I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 648 【648】This is the real boss!

Of course Gao Junming didn't give up. The foundation he laid down for so many years, just a few words from Ye Feng, wanted him to be completely dismantled? Are you kidding me?

So when his mother got out of trouble, he immediately gave Gao Hu a wink. As long as Gao Hu protected his mother, he gave another order and immediately hacked Ye Feng this bastard to death.

However, Gao Hu, who had always followed his advice, did not execute it uncharacteristically at this time. Instead, his gaze was erratic, as if he hadn't seen his wink.

Gao Junming suddenly became angry with Qiqiao, and his eyes showed a murderous look.

At this moment, a sirens suddenly sounded.

Then I saw a dozen police cars hurriedly approaching, the cars stopped, and a group of heavily armed tolerance rushed out from above.

Yi Jianye in the Tolerance Hall walked over in the first place, "It's all turned upside down? In broad daylight, how dare you gather people to fight? Do you still have King Fa in your eyes?"

The members of the Chaoxinhui who had just been fierce and wicked all lowered their heads to make way for him.

Yi Jianye walked to Gao Junming with a cold face, "Gao Junming, what do you want to do?"

Gao Junming faced this person without a trace of fear on his face, "Mr. Yi, have you come here to ask for such a small matter?"

Yi Jianye immediately glared, "Small things? You have gathered hundreds of people to cause chaos. Is this still a small thing? If it's a big thing, are you going to rebel?"

Before he took office, he had heard of Gao Junming's arrogance and domineering. After taking office, he had always wanted to use this person to operate, but he could not find a reason.

Unexpectedly, this bastard was lawless and even dared to gather a crowd to make trouble, but he hit his hand.

Gao Junming said haha, "I don't have the guts. Okay, since Mr. Yi is here, then I will sell you a face. Brothers, it's gone. I have dinner in Piaoxianglou tonight. I'll treat you."

Everyone in the Chaoxinhui clamored and applauded.

Seeing Gao Junming in front of him, Yi Jianye dared to be so arrogant, and was immediately furious, "I think you may not be able to get together for this meal. I am now using a crowd to make trouble and arrest you. First, go to the tolerance hall with me. Let's take a trip."

Gao Junming's expression sank, and he slowly leaned to his ear, "Yi Jianye, I will give you face, you don't know how to promote it."

Yi Jianye pushed him away, his gaze was torch, "A hooligan boss, dare to threaten tolerance? Who gave you the courage? Take it away for me!"

Following his order, he immediately rushed up to two tolerances and was about to take it down.

The few cronies who followed Gao Junming immediately stood up and confronted the tolerance.

Yi Jianye's eyes became fierce, "What? Do you still want to resist law enforcement? If you have any, try it."

Gao Junming smiled faintly, waved his hand to make several people back, "Okay, you can go back first, I will go with Mr. Yi. The dinner tonight is the same, no one can be missing."

After that, he walked to Yi Jianye and patted him on the shoulder, "Believe it or not, how did you take me away now, and then how do you release me? Haha..."

After speaking, he swaggered and left with a few tolerances.

Yi Jianye was furious at this time. It is totally unreasonable for him to be so humiliated by a rogue leader as a tolerance.

At this moment, Ye Feng walked over slowly and smiled at him, "Mr. Yi, we meet again."

When Yi Jianye faced Ye Feng, his complexion eased a little, "You really don't stop, you just came out of the tolerance hall and made such a thing?"

Ye Feng looked at him innocently, "I'm wronged, I'm a victim, okay? Who would be okay to provoke the trendy new club? Isn't that impatient to live?"

His words stung Yi Jianye again.

As a tolerance, it is necessary to protect the people of one side to live and work in peace and contentment. Now it is simply a shame.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, you also come with us to assist in the investigation."

He said to Ye Feng with a cold face.

At this time, Zhuang Xiaoqiao suddenly came over from behind, "Mr. Yi, we are really innocent. We are all people from Chaoxinhui deceiving people too much."

When Yi Jianye saw her, his face changed obviously, "Zhuang..."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao interrupted him immediately, "Mr. Yi, we are all law-abiding citizens. You must enforce the law impartially."

Yi Jianye quickly recovered his expression, "Haha, of course, it is our duty to protect the lives and property of citizens. Then Mr. Ye will provide you with traffic monitoring. If you have any questions, I will call and ask at any time."

Ye Feng didn't say much, and immediately walked back to Meilan Night, and provided the traffic monitoring to the tolerance.

A doubt arose in his heart. Yi Jianye's face changed drastically after seeing Zhuang Xiaoqiao just now. He obviously recognized something, but was interrupted in a hurry by Zhuang Xiaoqiao.

This left him at a loss, what is the origin of this girl? How did you know Yi Jianye?

Subsequently, under the command of Yi Jianye, Gao Junming, Gao Xianglan, and the leaders of the new Chaoxinhui were all taken away by tolerance. The wounded were also taken to the hospital, and the other young men were all dispersed.

Finally, several police cars roared away.

Until this time, the crowd of onlookers had not dispersed yet, and they all looked at Ye Feng with an unbelievable look.

"My God, this young man is too powerful, isn't it? The people who provoke Chaoxinhui are still safe?"

"Yes, on the contrary, Gao Junming, the boss of Chaoxinhui, was taken away by tolerance. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it was killed."

"This is the real boss! If we can really get rid of Chaoxinhui for us, it will really be a blessing to the people of Yangcheng."

"Such a young boss, and he is so handsome, if I were a woman, I would definitely marry him."

"Come on, just what you look like, even a woman is an ugly monster, what are you worthy of?"

"Yes, how beautiful do you think the girl next to them is? Can they look at you?"

"But, my show..."

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