I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 647 【647】Look, this is the pattern!


Gao Junming saw this scene, his eyes were splitting, and he hurriedly shouted.

Ye Feng looked back at him, "Let your people lay down their weapons."

Gao Junming threw the rat avoidance weapon, and hurriedly ordered the Chao Chao Xinhui members: "Let down all weapons."

The Chao Xinhui gang immediately threw away the swords, axes and sticks in their hands.

Gao Junming breathed a sigh of relief, and then stared at Ye Feng bitterly, "The person whose surname is Ye, is it too despicable for you to threaten my family?"

Ye Feng seemed to hear a joke, "You are so embarrassed to say despicable? You let hundreds of people besiege me alone, isn't that despicable?"

Gao Junming knew that he was at a disadvantage, so he didn't get too entangled in this issue, "Okay, you let my mother go first, I let you go, is this all right?"

Ye Feng sneered, "What you say, I don't believe a punctuation mark."

Gao Junming gritted his teeth and looked at him, "Then what do you want?"

Ye Feng showed a narrow smile, "I don't want to see you standing and talking to me, kneeling down!"

"What did you say?"

Gao Junming's eyes became sharp when he heard this.

The boss of his dignified Xinhui, the director of the underground organization department of this one-third of acres, asked him to kneel to a nasty kid? Are you kidding me?

"I made you kneel, don't you understand?"

With a light stroke of Zhan Lujian in Ye Feng's hand, Gao Xianglan immediately shed blood from her neck.

"Ah... Gao Junming, you can kneel down quickly, or your mother will die..."

Gao Xianglan immediately yelled.

Gao Junming didn't dare to hesitate any more, and fell to his knees with a "puff".

This scene shocked everyone on the scene.

Those melon-eating people who were watching the battle from a distance were already dumbfounded.

Ye Feng rushed into the siege of hundreds of people just now, and they were already stunned.

Seeing Gao Junming kneeling in public at this time was even more stunned.

"I can't do it anymore, my heart can't stand it anymore. Not only can I break through the siege of hundreds of people, but also capture Gao Junming's mother? This is simply a god!"

"I thought it was nonsense, but I found out today that it is true!"

"Gao Junming is kneeling, but Boss Gao is kneeling? I can't believe my eyes!"

"After this battle, this young man will surely become famous in the first battle..."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was standing next to Ye Feng, staring at his profile blankly, and had to admit that he really had a kingly power over the world.

Even the overbearing and powerful boss in Yangcheng will crawl under his feet.

This damn charm, can you not be so attractive? It's going to fall.

Gao Junming was extremely humiliated, his eyes eager to breathe fire, "I'm already on my knees, can you let my mother go?"

Ye Feng looked down at him condescendingly like an emperor, "You just mentioned two conditions to me. If you come and don't be indecent, I also put two conditions to you."

Gao Junming's teeth were about to break, but he nodded, "What conditions?"

Ye Feng said loudly: "First, I want you to disperse your wealth and donate all your black-hearted money to charitable organizations. It's just to help you accumulate some yin virtue, isn't it too much?"

When Gao Junming heard this, his heart began to bleed.

Over the years, he has murdered and surpassed goods, doing all the evil, and has accumulated billions of fortunes.

Now let him disperse his family wealth, this is almost killing him half his life.

But his mother Gao Xianglan's life was in the hands of the other party, so he couldn't help but not compromise.

"Okay, I promise you!"

Ye Feng continued: "Secondly, I want you to disband Chaoxinhui. You guys have lost their conscience, causing the people to complain. This is also a chance for you to re-behave. Isn't this too much?"

Gao Junming suddenly raised his head and stared at him, "Are you trying to kill them all?"

He has done so many conscientious things over the years, and his enemies are everywhere. Once Chaoxin will disband, I don't know how many people want his life.

The Zhan Lu sword in Ye Feng's hand flicked, and the blade went deeper again.

Gao Xianglan immediately screamed, "Gao Junming, you bastard, you quickly promise him, isn't it that your old lady's life is not even more important than a new trend?"

Gao Junming lowered his head and nodded weakly, "Okay, I agree."

As soon as he said this, the crowd onlookers was immediately in an uproar.

"Really? He really wants to disband Chaoxinhui? That's really great, I like Dapu Ben."

"Yes, Chaoxinhui has done a lot of evil in Yangcheng these years. The people dare not say anything. If it can be dissolved, it will be a great thing."

"Look, this is the pattern. Gao Junming just mentioned the conditions for his own benefit. But Mr. Ye is for the people of Li people. This is the gap!"

"It's no wonder that people can achieve great deeds at a young age. This kind of pattern is really incomparable to ordinary people."

"If the Chaoxin Club can really be dissolved, we Yangcheng people must remember the great kindness of Mr. Ye..."

What Chaoxinhui has done in Yangcheng over the years can be said to have been angry and grieving.

At this time, I heard that they were going to disband, and the onlookers almost started to celebrate with firecrackers.

Gao Junming gritted his teeth and stared at Ye Feng, "I have agreed to your conditions. Can I let my mother go now?"

Ye Feng slowly put away the sword, "I believe you Gao Junming is a person who believes in his words. If you don't dissolve the Chaoxinhui within three days, I will personally help you dissolve it."

Seeing his mother escaped from danger, Gao Junming first heaved a sigh of relief, and then winked at Gao Hu, who was not far from Ye Feng.

Gao Hu knew immediately, obviously his boss still didn't give up!

Do you want to do it?

(Wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival (*^▽^*))

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