye would have expected it a long time ago, so he directly asked him to cut off his meridians. As long as Brother Ye is involved in an industry, he has to quit by himself and go haha."

"What kind of industry does Brother Ye do not involve now? Even if it doesn't exist now, it will definitely be involved in the future. Then this old boy will only become more and more useless."

"It's so happy, so cool..."

As Zhao Fulin listened to everyone's praise of Ye Feng, he was indescribably proud.

No wonder the old man praised Ye Feng so much, he was still a little bit sour at the time.

But after today's series of events, he has become more and more agree with the old man's words.

This kid belongs to a whale, as long as he gives him a piece of sea, he can make waves.

To have such a brother, he is also honored.


Not only him, when Luo Jingyuan heard the news, he immediately bounced off his chair.

"This old brother Ye, really doesn't stop."

"I just sent Ye Chengze from the Ye family to prison, and immediately let Wei Changfeng suffer. It was too much trouble."

Fan Qi, who was lying on the bed and teasing the child, couldn't help but laughed, "If you don't toss, how can you have tens of billions of net worth at the age of 20?"

When Luo Jingyuan heard this, he immediately sat down, "Well, my brother Ye is too shocking. If he keeps being so good, how can we live?"

Fan Qi nodded, "Yes, Wei Changfeng's strength is a bit stronger than you. I didn't expect that he would bow his head to Ye Feng and admit his mistake."

Luo Jingyuan suddenly smiled bitterly, "It's more than just a bit stronger, he's better than me by a level. But in front of Brother Ye, he can only take the blame."

It is strange that he should have sympathy with his old enemy.

Fan Qi lowered his head and scratched the baby's nose, making him giggle and smile, "Fortunately, Xiao Feng is our baby's godfather. With such a powerful godfather, our son will definitely not be bullied in the future."

Luo Jingyuan was a little unhappy, "His father is also very good, okay?"

Fan Qi glanced at him disgustingly, "Can you compare to Xiaofeng's level?"

Luo Jingyuan was immediately discouraged, and he had to admit that his wife was telling the truth.

He saw with his own eyes how Ye Feng managed to send Ye Chengze to prison.

Naturally, he was very convinced with this old brother Ye.

If you give him a few more years, I am afraid that the entire southern Guangdong province will be his world, right?


Of course, Ye Feng's camp is happy for him.

But those who attended Ye Chengze's banquet like Wei Changfeng were not happy.

They were lucky, and they felt that the sky was falling and there was still a big man against it.

But now, the "big guys" have already knelt down first, and they are probably hardly immune to these stragglers.

"Wei Changfeng has gone to plead guilty to Ye Feng and Jing, and even made a huge sacrifice. What should we do now?"

"Hey, I originally planned to let Wei Changfeng stand in the front. We might still be fooled. Now it's alright. He has surrendered first. What else can we do?"

"Wei Changfeng has always been scheming, he must be more aware of Ye Feng's true strength, so he doesn't even have a face, so he ran to flatter him?"

"Even Wei Changfeng can't resist, so let's not even mention it. Let's apologize to Ye Feng earlier, maybe we can handle it leniently."

"But, I'm a bit unwilling. If so many of us are united, Ye Feng may not really be afraid of him. After all, he is a foreigner, so he can really do us?"

"Hehe, Ye Chengze thought so too, but didn't he send himself in in the end? Ye Feng, this kid...too evil."

"Yes, there was Niuston first, and then Ye Chengze. Those who were right with him would end up miserably."

"Oh, it seems that we have no other way to choose, we can only go to bear Jing and plead for sin."

Everyone finally unified their opinions, or in other words, there is no need for unification at all, because there is not so much room for them to choose.

The atmosphere in the box was a bit depressed, and I didn't know who made the swearing first, and then everyone yelled at them.

"Ye Chengze, the bastard, Laozi was really blind at the time. I didn't expect him to be an embroidered pillow."

"Yeah, it's not good for him to provoke him, he must provoke Ye Feng and let Laozi be unlucky with him."

"Isn't this stuff pretty good before? How come you encounter Ye Feng, it's just like a trash, it's vulnerable."

"Actually, I can't blame him. I can only blame the opponent for being too cunning for using the game he set to put himself in."

"Ye Feng, this person is really terrible..."

Tonight, for many people in Yangcheng, it is destined to be a sleepless night.

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