I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 646 【646】It's not the gods descending to the earth, right?

"Oh my god, this is more exciting than the movie. One person, one sword, and a siege of hundreds of people, Zhao Zilong is nothing but that?"

"My palms are all sweaty, and my whole body is numb. I have never seen such a scene before. It's really exciting."

"This person won't be a god descending to the world, right? One person can single out hundreds of people? Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"It's a bit exaggerated to single out a few hundred people. Didn't you see that he is already a bit powerless?"

"In the face of the siege of hundreds of people, it is already very powerful to be able to persist for such a long time..."

It was the first time that many people onlookers saw this kind of melee, and they were both nervous and excited.

But Ye Feng was not at all excited at this time. Although the military book said that he wanted to capture the thieves and the king, how could it be that easy?

"The King" is not a fool either, he must be heavily protected around him, so how can he be captured so easily?

He rushed several times in a row, but was forced back by a steady stream of people, getting farther and farther away from Gao Junming.

The trick to capture the king is still dead.

Gao Junming knew that Ye Feng was very good at fighting, so this time all the elites from the Chaoxinhui were transferred, and each of them had experienced many battles.

Even if his Ye Feng is Zhao Zilong alive, don't even think about leaving alive today.

He knew that after the incident of Ye Chengze, this guy had soared in strength, and even Wei Changfeng went to take the charge of Jing himself.

At this time, it was unwise to choose to slap his edge, but he was forced to this step and had to bite the bullet and hold on.

For this reason, Ye Feng must die today, and once let him escape, it will be very difficult.

And he didn't believe that the other party could escape from the siege of hundreds of people, unless Ye Feng was really Superman.

Ye Feng's ability to hold on for such a long time has already surprised him, but it is estimated that it will not last long.

In fact, Ye Feng is indeed at the end of the battle.

Facing the desperadoes who kept rushing up, even if he was beaten with iron, he could hardly hold it anymore.

After an oversight, the right shoulder was suddenly hit by an axe.

Fortunately, he took a step back at the critical moment, otherwise the entire right arm might have been chopped off.

Even so, the right shoulder was still dripping with blood.

"Ye Feng, are you hurt?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao immediately exclaimed.

"You can't die, as long as I'm still alive, you will be fine."

Ye Feng pretended to be relaxed and was about to continue to fight back, but suddenly he staggered and almost fell.

Being besieged for so long, his physical exertion was huge, and it was a miracle that he was able to survive until now.

The people in Chaoxinhui are all experienced people, and naturally knowing that he is almost unable to hold it, so he immediately seized the opportunity to kill him desperately.

Seeing that several swords and axes were hacking over, Zhuang Xiaoqiao suddenly blocked Ye Feng behind him and greeted him with his own flesh and blood.

Ye Feng was startled and wanted to pull her back, but it was too late, and the swords and axes were about to hit her.

At this moment, the sudden change occurred.

"Puff puff……"

There were several continuous sounds of breaking through the air, and the wrists of those desperadoes who slashed over were hit by bullets at the same time, and the swords and axes "jingled bells and clashed" to the ground.

This change happened too suddenly, and Chaoxinhui immediately became a mess.

Although they do everything possible to kill, they rarely dare to shoot.

In Long Country, as long as the gun is moved, the nature of the incident is completely different.

No one thought that the gunman would be ambushed in secret, and immediately fell into a panic.

The people who watched the excitement all looked sluggish.

"My mother, what's the situation? Someone actually shot?"

"Even the guns were dispatched? Where am I? Isn't it in a war-torn country?"

"It's just a gangster fight. Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"My scalp is a little numb, can anyone tell me what the situation is?"

Not to mention them, even Ye Feng was stunned and hurriedly raised his head to look at the opposite roof.

Just look at the top ten-story building on the opposite side, two figures disappeared in a flash.

He turned his stunned gaze to Zhuang Xiaoqiao next to him.

Those two guys didn't do anything early, but they only did it when she was in danger, obviously they were only responsible for protecting her secretly.

What kind of background does this have to be able to use guns for protection in the Dragon Kingdom?

Zhuang Xiaoqiao didn't seem to be surprised by this result at all. Instead, he stretched out his hand and shook his eyes, "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and catch the fish in troubled waters to catch the thief and the king!"

Ye Feng came back to his senses and looked at her deeply.

He now finally understands why this girl knows the danger and has to follow him.

He thought that the other party was just looking for a bit of excitement, and now he finally understands the other party's good intentions.

Because she knows that when she is in danger, the person in the ambush will take action, which is actually protecting him.

Pressing down this trace of guilt for a while, he immediately launched a counterattack with a sword.

The people in Chaoxinhui have become a mess because of the changes just now.

Although they often fight and kill, it is only a weapon fight between gangsters and gangsters. They have never encountered a gunshot before, so they immediately fell into chaos.

Ye Feng took the opportunity to rush all the way, and soon approached Gao Junming.

Gao Junming is worthy of being the boss of the Chaoxinhui. Those who have seen the world, after the initial panic, quickly regained his composure.

Seeing Ye Feng rushing all the way, he immediately understood what he wanted to do.

"Protect me quickly, quickly..."

The dozens of people who followed him were all true core members of the Chaoxinhui. These people have not only experienced many battles, but are loyal to him, and quickly organized and protected him in the center.

With their desperate resistance, at least for a short time, Ye Feng would not be able to rush in.

Only by holding on for a while, the others in Chaoxinhui will have plenty of time to regroup.

Ye Feng naturally knew that if he couldn't quickly break through the defense and capture Gao Junming, then he would be surrounded again.

So he didn't rush to Gao Junming at all, but was slamming him. His real goal was... Gao Xianglan.

At this time, Gao Xianglan was being protected by Gao Hu's gang, and she had no idea that Ye Feng would suddenly rush over, so she had to resist in a hurry.

But the defense on this side was too weak compared to Gao Junming's side.

Ye Feng almost broke through and broke through.

Gao Hu originally stood in front of Gao Xianglan, but when Ye Feng rushed over, he suddenly took a step back and immediately exposed Gao Xianglan to the front.

In horror, Gao Xianglan was about to flee in a hurry.

But Ye Feng's Zhan Lu Jian had already reached her neck.

"Don't move, otherwise I can't guarantee that your head will be kept."

While Ye Feng spoke, he glanced at Gao Hu who had retreated far away.

This guy is really interesting.

On the other side, Gao Xianglan made her legs weak in fright.

She never expected that the situation would develop to this point.

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