I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 629 [629] This is all right, three million has become fifty thousand

Li Guofu is very confident about the blind boxes he has selected.

Ye Feng just quoted him three million, which means that the treasures in these blind boxes are worth at least three million.

Investing half a million, and earning 3 million in a blink of an eye, it is simply a blood profit.

How can I be so smart?

Li Guofu thought narcissistically, staring directly at Boss Xue.

Xue Pu took the blind boxes from him, then took out a knife and took apart the blind boxes little by little.

The crowd of onlookers couldn't wait to get together, wanting to check the results.

"This gentleman's first blind box contains...a modern ceramic handicraft, worth 5,000 yuan."

Xue Pu opened the box and took a look, then took out a ceramic bottle from it.

The craftsmanship of the ceramic bottle is very elegant, whether it is the shape or the pattern on it, it can be said to be magnificent. Among modern handicrafts, it can also be called a fine product.

But in Li Guofu's ears, it was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, "Modern... handicrafts? Value... 5000 yuan?"

He rushed up frantically, grabbed the ceramic bottle, and examined it carefully.

Yes, it is indeed a modern handicraft.

He only felt a mouthful of old blood stuck in his chest, and hurriedly looked back at Ye Feng, "You kid playing with me?"

Ye Feng shrugged, "I don't know what's in it, you want to grab it yourself."

When Li Guofu heard this, he almost scolded his mother.

Isn't this a scumbag who doesn't take the initiative, refuses, and is irresponsible?

Ye Feng looked at him with regret, "It's okay, Teacher Li, I missed this time, maybe the next one will be hit. Don't give up."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao on the side almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

This guy Ye Feng was so bad, he was stunned for a while, and he was still pretending to be innocent here.

Li Guofu hurriedly calmed himself down, although Ye Feng was hateful, but there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Only one has just been taken apart, as long as the other four can take out the baby, that's pretty good too.

But the sky was unsatisfactory, and when the second blind box was opened, he was dumbfounded again.

"This gentleman's second blind box is a Qing Daoguangyu cicada... mediocre appearance, estimated at 20,000."

When Li Guofu first heard about Yu Chan in the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, he thought he had a baby.

But when I heard the back, my heart felt cold again.

I saw that the jade cicada was only the size of a little finger belly, the quality of jade was average, the carving was very rough, and it lacked a wing, so it had no collection value.

It is estimated that the valuation of 20,000 yuan is already overestimated.

"How is this possible? How is this possible..."

He is really a little panicked now, and he has ordered two "scrap products" in a row, which is very difficult for anyone to bear.

He turned his gaze to Ye Feng again, "What the hell is going on?"

Ye Feng shrugged, "I don't know, I just picked it randomly."


Li Guofu can't wait to go up and choke this bastard to death. What is a blind election?

Are you not in the same group as Xue? Would you not know which one is in stock?

Without giving him too much time for anger, Xue Pu continued to open the remaining blind boxes.

"Song Ru Kiln ceramic bowl... fragments, estimated at 8,000 yuan."

"Xu Beihong Galloping Horse...Imitation, estimated at 12,000 yuan."

"Flower and fruit pattern blue and white jar...modern handicraft, estimated at 9,000 yuan..."

Every time he opened a blind box, Li Guofu's heart was cold.

When the last blind box was opened, he only felt that his feet were soft, and he sat down on the ground, staring blankly at the babies that were opened, the total value was 54,000 yuan.

But he invested a whole 500,000 yuan, and he only offered 50,000 yuan, and he lost a total of 450,000 yuan.

He only felt a surge of blood in his chest, and an urge to vomit blood, and he finally suppressed it.

At this moment, Ye Feng suddenly squeezed over.

"Oh, Mr. Li, what do I say to you? I just wanted to spend three million to buy these blind boxes for our teacher and students, but you just don't agree. This is good. , Three million has become fifty thousand."


When Li Guofu heard this, he couldn't help it anymore, and he spouted a mouthful of old blood, soaring two meters away.

"Bad son, you deliberately cheated me, I killed you..."

He immediately fell into madness and rushed towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng waited for him to be approaching, and then took a step back.

Li Guofu threw himself into the air and fell a dog to eat shit, knocking out two of his front teeth.

But he still raised his head and stared at Ye Feng fiercely, his eyes full of hatred.

He has already thought about it now, and this is probably a set set by this kid, just waiting for him to drill in.

That's half a million. Even if he received a lot of gifts at school and took a lot of rebates, it was not a small sum.

How does this make him willing?

His mouth is full of blood, his eyes are cold, and he looks a bit scary.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao hurriedly hid behind Ye Feng, which was relieved.

The boss Xue stood up at this time, "This sir, this blind box game is also a kind of gambling, and I would like to accept the bet. If everyone makes trouble like you, can we still do business?"

Li Guofu immediately targeted him.

"I now suspect that you are ganging up to cheat. There is no valuables in your box. Please call the police and bring these two scammers to justice together."

Hearing his words, everyone else at the scene also looked at Xue Pu suspiciously.

"Boss Xue, is what he said is true? Are you swindling?"

"It seems to me that this gentleman even opened five blind boxes, and there is no valuable thing. What does this still mean?"

"Yes, there is a one-fifth chance, how can one be taken out? How can there be no one?"

"If you don't give us a satisfactory answer, we will call the police and sue you for fraud."

"Call the police, call the police..."

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