I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 627 [627] Distressed and unable to breathe

"No, I haven't even heard of Lingshanju? Just dare to say that I have been playing antiques for more than ten years?"

"Lingshanju is the most famous antique shop in this antique street. No one has ever heard of it?"

"Oh, this teacher Li, I just thought that other people's character is good, I didn't expect to be so ignorant."

"Since Boss Xue said that there is such a person, he must be there."

"Does this kid really found the treasure?"

Even the people who admired Li Guofu very much just now began to criticize him at this time, which shows the status of this Lingshan in everyone's mind.

Li Guofu listened to you and I ran on each other, his old face flushed suddenly, and he hurriedly bowed his hand to Xue Pu.

"I'm really sorry, I'm from a different place, so I'm not very familiar with the antique industry in Yangcheng, please forgive me."

Xue Pu waved his hand indifferently.

"My Lingshanju is just an ordinary antique shop. It is normal to have never heard of it. But this Mr. Chen Yenan is a master of landscape painting. If you have really studied calligraphy and painting for more than ten years, you shouldn’t have heard of it. Pass it."

Li Guofu's old face blushed again. In fact, he studied calligraphy and painting only for the purpose of arty. In fact, he did not study in depth.

When facing laymen, they can also pretend to bluff people.

But when faced with such industry experts, I dare not say anything more, because there are so many mistakes.

Someone in the crowd immediately asked curiously: "Boss Xue, is this Mr. Chen's painting valuable?"

When Xue Pu heard this, he frowned.

"Mr. Chen has always been indifferent to fame and fortune. It is an insult to him to use money to measure his works. But last year, the auction house had one of his works, which was about the same size as this one, and sold more than 400,000 yuan."


As soon as he said this, everyone present immediately took a breath.

"A painting cost more than 400,000? It really can be called a master."

"That said, this painting can be worth hundreds of thousands, right?"

"No? This kid just picks one and can sell hundreds of thousands? It's too easy to make money, right?"

"If you buy 20,000, you can earn hundreds of thousands after changing hands? Isn't this a bit too much?"

"But this is what Boss Xue said, there should be no falsehood."

"Boss Xue is just talking casually, you let him spend hundreds of thousands to buy it, do you think he wants to?"

Perhaps in response to everyone's doubts, Xue Pu immediately turned to look at Ye Feng.

"This little brother, I really like this landscape painting by Mr. Chen Yenan, and I am willing to buy it for half a million. I wonder if you are willing to cut your love?"

When everyone heard this, they were all dumbfounded.

If anyone had questioned just now, there is no more doubt now.

Boss Xue, who is willing to pay for it, proves that the painting is really worth the money.

The owner of the stall suddenly regretted his intestines.

Just now he sold this painting for 20,000 yuan, thinking that he was making a lot of money, but he did not expect that he earned 480,000 yuan in a blink of an eye.

This gave him the urge to vomit blood.

Ye Feng glanced at Li Guofu next to him, and sighed, "This painting was originally intended to be given to my teacher. Since he doesn't like it, let it go to Boss Xue."

When Li Guofu heard this, he felt as if he had been punched in his heart, and he couldn't breathe.

He even passed a landscape painting worth 500,000 yuan.

This is half a million!

He eats and takes cards and asks for it at school, which makes people angry, and he can scrape five or six hundred thousand yuan all year round.

Now someone wanted to give him a painting worth 500,000 yuan, but he turned it down.

He was so distressed that he couldn't breathe.

But now I want to go back, but I can't save this face.

Just suffering in pain.

People who had praised Li Guofu before, all looked at him with a gloating expression.

"Hahaha, look at that teacher Li's expression, it's really wonderful."

"Nonsense, this is half a million, just so vainly handing people away, who can be happy?"

"His awe-inspiring look just now really deceived me. I thought he was really elegant and elegant."

"He guessed that he thought that they couldn't bring out any valuable gifts, so he said that? He didn't expect that he would give a painting worth 500,000 yuan. It is estimated that his intestines are regrettable, right?"

"I didn't expect this young man to have such a good vision, and he picked out a painting worth 500,000 yuan at once."

"In this way, people don't seem to eat soft rice, they are still a little real."

"Of course, or else can I be taken by that big beauty?"

The cynicism of the crowd caused Li Guofu's blood pressure to soar, and he almost fell to the ground, staring at Ye Feng fiercely.

It is estimated that this kid knew that he would not accept it, so he deliberately said that he gave himself a gift just to make him embarrassed in public. It was absolutely Damn it.

As for Zhuang Xiaoqiao, she became more curious when she looked at Ye Feng.

It seems that this guy is really researching antiques, and he can pick a landscape painting worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I really don't know what else this guy doesn't know.

Facing everyone's strange gaze, Ye Feng still showed lightness.

It's just a calligraphy and painting worth 500,000 yuan. Compared with his previous brilliant record, it is nothing at all.

These people are really making a fuss.

Xue Pu seemed to see that Ye Feng didn't care about the three to five million, and couldn't help but secretly startled.

It seems that this young man has an extraordinary family background.

Thinking of this, he spoke again.

"Our Lingshanju is holding an antique blind box event. The entrance fee is exactly half a million. If this little brother is interested, why not use this painting to deduct the entrance fee?"

Before Ye Feng could agree, Zhuang Xiaoqiao on the side immediately became interested, "Antique Blind Box? It sounds interesting, Ye Feng, shall we go and play?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but nodded with a wry smile, "Listen to you."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao jumped and jumped immediately, happily like a child.

Boss Xue immediately led the two towards his store, and those who watched the excitement also followed suit.

Li Guofu looked at Ye Feng's back, gritted his teeth bitterly, Laozi wanted to see what else you kid could do.

Thinking of this, he immediately followed.

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