“She’s just a caregiver, and testing drugs is just a voluntary act! It’s not right for you to force her to try the drug! Zhang Long said loudly and righteously.

Chen Qun looked Zhang Long up and down, surprised that the drug dealer dressed as a company employee in front of him dared to scold himself!

Chen Qun in surprise turned angry!

Zhang Long saw that the little gold lord Chen Qun did not commit violence against the nurse anymore, and he took two steps back, not wanting to deal with this second-year young man.

“You t/m? Dare to talk to me like that? Chen Qun asked Zhang Long impatiently, and his words revealed ruthlessness.

I saw several thug bodyguards standing in the corridor of the nursing home not far away, and they were striding towards this side, it seemed to be the young master’s person.

“Chen Qun, have you made enough trouble?!” , Jiang Xiaodie came over, stared at him with both eyes on fire, and drank back Chen Qun who wanted to make trouble.

“Xiaodie, I’m not helping your father test the medicine, who knows if this new medicine will eat dead people?” , Chen Qun felt aggrieved, and wanted to hold Jiang Xiaodie with both hands, but seeing that she didn’t care, he had to carry it in his trouser pocket.

“My dad is still in the emergency ward! You’re still making trouble here! Jiang Xiaodie was angry, feeling that her boyfriend was not doing enough, and sighed, “I wonder now why I took a fancy to you at school in the first place!” ”

“When your father’s illness improves, I will immediately arrange for my uncle to be transferred to the hospital, and my father has invested in a six-star health center in Fangshan District…”

Zhang Long felt a fire in his heart, otherwise the Xiaodie girl would have been present, and today he would really beat this second ancestor!

Suddenly the mobile phone rang suddenly, and Zhang Long answered the phone.

“Brother, good news for you! Our batch of new drugs was successfully tested today! “, Yang Yueying’s excited sweet voice came from the other end of the phone!

“Really! That’s great, it seems that if nothing else, this batch of drugs will be ordered out immediately, you let the first factory and the second factory prepare the raw materials on the market, and the marketing department will issue a market research report! Zhang Long had a business experience in his mind, and after thinking about it, he said, “Remember, our genetic recombinant drugs will be upgraded and improved, and the publicity will keep up with it in the later stage!” In terms of pricing, wait until I go back to the meeting to discuss…”

Today, Zhou Yu of Mizuki University passed the layers of screening of Aolong Company, and after signing the contract today, as the first batch of trial volunteers, he took the “recombinant gene drug” in the laboratory of Aolong Company

Volunteers, including Zhou Yu, had swallowed the new drug and were used as guinea pigs to observe the changes in their body surface after the trial.

On both sides are the lovely young sisters of the second graduate of Capital Medical University who interned in Aolong, they did not have any fear when they saw Zhou Yu, unlike other volunteers, they would be apprehensive, sitting and staring at the girl’s cute face.

“Classmate, do you have a fever?” , Liu Xinlei touched her forehead and found that Zhou Yu seemed to have fever symptoms, and began to record with a pen.

“No, I didn’t burn it!” , Zhou Yu thought that I don’t know how many side effects there are! Let me take a look at the little sister a few more times, what’s wrong?

Suddenly, a miracle appeared, Zhou Yu’s limbs and half of his face were originally obvious features of albinism, but now they are obviously changing the color of their skin!

“Oh my God!” , Liu Xinlei came in surprise, this is simply a miracle in the hospital world!

Just like a chameleon, Zhou Yu’s body became like an ordinary person in just a few hours, and when Zhou Yu looked at his body again, he couldn’t help but cry with joy, feeling that he could finally be like a normal person. He didn’t dare to find a girlfriend when he was so big.

In the same group of volunteers, except for Zhou Yu, three patients with trisomy 21, two deaf and mute, four blind patients caused by macular degeneration and one patient with myocardial infarction all recovered their health!

This news spread like a frying pan, spreading in the capital and even the whole country!

The door of Aolong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has been surrounded by various reporters to report, and the customer service phone of the group company has also been bombed!

At the end of the mobile phone QQ group, the core employee group of Aolong is already celebrating this matter.

Everyone cheered in the group “Long live the boss!” Long live the dragon! “Boss! ”

Yang Yueying also personally @ Zhang Long and told Zhang Long that the staff of today’s focus interview wanted to ask him to record the show on Sunday.

Zhang Long replied with a three-haired blackface expression, signaling everyone to calm down, telling Yang Yueying about the focus interview when he went back, the schedule may be full?

Zhang Long felt in his heart that the company’s new employees after zero were too immature, and they kept following the wind and grass? So, Zhang Long casually threw out a voice red envelope, “Hey, you’re paralyzed, roll to sleep!” ”

Seeing the voice of the screen, Zhang Long was happy, and soon this tens of thousands of red envelopes were finished.

Zhang Long stayed at the Capital Hotel tonight, just took a bath, ready to sleep, tomorrow and several real estate companies to talk about the cooperation of the expansion company, and then return to Aolong Company to preside over the overall situation, who would have thought, a strange mobile phone called again.

Zhang Long wondered who was so late and called, and picked up the phone and said: “Hey, hello, what’s the matter?” Zhang Long, who guessed what the sales call was, was ready to hang up.

But a familiar girl’s voice came from the other end of the phone: “I am Xiaodie, I asked Professor Tu for your contact information, Mr. Zhang, I’m really sorry to disturb you, I apologize to you for Chen Qun for what happened in the nursing home just now.” ”

“It turns out to be Jiang Lao’s thousand gold, it’s okay, it’s okay, don’t care.” , Zhang Long inexplicably had a good impression of her.

“My dad, my dad is dying, I’m in front of the intensive care room of the Capital Hospital now, can you help me…”, Jiang Xiaodie’s voice was sobbed, and Chu Chu was moving.

Get dressed, shave, get dressed, and drive right away. Zhang Long felt that there was someone in his subconscious who was worth doing for himself.

There are still many people waiting in the corridor of the intensive care unit of the Capital Hospital in the early morning, and the fifth chief, Jiang Zaiming, is still in the intensive care unit.

“Xiaodie, how is Jiang Gong?” , Zhang Long asked, holding a file bag in his hand and bringing a new medicine.

“The hospital has issued a notice of endangerment. My mom is gone, I only have such a relative now, I can’t lose him! “, Jiang Xiaodie was very sad… Jiang Xiaodie handed Zhang Long the “Volunteer Drug Test Contract (Good Zhao Zhao)”, which signed Jiang Xiaodie’s name.

“My new drug can treat incurable diseases including heart disease, carry out human genetic recombination, and eliminate unfavorable genes, but Jiang Gong has lost consciousness now, and I am afraid that he may not be able to take it orally?” , Zhang Long raised his own doubts, there is no way to take off the medicine, it is equivalent to a panacea can not revive a dead person without digestive function, it is a truth.

“I have a way to try it!” , Jiang Xiaodie said with a mental move, she stood up, and Zhang Long handed her a small bottle of new medicine.

I saw Jiang Xiaodie borrowing a stone pounding pot for Chinese medicine, pounding all these new medicines into powder, and then putting a small amount of medicinal powder into the needle tube, and then using the needle tube to punch into the drip hanging bottle to frighten.

Jiang Xiaodie survived in danger, and saving his old father moved Zhang Long. And Jiang Zaiming has a high position, if the new drug produced by his company this time will save the No. 5 old chief, I am afraid it is really a great opportunity, and Aolong will also be supported by the central government as a leading enterprise! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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