I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 626 【626】You don’t use this crooked way to corrupt me

When Zhuang Xiaoqiao heard Li Guofu's rude words to Ye Feng, he stared at him in an angry manner.

"Does Mo Qijuanqiang know? He was in a bad family situation before, but he has made a lot of money now, and many big business owners respect him..."

Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Li Guofu looked at Ye Feng severely again.

"Ye Feng, I thought you were just eating soft food. I didn't expect you to be so despicable to make up such a lie and make this girl confused. If you still have a little conscience, explain it clearly to this girl, otherwise, I will call the police right away. Catch you."

The crowds around watching the lively eating melons also began to be filled with righteous indignation.

"Yes, this kind of person is really despicable, you must explain clearly to this girl, you can't let her continue to be deceived."

"This teacher still has a sense of justice and dares to expose his true face."

"It is not shameful to be poor. It is shameful to pretend to be rich and deceive an ignorant little girl, and must not let him continue to do evil."

"To report to the police, you must make such a person pay the price..."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao looked at this group of people with just and awe-inspiring looks, and wanted to curse SB in his heart.

These people only want to believe what they are willing to believe. No matter how much you explain, they won't listen.

Ye Feng winked at her to make her feel calm, and then turned to look at Li Guofu.

"Ms. Li, when I was in school before, because of the price difference at home, I never gave you any decent gift. I just met today. I just want to give you a calligraphy and painting?"

With that said, he turned around and squatted to the stall to choose.

When Li Guofu heard this, he seemed to have received much insult.

"Ye Feng, who do you think of me? I have been the principal for so many years, and I have always been a breeze. When did you receive gifts from students? You don't use this kind of crooked way to corrupt me. I don't eat this one at all."

In fact, what kind of cool breeze he is, but he knows very well in his heart.

For one thing, this kid is a poor ghost, even if it is given, he can't give any valuable gifts.

Secondly, he had already seen it just now. The calligraphy and paintings on this booth were basically fakes, and none of them were valuable.

Rather than accepting this kind of gift, it is better to refuse with a righteous word and get a little applause.

His words were loud and loud, and they immediately drew unanimous applause from the people around him.

"It's really rare to see such a good teacher who is just and honest."

"Oh, it's a pity that such a good teacher didn't even teach this kid well and did some tricky ways."

"Yeah, I actually have to give gifts to teachers in public. The social atmosphere is corrupted by such people."

"If this is my son, I really want to choke him to death..."

Ye Feng was unmoved by these people's comments, and picked up a landscape painting from the booth, "Boss, how much is this painting?"

The boss glanced sideways, "Twenty thousand, no bargaining."

Ye Feng didn't say anything, he swiped his card and paid on the spot.

Li Guofu immediately sneered when he saw his actions.

"It's really Zhu Bajie wearing glasses and pretending to be a college student. Do you know calligraphy and painting? This painting is a fake at first glance, let alone twenty thousand, two hundred is worthless."

The crowd of onlookers also sneered.

Ye Feng didn't check it carefully just now, so he directly selected a painting, and paid directly for the boss's offer without any counter-offer.

These kinds of behaviors seem to be very amateurish.

So in their view, this kid is a foolish man with a lot of money.

Including the boss at the stall, laughing at Ye Feng in his heart.

These calligraphy and paintings were collected from a ragged place, at a price of two yuan a catty, and he just yelled out the "20,000 yuan" casually.

He was already prepared to bargain, even if it was two hundred yuan, he would buy it.

Unexpectedly, I really met a fool who didn't make a counter-offer and bought it directly for 20,000 yuan.

Fool's money is really good.

Just when everyone was ridiculing Ye Feng's "stupid" behavior, Zhuang Xiaoqiao on the side suddenly gave a surprised "Huh", walked forward and stared at the landscape painting for a long time.

"This painting... seems to be the real work of Mr. Chen Yenan."

As he said, he looked at Ye Feng in surprise.

She has some research on these calligraphy and painting.

To her surprise, Ye Feng suddenly picked an authentic piece of Chen Yenan.

This Chen Yenan is very low-key and not well-known, unless he has been in the antique industry for a long time, he may have heard of it.

Is this guy Mongolian, or does he really study antiques?

Li Guofu obviously hadn't heard of the name, and immediately laughed.

"This little girl, are you still making rounds for him? Really obsessed. What Chen Yenan? I have been playing calligraphy and painting for more than ten years. Why have I never heard of this name? It's not your making up Is it coming out?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao glanced at him.

"I have never heard of it. I can only say that you are ignorant. Chen Yenan is the vice president of the Artists Association, but he has always been low-key and unwilling to show his face. You said that you have studied calligraphy and painting for more than ten years, and you have never heard of this name. , It seems to have studied dogs."

The people around were a little bit jealous, the little girl's mouth was a little broken.

Li Guofu became furious, "What artist association is probably a pheasant association? Even if there is such a person, he is probably a third-rate painter. What is the value of his works?"

As soon as his voice fell, he suddenly heard a voice from the crowd.

"Who said Chen Yenan is a third-rate painter? Are you afraid that the wind will flash your tongue?"

When everyone looked back, they saw a spirited old man stepping forward.

Between the gestures, there was a sense of elegance.

Li Guofu glanced at him disdainfully, "Who are you? It's not Ye Feng that kid hired with money to sing with him, right?"

The old man stroked his gray beard, "The old man is Xue Pu, the boss of Lingshanju."

Li Guofu sneered immediately, "What Lingshanju? I haven't heard of it."

As soon as he said this, he immediately showed his timidity.

Everyone on the scene looked at him with a weird look.

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