I Picked Up 100 Million In The Rental House At The Beginning

Chapter 649 【649】You are my broom star

"Ye Feng, are you okay?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao didn't find a chance to look at the wound on Ye Feng's shoulder until then, with a worried expression on his face.

"It's just a little injury, it's not in the way."

Ye Feng looked at her with complicated eyes. If it weren't for her today, he would really have explained here.

The thought of the two gunmen ambushing on the roof made his back chill.

It is not that difficult to accurately hit the wrists of those mobs on the roof of a dozen or so floors.

Being able to use this level of protection can also see that Zhuang Xiaoqiao's background is absolutely extraordinary.

Reminiscing about Yi Jianye's expression when he saw her just now, the more it explains everything.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao was stared at by his scorching gaze, and he suddenly twisted, "Why are you looking at people like this?"

Ye Feng looked at her earnestly, "We have experienced life and death together today, and it can be considered a common adversity. Your position in my heart is becoming clearer and clearer. Do you know what you mean to me?"

Zhuang Xiaoqiao's face was even redder, and water was about to drip out, "I...what's yours?"

After asking this sentence, her heart began to jump wildly.

The two have just experienced life and death together. Did he finally figure out his feelings for her, so he wants to confess to her?

Are you really nervous?

If he really confessed to me, how should I respond?

Do you want to promise him? If he agrees, will he always love me?

What if he starts chaos and ends up abandoning in the future? They left their widows and orphans, helpless...

She thinks very long-term and very thorough.

But then Ye Feng said seriously: "You are my broom star."


Miss Zhuang, who was bathing in love, stayed for a while, this confession... is too unusual, right?

What does broom star mean?

broom? Is he praising me for being virtuous and caring for my family?

star? Are you complimenting me for being beautiful? Important to him?

When she was thinking about it, she heard Ye Feng continue to say: "Since I met you, I really drank cold water and stuffed my teeth, and I smashed my heels when I fart. Either I was framed or chased and killed. No day has passed..."

Zhuang Xiaoqiao looked at him dumbfounded, not knowing how to react.

"Miss Zhuang, we are not on the same road. From now on, you will walk on your Yangguan Road and I will walk on my single-plank bridge. Don’t have any contact. Okay?"

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he turned around resolutely, but he screamed in his heart.

He could see that Zhuang Xiaoqiao was so scary that he could not provoke him at all.

If she let her family know that she encountered so many dangers following him, I'm afraid I won't spare him lightly.

So in order to live a long life, I had to get rid of this oil bottle.

Zhuang Xiaoqiao watched his car ride away, tears filled his big eyes.

"Ye Feng, you big villain, I hate you..."


Ye Feng was besieged by hundreds of people from Chaoxinhui, snipers appeared at the scene, and Gao Junming was taken away by tolerance. A series of things immediately spread throughout the upper circles of Yangcheng, triggering a twelfth-magnitude earthquake.

Both Ye Feng and Gao Junming are very high-profile figures in Yangcheng. Now the two of them have completely torn their faces and broke out such a big conflict, it is difficult not to attract people's attention.

The wives of the Yangcheng business community often organize private gatherings. In addition to comparing each other, they just talk about gossip.

Lei Chunfang had become the laughing stock of the wife's group these days because of her husband Wei Changfeng's plea to Ye Feng, so she was originally unwilling to participate.

But she couldn't stand the soft and hard foam of a best friend, she finally followed, but she found a corner to drink boring wine alone.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a few women talking loudly next to him.

"Have you heard? Ye Feng and Gao Junming completely tore their faces today, and a large-scale conflict broke out. Hundreds of people from Chaoxinhui besieged Ye Feng..."

Lei Chunfang was immediately taken aback, that the young man who could force her husband to commit crimes was besieged?

She immediately picked up the wine glass and walked over to several people.

If they were changed in normal times, these women with long tongues would definitely ridicule her.

But today, I was attracted by Ye Feng's topic, and no one paid attention to her.

"My God, really? The people from Chaoxinhui besieged Ye Feng? Why?"

Immediately, a woman exclaimed and hurriedly asked.

Several other women also showed a curious look.

In addition, the wives of the entire banquet hall also cast their attention.

The woman who took the lead in "breaking the news" suddenly became the focus of everyone. She felt a sense of vanity and continued to tell her story.

“I heard that at the beginning, it was Gao Junming’s mother who let the dog bit Ye Feng’s girlfriend. Ye Feng was angry and killed her dog and beat her. Then she called her son and called for a Help people..."

With her narration, more and more people came around.

"You are talking about that old lady Gao Xianglan? That woman is really not a thing, Ye Feng played well!"

Immediately there was a woman who appreciated Ye Feng's behavior.

The women next to them were suddenly shocked.

"Are you crazy? Don't bother us if you want to die. That's Gao Junming's mother. How dare you say this?"

"Yes, although Gao Junming has been arrested, he will be released soon according to past practices. Are you afraid that he will trouble you?"

"Chaoxinhui, who dares to mess with it? Don't mess with your man."

Hearing a few people's reprimands, the woman didn't care and snorted, "I'm telling the truth, that old woman is a pervert. Just because other girls are young and beautiful, she disfigured them, and she was a beast. Not as good."

When a group of women heard this, they fell silent immediately.

They knew that this woman was telling the truth, that the old lady was indeed vicious, and in the upper circles of Yangcheng, it was not a secret, but everyone dared not speak.

Ye Feng's behavior today can actually be regarded as a sigh of foul for them.

Lei Chunfang was shocked as everyone heard the discussion.

The old lady Gao Xianglan, she had also met several times at some parties, and she was frightened every time.

The main reason is that the old lady is notorious, and for them, she is even more vicious than Gao Junming.

Although Gao Junming is also ruthless, he rarely does anything to women unless he really provokes him.

But this old lady was different, she targeted a woman, and whether she was provoked or not, as long as she was young and beautiful and made her look unpleasant, she would suffer brutality.

Therefore, when the old lady appears, the women basically can't go without it. They can't avoid it, so they deliberately don't make up or make it ugly.

For fear of being too overwhelming, it would be dangerous to be favored by this old lady.

Now, this old lady with a snake-hearted heart was repaired by Ye Feng, and she was still very happy.

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