I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 628 【628】It turned out to be a childcare?

When everyone came to the Lingshanju store, they saw that the open space in front of the store was filled with large and small boxes.

You can't see what's inside from the outside, it seems you can only fight for luck.

Xue Pu stopped and looked at Ye Feng.

"Little brother, please rest assured, our Lingshanju will never play virtual, there are at least one-fifth of the treasures in this blind box, worth more than 500,000, and there are even more than one million treasures. If you are lucky, as long as You can pay back by picking one item, and it may even double it several times, even more than ten times..."

Hearing his introduction, the crowd onlookers became excited immediately.

Unexpectedly, Lingshan would have so much blood, and there are still treasures worth more than one million in the blind box. Who can't be tempted?

But when I thought that the entrance fee would cost 500,000 yuan, most people retreated.

For them, half a million is by no means a small number.

If you are lucky, that's fine, but if you are not lucky, you will be hit by 500,000, and there will be no place to cry by then.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao couldn't wait to look at the blind boxes, "Boss, how many can you choose from 500,000?"

Boss Xue stretched out a slap, "Five."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao moved his fingers and counted, "That's a good deal, five chances, you can't never miss it, right? That luck is too bad."

Having said that, you must enter in person.

Ye Feng's eyes rolled at this moment, hurriedly stopped her, and then deliberately shouted in Li Guofu's direction.

"Boss, the chance of winning is too high? Five hundred thousand has five chances, and one-fifth of the blind boxes are worth more than half a million. Isn't this a gift for someone?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao had been with him for so many days, and already had a good understanding. Knowing that he was making ghosts again, he immediately nodded in cooperation.

"Yes, one-fifth of the chances, no matter how bad luck you are, you can surely get it right? This is definitely a trade that you can lose without making a profit."

Li Guofu was immediately moved when he heard the two singing and making a peace.

Yes, one-fifth of the blind boxes are worth more than half a million.

If he can guess one as soon as he comes up, then no matter what the value of the remaining four, it will be a profit.

But the entrance fee is 500,000 yuan, which is too expensive, right?

If you fail to guess it five times, isn't it a blood loss?

When he was tangled, he suddenly saw Ye Feng winking with Boss Xue, as if he was secretly communicating something?

A move in his heart, do these two people know each other? All that just now was just a cooperative performance? The purpose is to bring people here to participate in the blind box activity?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this possibility is very great.

He was wondering just now, when did this kid Ye Feng study antiques so much?

Was it a childcare?

He saw a lot of this kind of routine. It is estimated that Ye Feng, this kid knows which blind boxes contain treasures, and he will definitely pick out a few valuable ones later to lure everyone into the bait.

But except for the few he picked, the other blind boxes were full of worthless garbage.

After thinking about the twists and turns inside, Li Guofu immediately became proud.

No matter what you kid is like a ghost, you have to drink Laozi's foot wash.

Seeing through the tricks of Ye Feng's play, he immediately felt that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it, and maybe he could really make a fortune today.

Dang Even stood up and said loudly, "I'll have a fun too."

Everyone looked at him in astonishment. This Lingshanju blind box event cost 500,000 yuan for admission. Isn't this person a teacher? Are teachers' salaries so high now?

Li Guofu didn't care about everyone's gaze, he took out his bank card and paid the entrance fee.

When the clerk swept away half a million, his heart felt a sharp pain.

This is 500,000 yuan. If he can't earn it back, he will even have the heart to die.

An imperceptible smile flashed across Ye Feng's face, "Principal Li, let's play first, and I will study next to you."

Li Guofu hurriedly waved his hand humbly, "There must be one that comes first, and since you participated first, you should pick it first."

I sneered in my heart, if you don’t pick, then how do I know which one contains the treasure?

Ye Feng didn't say any more, he looked around and finally locked one of the blind boxes and was about to bend over to get it.

At this time, Li Guofu took the lead and held the blind box in his hand, "It's a coincidence, I also happened to like this, classmate Ye, shouldn't you compete with the teacher?"

Ye Feng's face showed an expression of "dare to be angry but dare not speak", "I dare not dare, since you are interested, it belongs to you, and I will look at others."

After speaking, he looked around and locked a blind box again.

This time, Li Guofu took the first step and hugged the blind box, "Oh, student Ye, we have a tacit understanding. We can choose the same one every time."

Ye Feng showed "angry", "Mr. Li, can you pick it yourself? Why do you always grab my fancy?"

Li Guofu pretended not to hear him, and looked at the other blind boxes pretendingly, but he was very proud of him.

The more angry the other party is, the more proof he has guessed right. There must be treasures in everything he picked.

A conservative estimate is that one blind box is worth 500,000. When those two add up, that is one million, which is almost a profit.

Ye Feng sighed "helplessly" and continued to search for other blind boxes.

In the next few times, whenever he picked the blind box and was ready to shoot, Li Guofu would take it first.

In less than a while, the five blind boxes had already been picked first.

Ye Feng's face was already very "ugly", and he walked straight to Li Guofu.

"Teacher Li, let's discuss it. I will spend two million to buy these blind boxes in your hand, so you don't want to open them, okay?"

Seeing him like this, Li Guofu became more sure that he had picked the priceless treasure, "Two million? How can it work?"

Ye Feng continued to quote, "How about 2.5 million yuan?"

Li Guofu still shook his head, "No."

Ye Feng was silent for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth, "A price of three million, as long as you agree, I will transfer the money to you on the spot."

Li Guofu immediately laughed "haha", "Student Ye Feng, I just have fun, what are you doing?"

As he said, he lowered his head to his ear, "Boy, I have seen through your trickery, you just wait to lose your fortune."

Before Ye Feng could speak, he walked towards Boss Xue triumphantly.

"I have already picked it up, please open it for me."

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